علی روشنیان فرد

مرتبه علمی: استادیار
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه مهندسی مکانیک بیوسیستم
شماره تماس: 09149551160
ایمیل: alirf@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: 0000-0001-7823-4470
AllSince 2019



عضویت در انجمن های علمی

زمینه های تحقیقاتی

مقالات انگلیسی

27 - A Roshanianfard, SF Ardabili,Autonomous agricultural vehicles: Concepts, principles, components, and development guidelines,2023
26 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi, S Ardabili, C Mako, A Mosavi,Autonomous robotic system for pumpkin harvesting,2022
25 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi, S Ardabili, C Mako, A Mosavi,Autonomous Robotic System for Pumpkin Harvesting. Agronomy 2022, 12, 1594,2022
24 - A Roshanianfard, S Nematzadeh, T Mesri-Gundoshmian,Parameterization of Food Wastes to Develop an Automatic Recycling System for Livestock and Poultry Feed,2022
23 - M Du, H Li, A Roshanianfard,Design and experimental study on an innovative UAV-LiDAR topographic mapping system for precision land levelling,2022
22 - LIUY DU Meng-meng, Ali Roshanianfard,Inversion of Wheat Tiller Density Based on Visible-Band Images of Drone,2021
21 - A Roshanianfard, D Mengmeng, S Nematzadeh,Dynamic Modelling and Motion Control of a 4-DOF SCARA Robotic Arm for Various Farm Applications,2021
20 - A Roshanianfard, D Mengmeng, S Nematzadeh,A 4-DOF SCARA Robotic Arm for Various Farm Applications: Designing, Kinematic Modelling, and Parameterization,2021
19 - Y Abbaspour-Gilandeh, M Fazeli, A Roshanianfard, ...,Effect of different working and tool parameters on performance of several types of cultivators,2020
18 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi, H Okamoto, K Ishii,A review of autonomous agricultural vehicles (The experience of Hokkaido University),2020
17 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi,Pumpkin harvesting robotic end-effector,2020
16 - Y Abbaspour-Gilandeh, M Fazeli, A Roshanianfard, ...,Prediction of draft force of a chisel cultivator using artificial neural networks and its comparison with regression model,2020
15 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi, T Kamata,Design and performance of a robotic arm for farm use,2019
14 - A Roshanianfard,The necessity of agricultural robots in future farming,2019
13 - A Roshanianfard,Development of a 2-DOF robotic harvester end-effector,2019
12 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi,Kinematics Analysis and Simulation of A 5DOF Articulated Robotic Arm Applied to Heavy Products Harvesting,2018
11 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi,Characterization of pumpkin for a harvesting robot,2018
10 - A Roshanianfard, T Kamata, N Noguchi,Performance evaluation of harvesting robot for heavy-weight crops,2018
9 - T Kamata, A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi,Heavy-weight crop harvesting robot-controlling algorithm,2018
8 - A Roshanianfard,Development of a Harvesting Robot for Heavy-weight Crop [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review],2018
7 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi,Development of a heavyweight crop robotic harvesting system (HCRH)‎,2017
6 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi,Designing of pumpkin harvester robotic end-effector,2017
5 - Y Liu, N Noguchi, A Roshanianfard,Simulation and test of an agricultural unmanned airboat maneuverability model,2017
4 - A Roshanianfard, G Shahgholi,Performance Characterization of Automatic Creep Testing Device for Agricultural Product,2017
3 - S Hatakeyama, K Hasegawa, T Tashiro, X Li, A Roshanianafard, ...,Revaluation with Landsat 8 of red snow mapping in ice field,2017
2 - A Roshanianfard, N Noguchi,Development of a 5DOF robotic arm (RAVebots-1) applied to heavy products harvesting,2016
1 - SF Ardabili, A Mahmoudi, TM Gundoshmian, A Roshanianfard,Modeling and comparison of fuzzy and on/off controller in a mushroom growing hall,2016

مقالات فارسی

برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه
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