موسی ترابی گیگلو

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه علوم و مهندسی باغبانی
شماره تماس: 04531505803
ایمیل: mtorabi@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5282-5894
AllSince 2019

از مهرماه سال 1379، به عنوان عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی در دانشکده کشاورزی مغان استخدام شدم. از آبان ماه همان سال، به عنوان مسئول امور آموزشی و دانشجویی دانشکده منصوب شدم. از اردیبهشت ماه سال 1380 تا بهمن 1388 با حفظ سمت هیأت علمی، به عنوان معاون دانشکده کشاورزی مغان فعالیت نمودم. در این مدت، علاوه بر مسئولیت‌های ذکر شده، مسئولیت ایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی مغان را نیز بر عهده داشتم.


از بهمن ماه سال 1388، دوره دکتری تخصصی (PhD) را در رشته علوم باغبانی، گرایش سبزیکاری، در دانشگاه تبریز آغاز و در بهمن ماه سال 1393 فارغ‌التحصیل شدم. همچنین، در طول سال‌های 2013-2014، فرصت مطالعاتی را در موسسه The Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute (IHAR-PIB) در ورشو، لهستان، طی کردم.


از فروردین سال 1394، به عنوان رئیس دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی مغان منصوب و تا شهریور 1396 در این سمت انجام وظیفه کردم. سپس، از مهر 1396، به گروه علوم باغبانی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی منتقل شدم. از تاریخ 23 خرداد 1400 به دانشیاری گروه علوم باغبانی دانشکده علوم کشاورزی دانشگاه ارتقا یافتم.


از سال 1399، دکتر ترابی گیگلو به عنوان مدیر گروه علوم باغبانی و فضای سبز انتخاب شد و تا بهمن 1401 در این سمت انجام وظیفه کرد. از تاریخ 10 بهمن 1401 تاکنون، به عنوان مدیر پژوهشی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی مشغول به فعالیت هستم.


مدركدانشگاهعنوانتاريخ فارغ التحصيلي
دکتراتبريزعلوم باغباني- سبزي1393/11/12
کارشناسی ارشددانشگاه تبریزعلوم باغبانی۱۳۷۸/۱۲/۱۵
کارشناسیتبریزمهندسی کشاورزی - باغبانی۱۳۷۶/۴/۳۰
گذراندن دوره فرصت مطالعاتی در موسسه IHAR لهستان


