امید سفالیان

مرتبه علمی: استاد
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه مهندسی تولید و ژنتیک گیاهی
شماره تماس: 04531505152
ایمیل: sofalian@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: 0000-0001-5003-0492
AllSince 2019

امید سفالیان متولد 18/2/1353 تبریز تحصیلات ابتدایی تا انتهای دوره کارشناسی زراعت و اصلاح نباتات را در شهر ارومیه به اتمام رسانده ام. دوره کارشناسی ارشد اصاح نباتات در دانشگاه تبریز در سال 1378 و دوره دکتری تخصصی ژنتیک بیومتری خود را در سال 1386 از دانشگاه تبریز اخذ کرده ام. از سال 1386 هیات علمی گروه مهندسی تولید و ژنتیک گیاهی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی هستم.



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اصلاح نباتات مولکولی برای مقاومت به تنش ها

مکان یابی QTL گیاهان زراعی

تنوع ژنتیکی گیاهان زراعی

تنوع ژنتیکی در گونه های وحشی و دارویی و خویشاوندان وحشی

مقالات انگلیسی

100 - AS Bokaei, O Sofalian, B Sorkhilalehloo, A Asghari, ...,Deciphering the level of genetic diversity in some aegilops species using CAAT box-derived polymorphism (CBDP) and start codon target polymorphism (SCoT …,2023
99 - P JAHED, M SEDGHİ, RS SHARİFİ, O SOFALİAN,Effect of Priming on Germination Traits and Antioxidant Enzymes of Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) Seeds with Different Vigor under Drought Stress,2023
98 - S Ahmadpour, R Darvishzadeh, O Sofalian, N Abbaspour, HA Holasou, ...,Association analysis of salt tolerance in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) using retrotransposon markers.,2022
97 - P Sheikhnavajahed, M Sedghi, R Seyedsharifi, O Sofalian,Effect of seed priming on physiological and germination characteristics of deteriorated seed of squash (Cucurbita pepo L. var. styrica) under salinity stress.,2022
96 - A Shirzad, A Asghari, H Zali, O Sofalian, HM Chamanabad,Application of the multi-trait genotype-ideotype distance index in the selection of top barley genotypes in the warm and dry region of Darab.,2022
95 - A Rahmani, A Asghari, H Jafari, O Sofalian,QTL mapping for physiological traits affecting lead tolerance in the Hordeum vulgare L.,2021
94 - A Abdollahi Hesar, O Sofalian, B Alizadeh, A Asghari, H Zali,Investigation of frost stress tolerance in some promising rapeseed genotypes,2021
93 - H Zali, T Hasanloo, O Sofalian, A Asghari,Evaluation of drought stress effect on seed oil yield and fatty acid composition in canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars,2020
92 - A Abdollahi Hesar, O Sofalian, B Alizadeh, A Asghari, H Zali,Evaluation of some autumn canola genotypes based on agronomy traits and SIIG index,2020
91 - E Ramzi, A Asghari, O Sofalian, A Mehraban, A Ebadi,Evaluation of seed yield stability of barley promising genotypes using principal coordinates analysis,2020
90 - E Ramzi, A Asghari, O Sofalian, A Mehraban, A Ebadi,Evaluation of grain yield stability and genotype-environment interaction of barley promising lines in warm and humid regions of the country,2020
89 - S Hasanian, O Sofalian, N Zare, A Tarinejad, M Davari, A Pirzad,Evaluating resistance to Ascochyta blight in some chickpea genotypes and its impact on antioxidant enzymes activities, containing of Proline and carbohydrate,2020
88 - O Sofalian, N Zare, S Latifi, K Hasanpour, S Motalebinia,Evaluation of anticancer effect of Mentha longifolia and Artemisia persica hydro-alcoholic extracts against human gastric cancer cells (AGS),2020
87 - N Azimi, O Sofalian, M Davari, A Asghari, N Zare,Statistical and machine learning-based FHB detection in durum wheat,2020
86 - A Rahmani, A Asghari, H Jafary, O Sofalian,Physiological and morphological responses of two barley varieties and their progenies to toxic effects of Lead,2020
