علی عبادی خزینه قدیم

مرتبه علمی: استاد
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه مهندسی تولید و ژنتیک گیاهی
شماره تماس:
ایمیل: ebadi@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6486-6757?lang=en
AllSince 2019

متولد 1337 شهرستان میاندوآب هستم. 


دوره دبیرستان را در شهرستان ملکان در سال 1356 به اتمام رسانده و در همان سال در رشته زراعت و اصلاح نباتات در دانشگاه تبریز پذیرفته شدم. در سال 1364 این دوره را به اتمام رسانده و در رشته زراعت دانشگاه تهران پذیرفته شدم و در سال 1366 موفق به اخذ درجه فوق لیسانس از دانشگاه تهران شده و سال 1367 در دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی شروع بکار نمودم. دوره دکتری خود را در سال 1374 در دانشگاه تربیت مدرس شروع و در سال 1378 به اتمام رساندم.


عضویت در انجمن های علمی

زمینه های تحقیقاتی

مقالات انگلیسی

100 - SYR Sadati, SJ Godehkahriz, A Ebadi, M Sedghi,Zinc oxide nanoparticles enhance drought tolerance in wheat via physio-biochemical changes and stress genes expression,2022
99 - S Ghahremani, A Ebadi, A Tobeh, M Hashemi, M Sedghi, A Gholipoouri, ...,Short-term impact of monocultured and mixed cover crops on soil properties, weed suppression, and lettuce yield,2021
98 - SY Raeesi Sadati, S Jahanbakhsh Godehkahriz, A Ebadi, M Sedghi,Study of expression pattern of some transcription factors in wheat under drought stress and zinc nanoparticles,2021
97 - S Sanayei, M Barmaki, A Ebadi, M Torabi-Giglou,Amelioration of water deficiency stress in roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria,2021
96 - MB Aalizadeh, A Shafaroodi, A Ebadi,Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative traits of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) in response to organic, chemical and biological fertilizers in climatic conditions of Ardabil …,2021
95 - F Ahmadnia, A Ebadi, M Hashemi, L Nabati,Investigating the effectiveness of Sunn Hemp (Crotalaria juncea) and Rye (Secale cereal L.) in weed suppression and yield of Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. Gongylodes),2021
94 - E Ramzi, A Asghari, O Sofalian, A Mehraban, A Ebadi,Evaluation of seed yield stability of barley promising genotypes using principal coordinates analysis,2020
93 - F Ahmadnia, A Ebadi, M Hashemi, A Ghavidel, S Ghahremani,Evaluation of Short-Term Effect of Oat (Avena sativa L.) and Chickling Pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) Cover Crops on Improving some Soil Properties,2020
92 - A Ebadi, G Parmoon, F Ahmadnia, M Godarzy, S Ghahremani,Quantifying cardinal temperature and hydro time germination of Cuminum cyminum seeds,2020
91 - S Sanayei, M Barmaki, A Ebadi Khazine Gadim, M Torabi Giglou,Effect of drought stress and inoculation of mycorrihizal fungi and Pseudomonas spp. on some morpho-physiological characteristics of roselle (Hibiscus sabdaeiffa L.),2020
90 - SSY RAEESI, GS JAHANBAKHSH, A Ebadi, M Sedghi,Effect of zinc nano oxide foliar application yield and physiological traits wheat under drought stress,2020
89 - SJGAG Hourieh Tavakoli Hasanaklou, Ali Ebadi Khazineh Ghadim, Foad Moradi,The Effects of NH4+ and NO3− and Plant Growth Regulators on the Accumulation of Nutrients, Carbohydrates and Secondary Metabolites of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni,2020
88 - M Zafari, A Ebadi, M Sedghi, S Jahanbakhsh,Alleviating effect of 24-epibrassinolide on seed oil content and fatty acid composition under drought stress in safflower,2020
87 - F Ahmadnia, A Ebadi, M Hashemi, A Ghavidel,Investigating the short time effect of cover crops on physical and biological properties of soil,2020
86 - M Hosseinpour, A Ebadi, H Habibi, E Nabizadeh, S Jahanbakhsh,Enhancing enzymatic and nonenzymatic response of Echinacea purpurea by exogenous 24-epibrassinolide under drought stress,2020