نفر سوم آزمون سراسری  کارشناسی ارشد علوم باغبانی

عضویت در انجمن های علمی

انجمن علوم باغبانی ایران

انجمن بین المللی باغبانی

زمینه های تحقیقاتی

1)کاربرد کشت بافت و بیوتکنولوژی در گیاهان باغی و داروئی

2)اصلاح گیاهان باغی و داروئی

3)کاربرد نانو در باغبانی و گیاهان دارویی

4)کشت و پرورش سیب زمینی و گیاهان داروئی

 5) مطالعه ژرم پلاسمهای بومی

 6) ایجاد مقاومت در برابر تنشهای زیستی و غیرزیستی

مقالات انگلیسی

92 - Paluchowska, P., Lim Rossmann, S., Lysøe, E. et al. Diversity of the Rysto gene conferring resistance to potato virus Y in wild relatives of potato. BMC Plant Biol 24, 375 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-024-05089-2 دریافت مقاله
91 - M Torabi Giglou, R Elhami, R Heydarnajad Giglou, H Mahdavikia, ...,Investigating the effects of GABA on the growth and quantitative and qualitative yield of fenugreek under water stress conditions,2024
90 - P Paluchowska, S Lim Rossmann, E Lysøe, M Janiszewska, K Michalak, ...,Diversity of the Rysto gene conferring resistance to potato virus Y in wild relatives of potato,2024
89 - F Bagheri Fard Sharabiani, E Chamani, M Torabi Giglou, A Ghanbari, ...,Investigating the effects of salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate on the morphological and biochemical traits of Matricaria chamomilla L. under in vitro conditions,2024
88 - B Esmaielpour, M Heidari Dalighez, M Torabi Giglou, P Sheikh Alipour, ...,The effect of different substrates and foliar spraying of seaweed extract on growth, yield and nutrient content of Karla (Momordica Charantia L.),2024
87 - A Abdollahi, M Barin, AA Soltani, M Torabi Giglou, B Behrouz Ismailpour, ...,Evaluation of Influence of Selenium Foliar Application on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in Arsenic-Contaminated Soil,2023
86 - F Abdiaghdam Laromi, A Rasoulzade, A Ghavidel, M Torabi Giglou, ...,Effects of Using Agricultural Drainage Water on Chemical, Biological, and Physical Properties of Soil and Yield of Tomato in Moghan Plain, Iran,2023
85 - M Moradi, M Torabi Giglou, M Ahadzadeh,Effects of ascorbic acid on some morpho-physiological traits of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under drought stress,2023
84 - ,Effects of Using Agricultural Drainage water on Chemical, Biological and Physical Properties of Soil and Yield of Tomato in Moghan Plain, Iran,2023
83 - Y Pourbeyrami Hir, M Khosravi Mejdar, M Torabi Giglou, E Chamani, ...,Investigation on the Effects of Carbon Nanotubes application on Regeneration of the Rosemary Plants under In vitro Conditions,2023
82 - T Faridi, H Maleki Lajayer, M Torabi-Giglou, R Heydarnajad Giglou,Evaluation of the effects of root medium and light quality on morphology and nutritional quality of radish microgreen,2023
81 - M Torabi Giglou, R Heydarnajad Giglou, R Azarmi, G Salimi, ...,Effects of Kitoplus® and Chitosan coated Iron Nano-oxide on morpho-physiological properties of peppermint under drought stress,2023
80 - MN Mehmandar, F Rasouli, MT Giglou, SM Zahedi, ...,Polyethylene Glycol and Sorbitol-Mediated In Vitro Screening for Drought Stress as an Efficient and Rapid Tool to Reach the Tolerant Cucumis melo L. Genotypes,2023
79 - RH Giglou, MT Giglou, B Esmaeilpour, A Padash, S Ghahremanzadeh, ...,Exogenous melatonin differentially affects biomass, total carbohydrates, and essential oil production in peppermint upon simultaneous exposure to chitosan-coated Fe3O4 NPs,2023
78 - RH Giglou, MT Giglou, A Estaji, F Bovand, M Ghorbanpour,Light-emitting diode irradiation and glycine differentially affect photosynthetic performance of black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger L.),2023
77 - S Bahadori, MT Giglou, B Esmaielpour, B Dehdar, A Estaji, C Hano, ...,Antioxidant compounds of potato breeding genotypes and commercial cultivars with yellow, light yellow, and white flesh in Iran,2023
76 - M Sheikhalipour, G Gohari, B Esmaielpour, M Behnamian, MT Giglou, ...,Effect of melatonin foliar sprays on morphophysiological attributes, fruit yield and quality of Momordica charantia L. under salinity stress,2023
75 - A Padash, R Heydarnajad Giglou, M Torabi Giglou, R Azarmi, ...,Comparing the toxicity of tungsten and vanadium oxide nanoparticles on Spirulina platensis,2023
74 - RH Giglou, MT Giglou,Effects of Calyx Coating and Storage Temperature on Antioxidant Substances of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis Peruviana L.),2023