85 - O Sofalian, N Zare, S Latifi, S Motalebinia, K Hasanpour,Effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Achilla millefolium and Salvia officinalis against human gastric Cancer cells,2020
84 - M Golmohammadi, O Sofalian, M Taheri, A Ghanbari, V Rasoli,Changes in fruit yield and photosynthesis parameters IN different olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.) under contrasting water regimes,2020
83 - S Tadili, A Asghari, R Karimizadeh, O Sofalian, HM Chamanabad,Evaluation of drought stress tolerance in advanced lines durum wheat using the selection index of ideal genotype (SIIG).,2020
82 - R Karimizadeh, A Asghari, O Sofalian, K Shahbazi Homonlo, ...,Identification of the most stable durum wheat genotypes using nonparametric yield stability statistics,2019
81 - H Hamze, A Asghri, SA Mohammadi, O Sofalian, S Mohammadi,Grouping of spring wheat recombinant inbred lines in term of phenological and partitioning of assimilates in normal and water deficit conditions,2019
80 - H Hamza, A Asghari, SA Mohammadi, O Sofalian, S Mohammadi, ...,Mapping QTLs with additive effects and additive× additive epistatic interactions for harvest index in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),2019
79 - O Sofalian, F Ajri, A Sabouri, A Asghari, S Hasanian,Consistency of upland and Lowland rice genotypes grouping by microsatellite markers and drought tolerance indices,2019
78 - L Aalam, M Sedghi, O Sofalian,Sodium nitroprusside and salicylic acid decrease antioxidant enzymes activity in soybean,2019
77 - M Gholmohammadi, O Sofalian, M Taheri, A Ghanbari, V Rasoli,Effect of drought stress on physiological traits and antioxidant activities in some olive cultivars,2019
76 - S Motallebinia, O Sofalian, A Asghari, A Rasoulzadeh, B Fathi,Study of drought tolerance indices and their relationship with ISSR markers in some canola (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars,2019
75 - M Golmohammadi, O Sofalian, J Ahmadi, M Taheri, A Ghanbari, V Rasoli,Evaluation of genetic variation in some Iranian and foreign cultivars and promising genotypes of olive using ISSR markers ISSR,2019
74 - O Sofalian, R Darvishzadeh, H Hatamzadeh,Evaluation of yield stability of sunflower inbred lines under salt stress conditions,2019
73 - S Moharramnejad, O Sofalian, M Valizadeh, A Asghari, M Shiri, M Ashraf,Response of maize to field drought stress: oxidative defense system, osmolytes’ accumulation and photosynthetic pigments,2019
72 - A Asghari, R Karimizadeh, R Chinipardaz, O Sofalian, A Ghaffari, ...,Use of principal coordinate analysis for measuring GE interactions in rain-fed durum wheat genotypes,2019
71 - H Zali, T Hasanloo, O Sofalian, A Asgharii, M Enayati Shariatpanahi,Identifying drought tolerant canola genotypes using selection index of ideal genotype,2019
70 - B Firoozi, Z Nasser, O Sofalian, P Sheikhzade-Mosadegh,In vitro indirect somatic embryogenesis and secondary metabolites production in the saffron: emphasis on ultrasound and plant growth regulators,2019
69 - S Ahmadpour, O Sofalian, R Darvishzadeh, N Abbaspour,Preliminary evidence of the associations between DNA markers and morphological characters in sunflower under natural and salt stress conditions.,2018
68 - S Ahmadpour, R Darvishzadeh, O Sofalian,Selection indices for yield improvement of sunflower under normal and salt stress conditions,2018
67 - H HAMZA, A Asghari, O SOFALIAN, M NOURAEIN,Mapping main and Epistatic QTL and their interaction with environment for biological yield in recombinant inbred lines of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),2018
66 - A Hatami Hampa, A Javanmard, MT Elebrahim, O Sofalian,Allelopathic Effects of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and Russian Knapweed (Acroptilon repens L.) Aqueous Extract on Seed Germination Indices and Enzyme Activity of Some Field …,2018
