بیتا معزی پور

مرتبه علمی: استادیار
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه علوم و مهندسی صنایع چوب و کاغذ
شماره تماس: 09929033849
ایمیل: b.moezzipour@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: orcid logo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8769-9528
AllSince 2019

مقالات انگلیسی

30 - B Moezzipour, A Tolouei,Properties of Carboxy methyl cellulose produced from waste paper,2024
29 - B Moezzipour,Investigating the characteristics of ash obtained from different lignocellulosic biomass,2024
28 - B Moezzipour, M Sookhtanlou, Y Rostamikia, MG Khanalipour,Determining Strategies of poplar farming development in Ardabil province (Use of Combined SWOT-QSPM Matrix),2024
27 - A Faal, B Moezzipour, A Moezzipour, M Sharari,Utilization of the various recycled fibers composition in producing packaging paper,2023
26 - M Sookhtanlou, MH Khodadad, M Ahmadi, F Keyvan Behjo, ...,Identifying and analyzing the factors affecting the loyalty of customers in the home furniture industry (case study: Rasht city),2023
25 - M Ahmadi, A Moezzipour, B Moezzipour,Investigation of using rice hask and paper waste to make free copper brake lining,2022
24 - B Moezzipour, A Moezzipour, M Ahmadi, F Hajializadeh,Structural properties and thermal stability of nano crystalline cellulose produced from waste paper,2022
23 - M Sharari, A Rostampour-Haftkhani, M Ahmadi, B Moezzipour, ...,Strengthening of the cross-laminated timber using glass fiber-reinforced polymer on the lateral performance of the single shear lap joints,2022
22 - B Moezzipour, S Hedjazi, H Yousefi, M Ahmadi,The influence of pulping process and energy consumption on properties of nanofibrillated lignocellulose (NFLC) films isolated from wheat straw,2021
21 - B Moezzipour, A Moezzipour,Thermal Behavior of Insulation Fiberboards Made from MDF and Paper Wastes.,2021
20 - B Moezzipour, S Hedjazi, H Yousefi, M Ahmadi,Utjecaj procesa proizvodnje pulpe i potrošnje energije na svojstva filmova na bazi nanofibrilirane lignoceluloze (NFLC) izolirane iz pšenične slame,2021
19 - B Moezzipour, M Sharari,Recycling of waste MDF via digester and production of nanocrystalline cellulose from recycled fibers,2021
18 - B Moezzipour, A Moezzipour,Toplinska svojstva izolacijskih vlaknatica izrađenih od otpadnog MDF-a i papira,2021
17 - B Moezzipour, A Moezzipour,Investigation of using rice hask and paper waste to make free copper brake lining,2021
16 - M Ahmadi, B Moezzipour, A Moezzipour, A Rostampour Haftkhani, ...,Utilization of recycled fibers from MDF wastes and waste paper for manufacturing fiberboard and the effect of poly vinyl acetate on its practical properties,2020
15 - A Rostampour Haftkhani, M Sharari, M Ahmadi, B Moezzipour, A Shakiba,Flexural performance of cross-laminated timber made out of poplar reinforced with nail and screw,2020
14 - M Ahmadi, B Moezzipour, A Moezzipour,Thermal stability of wood fibers produced from recycled medium density fiberboards.,2019
13 - M Ahmadi, B Moezzipour, A Moezzipour,Toplinska stabilnost drvenih vlakana proizvedenih od recikliranih srednje gustih ploča vlaknatica,2019
12 - B Moezzipour, M Ahmadi, A Moezzipour, A Abdolkhani,Investigation of the Quality and Pollution Level of Waste Water Obtained from Recycling of MDF Wastes,2019
11 - M AHMADI, B MOEZZIPOUR, M SHARARI,The effect of recycling process on chemical properties and wettability of fibers from MDF wastes,2018
10 - B Moezzipour, A Abdolkhani, K Doost-hoseini, SA Ahmad Ramazani, ...,Practical properties and formaldehyde emission of medium density fiberboards (MDFs) recycled by electrical method,2018
9 - B Moezzipour, M Ahmadi, A Moezzipour,Physical and mechanical properties of reinforced ply wood with natural fibers,2017
8 - B Moezzipour, A Abdulkhani, K Doost Hoseini, A Ramazani Saadat Abadi, ...,Investigation the Quality of Recycled Medium Density Fiber boards (MDF) via Two Different Method ie Hydrothermal and Ohmic heating,2017
7 - B Moezzipour, M Ahmadi, A Abdolkhani, K Doosthoseini,Chemical changes of wood fibers after hydrothermal recycling of MDF wastes,2017
6 - M Ahmadi, B Moezzipour, M Sharari,The effect of recycling process on the chemical properties and wettability of obtained fibers from MDF wastes,2017
5 - B Moezzipour, K Doosthoseini, MM Faezipour, A Tarmian,The effect of different kinds of nanosilica on practical properties of plywood,2013
4 - ,بررسی امکان استفاده از نانو سیلیکا به عنوان پرکننده در ساخت تخته لایه‎,2012
3 - K Dosthosseini, B Moezi Poor,Utilization of date palm and kenaf fibers for reinforcement of practical properties of plywood,2011
2 - K Dost Hosseini, B Moezipoor,Utilization of waste paper and old corrugated carton (OCC) as a filler of urea formaldehyde resin on plywood manufacturing,2011
1 - B Moezzipour, A Moezzipour,Manufacturing brake lining friction material by using of agricultural waste

مقالات فارسی

کتاب انگلیسی

کتاب فارسی

برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه
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