73 - RP Tajaragh, F Rasouli, MT Giglou, SM Zahedi, MB Hassanpouraghdam, ...,Morphological and Physiological Responses of In Vitro-Grown Cucurbita sp. Landraces Seedlings under Osmotic Stress by Mannitol and PEG,2022
72 - L Rezazad Bari, A Ghanbari, R Darvishzadeh, M Torabi Giglou, ...,In Vitro Evaluation of Salinity-Induced Changes in Biochemical Characteristics and Antioxidant Enzymes in 21 Grapes Cultivars,2022
71 - HML Mousa Torabi Giglou, Rasoul Heydarnajad Giglou, Behrouz Esmaeilpour ...,A new method in mitigation of drought stress by chitosan-coated iron oxide nanoparticles and growth stimulant in peppermint,2022
70 - LR Bari, A Ghanbari, R Darvishzadeh, MT Giglou, HD Baneh,Discernment of grape rootstocks base on their response to salt stress using selected characteristics in combination with chemometric tools,2021
69 - MS 1) Sheikhalipour, M., Esmaielpour B., Behnamian M., Gohari G., Torabi ...,Chitosan–Selenium Nanoparticle (Cs–Se NP) Foliar Spray Alleviates Salt Stress in Bitter Melon,2021
68 - M Kanani, M., Chamani, E., Shokouhian, A.A., Torabi-Giglou,Plant secondary metabolism and flower color changes in damask rose at different flowering development stages,2021
67 - M Kanani, E Chamani, AA Shokouhian, M Torabi-Giglou,Investigation on quality changes of damask rose essential oil during different phenology stages in Oroumieh region.,2021
66 - H Maleki Lajayer, S Soltanzadeh-pormehr, M Torabi-Giglou, ...,Effects of Pre-Treatment with Salicylic Acid and Silicon Nanoparticles on Germinatin, Growth and Physiological Indices of Savory (Satureja hortensis) Seeds under Lead Heavy …,2021
65 - S Sheikhalipour, B Esmaielpour, M Behnamian, TGM Ghohari Gh, ...,Chitosan–Selenium nanoparticle (Cs–Se NP) foliar spray alleviates salt stress in bitter melon. Nanomaterials. 2021; 11: 684,2021
64 - L Rezazad Bari, A Ghanbari, R Darvishzadeh, M Torabi Giglou, ...,Comparison of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of two grapvine root cultivars Rasha and Qzel Ozum,2021
63 - LH Maleki, PS Soltanzadeh, GM Torabi, HY Poorbeyrami, E Chamani,Effects of seed pre-treatment of savoury (Satureja Hortensis) with salicylic acid and silicon nanoparticles under lead heavy metal stress,2021
62 - HDB Laya Rezazad Bari, alireza ghanbari, Reza Darvishzadeh, Mousa Torabi Giglou,Influence of salinity stress on biochemical characteristics of 21 native, non-native and hybrid grape (Vitis vinifera) genotypes under in vitro condition,2021
61 - M Kanani, M., Chamani, E., Shokouhian, A.A., Torabi-Giglou,Investigation of the process of qualitative change of Damask Rose flower essential oil during different stages of flower phenology in Urmia region,2021
60 - M Esmaielpour, B., Sheikhalipour, M. and Torabi-Giglou,Effects of Nano silicon on growth, physiology and biochemical of Dracocephalum moldavica L. under salinit stress.,2021
59 - MN Mehmandar, F Rasouli, MT Giglou, SM Zahedi, MA Aazami,In Vitro Screening of Cucmis Melo L. Against Drought Mediated By PEG and Sorbitol,2021
58 - M Kanani, M., Chamani, E., Shokouhian, A.A., Torabi-Giglou,Essential oil content and composition in various ecotypes of dam-ask rose from different ecological regions,2021
57 - S Sanayei, M Barmaki, A Ebadi, M Torabi-Giglou,Amelioration of water deficiency stress in roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria,2021
56 - M Torabi-Giglou, H Noroozi, H Maleki Lajayer, B Dehdar,Effects of Organic and Biological Fertilizers on Growth and Nutrient Content of Spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.),2020
55 - ,اثر غلظت‌های مختلف محرک رشدی کیتوپلاس بر خصوصیات موفولوژیکی و اسانس در گیاه نعناع فلفلی تحت تنش کم آبیاری‎,2020
54 - ,اثر تنش خشکی و تلقیح قارچ‌های میکوریزا و باکتری سودوموناس بر برخی ویژگی‌های مورفو-فیزیولوژیک چای‌ترش Hibiscus sabdariffa L.‎,2020
53 - R Gholizadeh Baghrabad,Investigation on Effects of Iron Nanoparticles and Salicylic acid on Regeneration and Secondary Metabolites of Valeriana officinalis Under In vitro Conditions,2020
52 - A Adam,Effect of Piriformospora Indica symbiosis on Vegetative and Biochemical properties of Dracocephalum Kotschyi under Salinity Stress Conditions,2020
51 - N Rezvanjoo, A Ghanbari, M Mohebodini, GM Torabie, H Hydari, ...,Effect of different culture medium types and benzyl adenine concentrations on Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas L.) shoots proliferation rate,2020