65 - A Hatami Hampa, A Javanmard, MT Alebrahim, O Sofalian,Allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts from Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens L.) on seedling growth and enzymes activity of wheat, sugar …,2018
64 - B Firoozi, Z Nasser, O Sofalian, P Sheikhzade-Mosadegh,Enhancement of the transfection efficiency of DNA into Crocus sativus L. cells via PEI nanoparticles,2018
63 - H Hamze, A Asghari, O Sofalian,Estimates of Heritability and Association among Traits in Recombinant Inbred Lines of Spring wheat under Normal and Terminal Water Conditions,2018
62 - H Zali, O Sofalian, M Zeinalabedini, B Alizadeh,Assessment of variability and genetic structure of canola cultivars and lines using SSR markers related on drought tolerance QTLs,2018
61 - H Zali, O Sofalian, M Zeinalabedini, T Hasanloo, A Asghari, B Alizadeh,Assessment of haplotype and allelic diversity of SSR markers in canola,2018
60 - H Hamza, A Asghari, SA Mohammadi, O Sofalian, S Mohammadi,Multifactorial mapping of QTL for yield and yield component in wheat (Triticum aestivum) in normal and drought conditions.,2018
59 - A Mohammadi, O Sofalian, H Jafari, A Asghari, F Shekari,Assessing thegenetic diversity of two populations of barley under normal and drought stress conditions in seedlling stage using multivariate analyses,2017
58 - O Sofalian,Generation mean analysis for quantitative traits and antioxidant enzymes activity in maize under water deficit stress,2017
57 - S Ahmadpour, O Sofalian, R Darvishzadeh,Genetic diversity of oily sunflower lines under normal and salt stress conditions using multivariate statistical analysis methods,2017
56 - H Hamze, A Asghari, SA Mohammadi, O Sofalian, S Mohammadi,Grouping of spring wheat recombinant inbred lines in term of some agronomic traits,2017
55 - S Mohammadnia, A Asghari, O Sofalian, H Mohammaddoust, ...,Evaluation of Durum Wheat Lines using Seed Yild based Indices in Drought Condition and relation between these Indices,2017
54 - H Zali, T Hassanloo, O Sofalian, A Asghari, M Zeinalabedini,Appropriate strategies for selection of drought tolerant genotypes in canola,2017
53 - R Karimizadeh, A Asghari, R Chinipardaz, O Sofalian, A Ghaffari,Application of GGE biplot analysis to evaluate grain yield stability of rainfed spring durum wheat genotypes and test locations by climatic factors in Iran,2016
52 - R Karimizadeh, A Asghari, R Chinipardaz, O Sofalian, A Ghaffari,Determining yield stability and model selection by AMMI method in rain-fed durum wheat genotypes,2016
51 - S Moharramnejad, O Sofalian, M Valizadeh, A Asgari, MR Shiri,Response of antioxidant defense system to osmotic stress in maize seedlings,2016
50 - H Zali, T Hasanloo, O Sofalian, A Asghari, M Zeinalabedini,Drought stress effect on physiological parameter and amino acids accumulations in canola,2016
49 - A Javadi, S Khomari, O Sofalian,Seed vigor and boron and calcium nutrition influence oilseed rape germinability and seedling growth under salt stress,2016
48 - H Zali, O Sofalian, T Hasanloo, A Asghari,AMMI and GGE biplot analysis of yield stability and drought tolerance in Brassica napus L.,2016
47 - S Moharramnejad, M Valizadeh, O Sofalian, M Shiri, A Asgari,Effect of water deficit stress on agronomic traits and superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) activity in three maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids,2016
46 - M Madadi, S Khomari, A Javadi, O Sofalian,Effect of black cumin seed priming with calcium nitrate and nano-zinc oxide on germinability and seedling growth under salinity stress,2016
45 - H Zali, O Sofalian, T Hasanloo, A Asghari,Evaluation of yield stability and drought tolerance based AMMI and GGE biplot analysis in Brassica napus L,2016
