اصغر باقری

مرتبه علمی: استاد
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه مهندسی آب
شماره تماس: 09127142038
ایمیل: a_bagheri@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: 0000-0002-4564-8340
AllSince 2019

اصغر باقری، دکترای ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی از دانشگاه تهران (1386)، محل کار: گروه مهندسی آب و مدیریت کشاورزی، دانشکده کشاوزری دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، مرتبه علمی: استاد



عضویت در انجمن های علمی

زمینه های تحقیقاتی
ترویج و توسعه کشاوزری، اقتصاد و توسعه روستایی، مدیریت کشاورزی، حفاظت از منابع آب و خاک، رفتارهای محیط زیستی بهره برداران

مقالات انگلیسی

66 - A Bagheri, N Emami,Perceptions of agricultural experts towards barriers to the adoption of precision agriculture.,2023
65 - A Bagheri, N Emami, CA Damalas,Monitoring point source pollution by pesticide use: An analysis of farmers’ environmental behavior in waste disposal,2023
64 - A Bagheri, Z Shirzadi, M Sookhtanlou, A Shokohian, A Bondori, ...,Occupational exposure to pesticides and safety behavior among Iranian greenhouse farmers,2022
63 - A Bagheri, A Teymouri,Farmers’ intended and actual adoption of soil and water conservation practices,2022
62 - A Bagheri, A Bondori, MS Allahyari, J Surujlal,Use of biologic inputs among cereal farmers: application of technology acceptance model,2021
61 - A Bondori, A Bagheri, M Sookhtanlou, CA Damalas,Modeling farmers’ intention for safe pesticide use: the role of risk perception and use of information sources,2021
60 - A Bagheri, N Emami, CA Damalas,Farmers' behavior in reading and using risk information displayed on pesticide labels: a test with the theory of planned behavior,2021
59 - A Bagheri, N Emami, CA Damalas,Farmers' behavior towards safe pesticide handling: An analysis with the theory of planned behavior,2021
58 - Z Deh-Haghi, A Bagheri, CA Damalas, Z Fotourehchi,Horticultural products irrigated with treated sewage: are they acceptable?,2021
57 - A Bagheri, S Pirmoazen, MS Allahyari,Assessment of farmers’ understanding of the pictograms displayed on pesticide labels,2021
56 - A Bagheri, S Pirmoazzen,Intention and application behavior of farmers towards pesticides' labels and pictograms in ardabil county: application of theory of planned behavior.,2021
55 - A Bagheri, M Sookhtanlou, A Teymori,Farmers’ attitudes towards and application of soil and water conservation practices in Talkhehrood basin of Harris County, East Azarbaijan province,2021
54 - A Bagheri, S Pirmoazzen,Potato Growers' Attitudes and Perceptions towards Precision Irrigation Technologies in Ardabil County, Iran,2021
53 - H Rashid Kolvir, N Ghaffari Hashtjin, A Bagheri, V Heidari Sarban,Survey the Fields of Tourism Development in the Villages of Tourism Destination (Case Study: Kazj Village of Khalkhal Township),2020
52 - M Sookhtanlou, S Dehghanpour, A Bagheri,Market Structure Analysis and Marketing Methods of Cornelian Cherry Product with Emphasis on the Role of Brokers in Kaleybar County,2020
51 - F Keyvan Behjou, A Bagheri, S Ghanbari, S Yousefi,Livelihood dependency of local people on non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in Fandoglu forest reserves in Ardebil province,2020
50 - A Bagheri, N Emami,Orchard farmers’ attitudes towards pesticides waste management in Meshkinshahr county, Iran,2020
49 - A Jalali, A Bagheri, MS Allahyari, FM Aghjehgheshlagh, J Surjulal, ...,Information needs and information seeking behaviour of dairy farm managers,2020
48 - A Bondori, A Bagheri, M Sookhtanlou, O Jamshidi, A Norozi,Assessing farmers’ knowledge of Moghan plain about the consequences of chemical pesticides for community health, the environment, and food security,2020
47 - A Bondari, A Bagheri, M Sookhtanlo,Investigating the Environmental Behavior of Farmers on the Use of Agricultural Pesticides in Moghan Plain,2020
46 - Z Deh-Haghi, A Bagheri, Z Fotourehchi, CA Damalas,Farmers’ acceptance and willingness to pay for using treated wastewater in crop irrigation: A survey in western Iran,2020
45 - A Bondori, A Bagheri, MS Allahyari, CA Damalas,Pesticide waste disposal among farmers of Moghan region of Iran: current trends and determinants of behavior,2019
44 - A Bagheri, A Bondori, CA Damalas,Modeling cereal farmers’ intended and actual adoption of integrated crop management (ICM) practices,2019
43 - A Bagheri, N Emami, CA Damalas, MS Allahyari,Farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of pesticide use in apple farms of northern Iran: impact on safety behavior,2019
42 - A Bagheri, A Bondori, MS Allahyari, CA Damalas,Modeling farmers’ intention to use pesticides: An expanded version of the theory of planned behavior,2019
41 - D Ashoori, MS Allahyari, A Bagheri, CA Damalas,Adoption determinants of modern rice cultivars among smallholders of Northern Iran,2019
40 - A BAGHERI, H RASHID KOLVIR,Attitudes of rural residents of ardabil county of iran towards the influence of guidance [Hadi] project on tourism infrastructural development,2018
39 - O Jamshidi, B Abolmohammad, A Bagheri, A Norouzi, JS Sobhani,The Investigation of attitudes of agricultural students of Mohaghegh Ardabili University towards occupation in rural areas and factors affecting,2018
38 - AM Bondori, A Bagheri, M Sookhtanlou,Analysis of Moghan plain farmers' health-safety behavior towards using chemical pesticides.,2018