50 - MTG Farnoosh Jafari, Jaber Panahandeh*, Ali Reza Motallebi Azar,تأثیر تنش اسمزی و دمایی بر برخی صفات فیزیولوژیک و جذب عناصر غذایی ژنوتیپ های سیب زمینی در کشت درون شیشه ای‎,2020
49 - ARMAMTG Farnush Jafari, Jaber Panahandeh*,واکنش رقم ها و کلون های امیدبخش سیب زمینی به تنش اسمزی و دمایی در شرایط درون شیشه ای‎,2020
48 - Mousa Torabi-Giglou, Sajjad Moharramnejad, Jaber Panahandeh, Asghar Ebadi ...,Machine Learning for Detecting Potato Populations Using SSR Markers,2020
47 - M Mohammadi Masjedlo,Investigation on the Effects of Iron Nano Particles and Salicylic acid on Regeneration and Secondary Metabolites Production of Hypericum perforatum Under In vitro Conditions,2020
46 - EGATGM Sanayei S. Barmaki M.,Effect of Drought Stress and Inoculation of Mycorrihizal Fungi and Pseudomonas Spp. On some Morpho-physiological Characteristics of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdaeiffa L.),2020
45 - M Torabi Giglou, R Heydarnajad Giglou, B Esmaeilpour, R Azarmi,Effect of different concentrations of kitoplas growth stimulator on morphological characteristics and essential oil in Peppermint plant underlow irrigation stress,2020
44 - MSMTG B. Esmaielpour,Effects of zinc nanoparticles on growth, some physiological characteristics, and essential oil yield of Dracocephalum moldavica L. under salinity stress conditions,2020
43 - M Jamali, A Ghanbari, A Estaji, M Torabi Giglou, M Saidi,Genetic diversity of dog rose (Rosa canina L.) using ISSR markers,2019
42 - Y Pourbeyrami Hir, SX Yuan, M Torabi Giglou, M Jun,QTLs position of some important ornamental traits in recently developed OO lily population,2019
41 - F Jafari, J Panahandeh, A Motallebi Azar, M Torabi Giglou,The responses of potato cultivars to osmotic and temperature stresses under in vitro conditions,2019
40 - F Jafari, J Panahandeh, AR Motallebi-Azar, M Torabie-Giglou,Response of potato’s cultivars and promising clones to osmotic and temperature stress under in vitro conditions,2019
39 - R Azarmi, M Torabi Giglou, Y Hoseini,Effect of Cucurbita Rootstocks and Water Deficit on Growth Properties and Yield of Cucumber,2019
38 - J Panahandeh,The Effect of Osmotic and Temperature Stresses on the Some Physiological Traits and Nutrients Uptake in Different Potato Genotypes during in vitro culture,2019
37 - jaber panahandeh, farnush jafari, A Motallebi azar, M torabi giglou, ...,The ثffect of خsmotic and temperature stresses on the nutrients uptake in potato genotypes under In vitro culture,2019
36 - B Abedi, M Aran, A Tehranifar, M Parsa, S Davarpanah, A Mazaraie,Effect of different levels of sodium nitroprusside on some morphological and physiological characteristics of three grapevine cultivars under drought stress conditions,2019
35 - ,اثر نوع محیط‌کشت و غلظت‌های مختلف بنزیل‌آدنین بر پرآوری شاخساره‌های زغال‌اخته Cornus mas L.))‎,2019
34 - R Ahadi Rad, E Chamani, Y Pourbeyrami Hir, M Torabi Giglou, ...,Investigation on the regeneration and morphology behaviors of Lilium tsingtauense under in vitro drought stress conditions,2019
33 - M Pazhouhi,Investigation of the effects of salisilic acid, chitozan and selenium nutrition on growth, physiology and secondary metabolites of balango plant (Lallemantia royleana L.) Under …,2019
32 - ,Effect of Extract of Some Medicinal Plants on Chlorophyll and Solution uptake of Alstromeria Cut Flowers,2019
31 - EHNHMLYPHM Torabi-Giglou,Investigation of the effects of ABA on alleviating drought stress in Lilium ledebourii Bioss under in vitro condition,2019
30 - R Amiri, E Chamani, Y PourBeyrami Hir, M Torabi Giglou,NarcissusRegeneration by Transversal Thin cell Layer (tTCL) and longitudinal Thin Cell Layer (lTCL) Culture under inVitro condition,2019
29 - N Rezvanjoo,Evaluation of microshoots proliferation in Cornelian cherry (cornus mas L.) by in vitro,2018
28 - TGM Jafari F., Panahandeh J., Motallebi-Azar A.,The reaction of cultivars and promising clones of potato to osmotic and temperature stresses under in vitro conditions,2018
27 - MLHDB Torabi-Giglou M., Norouzi H.,Effects of organic and biological fertilizers on growth characteristics and nutrient elements of spinach,2018
26 - F Abdi Aghdam, A Rasoulzadeh, A Ghavidel, M Torabi Giglou,The effect of water drainage on soil properties and yield of tomato in Moghan plain,2018
25 - R Azarmi, M Torabi-Giglou,Effect of shading by Saran® clothes on growth and physiological indices and yield of Celery,2016