44 - B Sarami-rad, M Shokrpour, O Sofalian, SEH Nezhad, A Avanes, ...,Association nalysis of AFLP and RAPD markers with cadmium accumulation in wheat,2016
43 - B Tahmasebpour, O Sofalian, H Dehghanian, SS Hoseini,Evaluation of drought stress effect in summer safflower genotypes,2016
42 - S Mohammadnia, A Asghari, O Sofalian, ...,Evaluation of durum wheat lines using drought stress indices,2016
41 - B Saramirad, M Shokrpour, O Sofalian, A Pourmohammad, E Esfandiari,Evaluation of genetic diversity of wheat genotypes by AFLP markers,2016
40 - I Eshghi, RA Zkaria, A Nabipour, O Sofalian, M Norouzi,Yield stability of rice promising lines in Mazandaran Province,2016
39 - O Sofalian, P BADARİAN, A ASGHARI, M SEDGHI, B FIROOZİ,Identification of seed storage protein polymorphism in some soybean (Glycine max Merril) genotypes using SDS-PAGE technique,2015
38 - M Jafari, RA Zakarya, B Alizadeh, O Sofalyan, N Zare,Study of seed yield stability in winter rapeseed (Brassica napus) genotypes using Eberhart and Russell's method.,2015
37 - H Zali, O Sofalian, T Hasanloo, A Asghari, M Zeinalabedini,The influence of drought stress on nutrients uptake and physiological responses in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) lines.,2015
36 - A Tarinejad, O Sofalian, R Valizadeh, K Shams,Efficiency of anchored and non-anchored ISSR markers to estimate genetic diversity among bread wheat cultivars,2015
35 - M Sepehri, O Sofalian, A Asghari, B Firoozi, F Ahmadpoor,Assessment of diversity of soybean (Glycin max L.) genotypes for cold tolerance using physiological traits and ISSR markers,2015
34 - S Moharramnejad, O Sofalian, M Valizadeh, A Asgari, M Shiri,Proline, glycine betaine, total phenolics and pigment contents in response to osmotic stress in maize seedlings.,2015
33 - H Zali, O Sofalian, T Hasanloo, A Asgharii, SM Hoseini,Appraising of drought tolerance relying on stability analysis indices in canola genotypes simultaneously, using selection index of ideal genotype (SIIG) technique: Introduction …,2015
32 - B Saremi Rad, EA Esfandiari, M Shokrpour, O Sofalian, A Avanes, ...,Cadmium effects on some morphological and physiological parameters in wheat at seedling stage,2014
31 - R Hamidi, M Sedghi, D Taghavi, O Sofalian,Effects of foliar application of salicylic acid and auxin on yield and morphological traits of three potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.),2014
30 - S KAHRIZI, M SEDGHI, O SOFALIAN,Evaluation of The Effect of Salinity on Some Physiological and Phenological Traits in Durum Wheat Cultivars,2014
29 - B Firoozi, O Sofalian, M Shokrpour, A Rasoulzadeh, F Ahmadpoor,Evaluation of spring wheat genotypes using drought tolerance indices and principle component analysis,2013
28 - T KHABIRI, R ASGHARI-ZAKARIA, Z Nasser, O SOFALIAN,Assessing genetic diversity based on gliadin proteins in Aegilops cylindrica populations from northwest of Iran,2013
27 - O Sofalian, PB Miandoab, A Asghari, M Sedghi, A Eshghi,Relationship between salt tolerance related physiological traits and protein markers in soybean cultivars (Glycine max l.),2013
26 - O Sofalian, S Azimy, S Jahanbakhsh, S Khomari, S Dezhsetan,Evaluating genetic diversity of chilling stress in cotton genotypes,2013
25 - O Sofalian, M Behi,Assessment of winter survival in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes using molecular markers and some physiological traits.,2013
24 - S Kahrizi, M Sedghi, O Sofalian,Evaluation of the effect of salt stress on some of agronomic and morphological characters in ten durum wheat cultivars,2013
23 - AJ Baranduzi, O SOFALIAN, RA Zakaria, A ASGHARI, M SHOKRPOUR,Assessment of genetic diversity in Aegilops species in North-West of Iran using ISSR marker,2013