37 - A Bagheri, N Emami, MS Allahyari, CA Damalas,Pesticide handling practices, health risks, and determinants of safety behavior among Iranian apple farmers,2018
36 - ,بررسی نگرش جوانان ‌روستایی شهرستان گنبدکاووس نسبت به اشتغال در بخش کشاورزی‎,2018
35 - H Shabanali Fami, A Bagheri,Potato Growers’ Risk Perception: A Case Study in Ar dabil Province of Iran,2018
34 - A Bagheri, M Sookhtanlou,Seed Potato Management among Potato Growers in Freydunshahr County (Isfahan Province), Iran,2017
33 - A Bagheri, N Emami, M Mohammadzadh Nasrabadi,Evaluation of Service Quality of Rural Production Cooperatives in Ardabil County Using ServQual Method Asghar Bagheri, Nayer Emami, Mahnaz Mohammadzadeh Nasreabadi,2017
32 - A Bagheri,Factors affecting farmers' knowledge of potato waste management in the county of Razan-Hamedan,2017
31 - A Bagheri, N Emami, M Mohamadzadeh,Investigating the status of social capital in active and inactive agricultural production cooperatives in the Ardabil County.,2017
30 - A Bagheri, F Javadi,Factors influencing adoption of seed potato mini-tuber in Ardabil County.,2016
29 - D Ashoori, A Bagheri, MS Allahyari, AS Al-Rimawi,An examination of soil and water conservation practices in the paddy fields of Guilan province, Iran,2016
28 - A Bagheri, H Shabanali Fami,Potato growers’ risk perception: A case study in Ardabil Province of Iran,2016
27 - A Bagheri, MSAD Ashouri,Interpretation on Biological Control Adoption of the Rice Stem Borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) in North Part of Iran: Application for Technology Acceptance Model (TAM),2016
26 - D Ashoori, A Bagheri, MS Allahyari, A Michailidis,Understanding the attitudes and practices of paddy farmers for enhancing soil and water conservation in Northern Iran,2016
25 - A Bagheri, D Ashouri, MS Allahyari,Interpretation on biological control adoption of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) in North Part of Iran,2016
24 - A Bagheri,عوامل موثر بر پذیرش ریزغده بذری سیب‌زمینی درشهرستان اردبیل، ایران‎,2015
23 - S Mokhet, A Bageri, F Shafiee, H Shabanali Fami,(English): Factors motivating rural youth of Gonbad-e-Kavous to choose agricultural occupations,2015
22 - A Bagheri, S Shajari,Investigating drought management in farming systems of Jahroum County of Fars Province,2015
21 - N Emami, A Bagheri,Relationship between social capital and quality of services from the perspective of cooperative members (A case study in agricultural production cooperatives Ardabil County),2015
20 - A Bagheri,Determinants of adoption of mini-tuber seed Potato: A case in Ardabil Province of Iran,2015
18 - G Heydari, R Salar, A Ghorbani, A Bagheri,Assessment of collective utilization system in rangeland degradation (case study: summer rangelands of Noshahr county).,2015
17 - A Bagheri,Factors affecting application of sustainable agricultural technologies and practices in potato farms of the Ardabil region.,2014
16 - ,ریسک و مدیریت ریسک از دیدگاه سیب‌زمینی کاران شهرستان اردبیل‎,2014
15 - A Bagheri, M Razeghi, A Hossein Pour,Barriers of Mobil Phone Application as an Educational Means in Agricultural Education: Agricultural Extension Experts' Perspectives, Ardabil Province,2012
14 - A Bagheri, SM Razeghi,Factors affecting Adoption of Artificial Insemination in Dairy Farms of Ardabil Province (a comparison of models),2012
13 - A Bagheri, HS Fami, M Razeghi,Potato growers' knowledge of sustainability in Ardabil region of Iran.,2011
12 - M Shahpasand, A Bagheri,A Survey of the Effects of Technical-Vocational Education (during Years 2000-2004) on Staffs' Professional Skills the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad,2011
11 - A Bagheri,Factors Affecting Dairy Farming Technology Adoption: A Case in Ardabil Province of Iran,2011
10 - M Rezaei, A Bagheri,Analyzing factors affecting the adoption of animal husbandry technologies among dairymen in Ardabil province.,2011
9 - A Bagheri, M Shahpasand,Studying the Attitude of Potato Farmers in Ardebil Plain on Sustainable Agricultural Operation,2011
8 - A Bagheri, A Ghorbani,Adoption and non-adoption of sprinkler irrigation technology in Ardabil Province of Iran,2011
7 - M Rezaei, A Bagheri,Comparative analysis of characteristics of adopters and non-adopters of artificial insemination in Ardabil Province of Iran.,2011
6 - A Bagheri, MR Shah Pasand,Attitudes of potato farmers toward sustainable agricultural practices in Ardabil plain,2010
5 - A Bagheri,Potato farmers’ perceptions of sustainable agriculture: the case of Ardabil province of Iran,2010
4 - A Bagheri, HS Fami, A Rezvanfar, A Asadi, S Yazdani,Perceptions of paddy farmers towards sustainable agricultural technologies: case of Haraz catchments area in Mazandaran province of Iran.,2008
2 - A Bagheri, I Malek-mohammadi,Adoption behavior of Sprinkler irrigation in Ardabil province,2005
1 - A Bagheri, I Malek Mohammadi,Behavior of Adoption of Sprinkler irrigationamong farmers in the Province of Ardabi” l,2005

مقالات فارسی

مدیر امور دانشجویی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی (1376-1377) رییس کتابخانه مرکزی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، 1377-1379 رییس دفتر نظارت و ارزیابی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی 1388-1389

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