24 - M Torabi-Giglou, P Jaber, SA Mohammadi, FZ Nahandi, AM Azar, ...,Evaluation of some wild relatives, hybrids and cultivated potatoes using ct- and mt-DNA markers,2015
22 - M Torabi-Giglou, P Jaber, SA Mohammadi, FZ Nahandi, AM Azar, ...,DNA and morphological diversity and relationship analysis of selected cultivated, wild potatoes and some promising hybrids,2015
21 - M Shokrpour, MT Gigloo, A Asghari, S Bahrampour,Study of some agronomic attributes in milk thistle (Silybum marianum Gaertn.) ecotypes from Iran,2011
20 - MA Aazami, M Torabi, E Jalili,In vitro response of promising tomato genotypes for tolerance to osmotic stress,2010
19 - MA Aazami, MTGF Shekari,Response of some tomato cultivars to sodium chloride stress under in vitro culture condition,2010
18 - R Azarmi, MT Giglou, B Hajieghrari,The effect of sheep-manure vermicompost on quantitative and qualitative properties of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown in the greenhouse,2009
17 - M 5) Maralian, H., Didar-Taleshmikai, R., Shahbazi, K. and Torabi Giglou,Study of the Effects of Foliar Application of Fe and Zn on Wheat Quality and Quantity Properties,2009
16 - E Chamani, M Torabi Giglou,Effects of NAA, Thidiazuron, Sucrose and explant type on in-vitro bulblet production of Narcissus,2009
15 - ISI Thomson,Mousa Torabi-Giglou and Behzad Hajieghrari,2008
14 - M Torabi-Giglou, B Hajieghrari,In vitro study on regeneration of Gladiolus grandiflorus corm calli as affected by plant growth regulators,2008
13 - R Azarmi, MT Giglou, RD Taleshmikail,Influence of vermicompost on soil chemical and physical properties in tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) field,2008
12 - B Hajieghrari, M Torabi-Giglou, MR Mohammadi, M Davari,Biological potantial of some Iranian Trichoderma isolates in the control of soil borne plant pathogenic fungi,2008
11 - B Hajieghrari, M Torabi-Giglou, L Waeyenberge,Comparative d2/d3 LSU–rDNA sequence study of some Iranian Pratylenchus loosi populations,2007
10 - KSMVM Torabi Giglou M., Massiha S., Majidi E.,Determination of the most suitable growth regulators treatment for in vitro shoot tip culture of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.).,2002
8 - HIG Abo-Elnaga, LA Achenbach, P Jeunifer, IH Attitalla, B Salleh, ...,Biological potantial of some Iranian Trichoderma isolates in the control of soil borne plant pathogenic fungi.,1996
7 - RH Giglou, H Maleki, T Faridi,Evaluation of the Effects of Root Medium and Light Quality on Morphology and Nutritional Quality of Radish Microgreen
6 - M Kanani, E Chamani, AA Shokouhian, M Torabi-Giglou,بررسی روند تغییر کیفی اسانس گل محمدی طی مراحل مختلف فنولوژی گل در منطقه ارومیه‏‎
4 - ,Effect of Extract of Some Medicinal Plants on Chlorophyll and Solution uptake of Alstromeria Cut Flowers
3 - B Rezazadeh, A Ghanbari, Y Pourberami Hir, M Torabi Giglou, M Zareie, ...,The effects of basal media and plant growth regulators on the microshoots proliferation and callus induction of cranberry (Vaccinum. arctostaphylos L.) explants
2 - ,A new method in mitigation of drought stress by chitosan-coated iron oxide nanoparticles and growth stimulant in peppermint
1 - R Azarmi, MT Gigiou, H Behzad,The effect of sheep manure vermicompost on quantitative and qualitative properties of cucumber

مقالات فارسی
کتاب انگلیسی

کتاب فارسی

1.      مسئول امور آموزشی و دانشجوئی آموزشکده کشاورزی مغان

2.      معاون آموزشی دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی مغان

3.      سرپرست ایستگاه تحقیقاتی کشاورزی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی در مغان

4.      رئیس دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی مغان

5.      مدیر گروه علوم باغبانی و فضای سبز دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی

6.      مدیر پژوهشی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی

7.      دبیرکل همایشها و کنفرانس های ملی و بین المللی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی

برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه

2 - مطالعه تنوع ژنتیکی ژنوتیپ‌های مختلف سیب‌زمینی سازگار با شرایط ایران با استفاده از صفات مورفولوژیکی، بیوشیمیایی و نشانگرهای مولکولی DNA هسته‌ای و سیتوپلاسمی, سمیه بهادری, 1401

1 - مطالعه درون شیشه ای اثرات ساکارز، نور و گلیسین بر روي رشد و میزان متابولیتهای ثانویه در گیاه بذرالبنج, رسول حیدرنژاد گیگلو, 1402

کارشناسی ارشد