22 - S Azymi, O Sofalian, S Jahanbakhsh G, S Khomari,Effect of chilling stress on soluble protein, sugar and prolin accumulation in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes.,2012
21 - M Nemati, A Asghari, O Sofalian, A Rasoulzadeh, ...,Effect of water stress on rapeseed cultivars using morpho-physiological traits and their relations with ISSR markers,2012
20 - B Firoozi, O Sofalian, M Shokrpour, A Rasoulzadeh, F Ahmadpoor,Assessment of drought tolerance indices and their relation with ISSR markers in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),2012
19 - AA ABDI, O SOFALIAN, A ASGHARI, M SHOKRPOUR, H BAQHERI, ...,Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers to study genetic diversity among cotton cultivars in associated with salt tolerance,2012
18 - M Yousofinia, A Ghassemian, O Sofalian, S Khomari,Effects of salinity stress on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) germination and seedling growth.,2012
17 - S Kahrizi, M Sedighi, O Sofalian,Effect of salt stress on proline and activity of antioxidant enzymes in ten durum wheat cultivars,2012
16 - O Sofalian, A Asgari, M Shokrpour, RA Zakarya,Relationship between storage protein banding pattern and growth type of some bread wheat varieties,2012
15 - MAS Kandi, A Tobeh, A Gholipouri, S Jahanbakhsh, D Hassanpanah, ...,Investigation of nitrogen uptake and partitioning in different plant organs and tubers n content affected by application of different N fertilizer levels in potato cultivars.,2012
14 - T Khabiri, R Asghari-Zakaria, N Zareh, O Sofalian,Analysis of genetic diversity based on HMW and LMW glutenin subunits in Aegilops cylindrica from Nourthwest of Iran,2012
13 - MAS Kandi, A Tobeh, A Gholipoor, S Jahanbakhsh, D Hassanpanah, ...,Effects of different N fertilizer rate on starch percentage, soluble sugar, dry matter, yield and yield components of potato cultivars.,2011
12 - A Asghari, M Shokrpour, HM Chamanabad, O Sofalian,Evaluating genetic diversity of canola cultivars using morphological traits and molecular markers,2011
11 - A Asghari, M Shokrpour, H Mohammad Doost Chaman Abad, E Panahi, ...,Evaluation of genetic diversity of Dactylis glomerata L. ecotypes using RAPD markers,2011
10 - GY ABBASPOUR, M Ahani, AAE ASKARI, SV RASOOLI, O Sofalian,Design, fabrication and evaluation of a tractor-mounted soil cone penetrometer with multiple probes,2010
9 - A Naghavi, O Sofalian, A Asghari, M Sedghi,Relation between freezing tolerance and seed storage proteins in winter bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),2010
8 - O Sofalian, SA Mohammadi, S Aharizad, M Moghaddam, MR Shakiba,Mapping of QTLs for frost tolerance and heading time using SSR markers in bread wheat,2009
7 - O Sofalian, M Valizadeh,Investigation of seed storage proteins in some wild wheat progenitors using SDS-PAGE and Acid-PAGE,2009
6 - O Sofalian, N Chaparzadeh, M Dolati,Genetic diversity in spring wheat landraces from northwest of Iran assessed by ISSR markers,2009
5 - O Sofalian, N Chaparzadeh, A Javanmard, MS Hejazi,Study the genetic diversity of wheat landraces from northwest of Iran based on ISSR molecular markers,2008
4 - N Chaparzadeh, O Sofalian, A Javanmard, MS Hejazi, L Zarandi,Study of glutenin subunits in some wheat landraces from northwest of Iran by SDS-PAGE technique.,2008
3 - M Valizadeh, O Sofalian, H Shahbazi, M Moghaddam, I Madgidi,The comparision of HMW glutenin subunits in bread-wheat landraces from northwest of IRAN and improved varieties,2008
2 - O Sofalian, SA Mohammadi, S Aharizad, M Moghaddam, MR Shakiba,Inheritance of cold tolerance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),2006
1 - 진흥신,자폐성아동의 놀이다움 평정척도 (Playfulness of Test: ToP) 에 대한 타당도와 신뢰도,2005