85 - M Zafari, A Ebadi, S Jahanbakhsh, M Sedghi,Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) Biochemical Properties, Yield, and Oil Content Affected by 24-Epibrassinosteroid and Genotype under Drought Stress,2020
84 - SAM Ghasem Parmoon, Ali Ebadi, Soodabeh Jahanbakhsh, Masoud Hashemi,Assessing photosynthetic performance of fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare Mill) influenced by plant growth regulators and drought stress imposed at vegetative and reproductive stages,2019
83 - P Nobakht, A Ebadi, G Parmoon, R Nickhah Bahrami,Study role H2O2 in Photosynthetic pigments Peppermint (Mentha piperita L) on Water stress conditions.,2019
82 - S Bourang, GS Jahanbakhsh, ALI EBADI,The effect of cadmium chloride and foliar application of iron and zinc on biochemical characteristics wheat under hydroponic conditions,2019
81 - S Gholipour,Study change compatibility metabolites and antioxidant enzyme activities of wheat cultivars under water stress,2018
80 - K Hemmati, A Ebadi, S Khomari, M Sedghi,The response of pot marigold plant (Calendula officinalis L.) to ascorbic acid and brassinosteroid under drought stress,2018
79 - G Parmoon, A Ebadi, S Jahanbakhsh, M Hashemi, SA Moosavi,Effect of exogenous application of several plant growth regulators on photosynthetic pigments of fennel plants,2018
78 - M Zafari, A Ebadi, GS JAHANBAKHSH, M Sedghi,Evaluating some physiological characteristics of safflower cultivars (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under water deficit stress and brassionosteroide application,2018
77 - F Etemadi, M Hashemi, R Randhir, O ZandVakili, A Ebadi,Accumulation of L-DOPA in various organs of faba bean and influence of drought, nitrogen stress, and processing methods on L-DOPA yield,2018
76 - SKMS Khatereh Hemmati, Ali Ebadi,Influence of ascorbic acid and 24-epibrassinolide on physiological characteristics of pot marigold under water-stress condition,2018
75 - N Razmi, A Ebadi, J Daneshian, S Jahanbakhsh,Salicylic acid induced changes on antioxidant capacity, pigments and grain yield of soybean genotypes in water deficit condition,2017
74 - M Zafari, A Ebadi, SJ GODEHKAHRIZ,Effect of seed inoculation on alfalfa tolerance to water deficit stress,2017
73 - G Parmoon, A Ebadie, S Jahanbakhsh, SA Mossavi,Effect of salicylic acid on antioxidant enzyms of accelerated aging seeds of milk thistle (Silybum marianum),2017
72 - GF NASER, S Jahanbakhsh, M Gaffari, A Ebadi,Evaluation of some agronomic traits and estimation of drought resistance indices for seed yield in sunflower inbred lines under with and without water stress,2017
71 - MS Zafari, Mahnazو Ali Ebadi, Sodabeh Jahanbakhsh,Effect Brassinosteroid application on safflower cultivars tolerance to water stress in Ardabil,2017
70 - A Azadi, M Mardi, E Majidi Harvan, SA Mohammadi, F Moradi,QTL Analysis for Sodium and Potassium Concentration and Potassium to Sodium Ratio in Wheat Under Salt-Stress Condition,2017
69 - N ASGHARI, GS JAHANBAKHSH, A Ebadi, N Tavakoli,Protein profile in wheat as affected by drought stress and nano-chelate potassium,2017
68 - MH Mohammadi, B Heidary Araghi, V Beydaghi, A Geraili, F Moradi, ...,Organ‐On‐Chip Platforms: Skin Diseases Modeling using Combined Tissue Engineering and Microfluidic Technologies (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 19/2016),2016
67 - N Tavakoli Hasanaklou, A Ebadi, M Davari, H Tavakoli,Effect of potassium and nitrogen on the resistant of wheat against FHB,2016