مقالات فارسی

کتاب انگلیسی

کتاب فارسی

معاونت آموزشی و پژوهشی دانشکده کشاورزی مشگین شهر



مدیر امور آموزشی دانشگاه



عضو کمسیون تخصصی ارتقا گروه علوم کشاورزی



عضویت در کمیته حمایت و  نظارت بر فعالیت های انجمن های علمی



عضو هیات نظارت و ارزیابی آموزش عالی استانی اردبیل



عضو کمیته هماهنگی استانی گسترش آموزش های علمی کاربردی استانی اردبیل



عضویت در شورای برنامه ریزی و نظارت راهبردی حوزه آموزشی و تحصیلات تکمیلی  دانشگاه



استاد راهنمای المپیاد دانشجویان رشته زراعت و اصلاح نباتات



دبیر کارگروه تخصصی آموزشی کمیته پدافند غیر عامل دانشگاه



برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه

11 - تنوع ژنتیکی موجود در برخی از خویشاوندان وحشی گندم ایران, علی سجاد بکایی, 1402

10 - ارزیابی تحمل تنش یخزدگی در لاین های امید بخش گندم دوروم و ارتباط آن با نشانگر های مولکولی, فاطمه محمدی آذر, 1401

9 - ارزیابی ژنوتیپ های امید بخش پنبه از لحاظ زمان رسیدگی بر اساس صفات مورفولوژیک و نشانگر های مولکولی, سید یعقوب سید معصومی, 1401

8 - ارزیابی مقاومت به یخزدگی در ژنوتیپ های پاییزه کلزا از طریق بررسی صفات مورفولوژیک فیزیولوژیک ونشانگر های مولکولی, اکبر عبدالهی حصار, 1400

7 - ارزیابی مقاومت به برق زدگی و بیان ژن مقاومت در لاین های مختلف نخود, سمیرا حسنیان, 1400

6 - ارزیابی مقاومت به خشکی و تنوع ژنتیکی ارقام و ژنوتیپ های زیتون با استفاده از صفات مورفوفیزیولوژیک و نشانگر مولکولی, مید گلمحمدی, 1398

5 - بررسی کارایی انتقال ژن به سلول های زعفران با استفاده از نانو ذرات, بهنام فیروزی, 1397

4 - تجزیه نواحی کروموزومی کنترل کننده تحمل به خشکی در مرحله گیاهچه ای در جو, آرش محمدی, 1397

3 - نقشه یابی ارتباطی تحمل به تنش شوری در آفتاب گردان با استفاده از نشانگر هایSSRو رتروترانسپوزون, سهیلا احمدپور, 1397

2 - تجزیه میانگین نسل ها برای صفات کمی و آنزیم های آنتی اکسیدان در ذرت تحت تنش کم آبی, سجاد محرم نژاد, 1396

1 - ارزیابی شاخص های مقاومت به خشکی با استفاده از صفات فیزیولوژیک در برخی ژنوتیپ های کلزا, حسن زالی, 1394

کارشناسی ارشد