66 - A Poshtdar, A Abdali Mashhadi, F Moradi, SA Siadat, A Bakhshandeh,Effects of different sources of nitrogen fertilizer and applied rates on essential oil content and composition of peppermints,2016
65 - M Zafari, A Ebadi,Effects of water strass and brassinosteroid (24-epibrassinolide) on changes of some amino acids and pigments in safflower (Cartamus tinctorius L.),2016
64 - SAK Ahmadi, A Ebadi, J Daneshian, SA Siadat, S Jahanbakhsh,Effect of drought stress and foliar application of growth regulators on photosynthetic pigments and seed yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L. cv. Hyola 401).,2016
63 - A Poshtdar, ARA Mashhadie, F Moradi, SA Siadat, A Bakhshandeh,Effect of source and rate of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and water and nitrogen use efficiency of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.).,2016
62 - SAK AHMADI, A Ebadi, S Jahanbakhsh, J Daneshian, SA Siadat,Changes in enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant defense mechanisms of canola seedlings at different drought stress and nitrogen levels,2015
61 - SAK AHMADI, A Ebadi, J Daneshian, S Jahanbakhsh, SA Siadat, ...,Effects of irrigation deficit and application of some growth regulators on defense mechanisms of canola,2015
60 - AE G Parmoon, SA Moosavi, H Akbari,Quantifying cardinal temperatures and thermal time required for germination of Silybum marianum seed,2015
59 - G Parmoon, A Ebadi, S Janbakhsh, SA Moosav,Effects of seed priming on catalase activity and storage reservoirs of aged milk thistle seeds (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn),2015
58 - G Parmoon, A Ebadi, GS JAHANBAKHSH, M Davari,Effect of seed priming by salicylic acid on the physiological and biochemical traits of aging milk thistle (Silybum marianum) seeds,2015
57 - S Rashidi, A Ebadi, G Parmoon, S Jahanbakhsh, Z Haghighat,Effect of nitrogen source on bean growth under water deficit conditions,2015
56 - E Jam, A Ebadi, G Parmoon,The role of iron and zinc on tuber yield and yield components of potato,2015
55 - SJ Movludi, Arezu, Ali Ebadi,Effect of nitrogen application on some characteristics of drought tolerance in spring barley,2015
54 - A Ebadi, G Parmoon, AS Calkhoran, K Sajed,Evaluation of the effect of mixture of herbicides on weeds control in rainfed bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Ardabil.,2015
53 - A Vafaie, A Ebadie, GH Parmoon,Effect of potassium and magnesium application on grain yield and oil content of safflower,2015
52 - N Dadkhah, A Ebadie, G Parmoon, E Ghlipoori, S Jahanbakhsh,The effects of zice fertilizer on some physiological characteristics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under water stress,2015
51 - B Rastgo, A Ebadie, GH Parmoon,Investigation the effect of using nitrogen on yield and storage compositions of Safflower grain (Carthamus tinctorius L.),2014
50 - H Tavakoli Hasanaklou, A Ebadi, S Jahanbakhsh,Study of some tolerance mechanisms to water dificit stress in bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.),2014
49 - SA KalantarAhmadi, A Ebadi, SA Siadat, HT Hasanaklou,Effect of heat stress due to sowing date on grain yield of rapeseed cultivars in north Khuzestan conditions in Iran.,2014
48 - A Ebadi, K Sajed, A Gharib-Eshghi,Evaluation of light extinction coefficient, radiation use efficiency and grain yield of soybean genotypes,2014
47 - SA Kalantar Ahmadi, A Ebadi, S Jahanbakhsh, J Daneshian, SA Siadat,Effects of water stress and nitrogen on changes of some amino acids and pigments in canola,2014
46 - GP A Movludi, A Ebadi, S Jahanbakhsh, M DAVARI,The Effect of Water Deficit and Nitrogen on the Antioxidant Enzymes' Activity and Quantum Yield of Barley,2014
45 - G Parmoon, A Ebadi, A Ghaviazm, M Miri,Effect of seed priming on germination and seedling growth of Chamomile under salinity,2013
44 - A Vafaie, A Ebadi, B Rastgou, SH Moghadam,The effects of potassium and magnesium on yield and some physiological traits of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius).,2013
43 - B Rastgou, A Ebadi, A Vafaie, SH Moghadam,The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on nutrient uptake, physiological traits and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.).,2013
42 - MD G PARMOON, A EBADI, S JAHANBAKHSH,The Effect of Seed Priming and Accelerated Aging on Germination and Physiochemical Changes in Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum),2013
41 - SH Hoseinlou, A Ebadi, M Ghaffari, E Mostafaei,Nitrogen use efficiency under water deficit condition in spring barley.,2013
40 - NS K. Sajed Gollojeh, A. Ebadi, M. mohebodini,Herbicide effects on weed control and yield of lentil (lens culinaris Medik) in dryland condition,2013
39 - F Joudi, A Tobeh, A Ebadi, H Mostafaee, ESSH JAMAATI,Nitrogen effects on yield, yield components, agronomical and recovery nitrogen use efficiency in lentil genotypes,2012
38 - LFA Ebadi,Effect of nitrogen and sulfur fertilizer application on yield, yield components, and some physiological traits of spring safflower,2012
37 - SK Z. Haghighata, A. Ebadib,Influence of seed priming on germination and early growth of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench under salt stress,2012
36 - A Ebadi, K Sajed, AH Sanjari,The effect of irrigation cut on dry matter remobilization and some of agronomy traits on spring barley,2012
35 - MJ Orange, A Ebadi,Responses of phenological and physiological stages of spring safflower to complementary irrigation,2012
34 - P Molaei, A Ebadi, A Namvar, TK Bejandi,Water relation, solute accumulation and cell membrane injury in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars subjected to water stress,2012
33 - F Abbasi-Shahmersi, A Ebadi,Effect of mineral nitrogen on shoot biomass and concentrations of some elements in alfalfa leaves under salinity conditions,2012
32 - AF Shahmersi, A Ebadi, MA Kandi, S Sanayei,The mineral nitrogen fertilizer effects on photosynthetic index of alfalfa Medicago sativa under salinity stress condition,2012
31 - F Shafii, A Ebadi, KS Golloje, A Eshghi-Gharib,Soybean response to nitrogen fertilizer under water deficit conditions,2011
30 - M Saeidi, F Moradi,Effect of post-anthesis water stress on remobilization of soluble carbohydrates from peduncle and penultimate internodes to the developing grains of two bread wheat cultivars.,2011
29 - F Jodi, A Tobeh, A Ebadi, H Mostafaee, S Jamaatisamaren,Effect of Nitrogen on yield, yield components, agronomic efficiency and nitrogen on Lentil genotypes,2011
28 - M AKBARZADEH, F MORADI, MMH DABAGH, P JAFARI, ...,Metabolic syndrome in the mothers of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome,2011
27 - S Saeedipour, F Moradi,Relationship between abscisic acid (ABA) concentration and some physiological traits in two wheat cultivars differing in post-anthesis droughtresistance,2011
26 - H Maralian, A Ebadi, B Haji-Eghrari,Influence of water deficit stress on wheat grain yield and proline accumulation rate,2010
25 - A Ebadi, K Sajed,Wheat yield fluctuations due to source-sink manipulation under water deficit condition,2010
24 - E Jam, A Ebadi, I AMINI, B Dehdar,Effect of planting density and seed-minituber size on some quantitative and qualitative traits of potato,2009
23 - K Shahbazi, A Tobeh, A Ebadi, B Dehdar, A Mahrooz, ...,Nitrogen use efficiency and nitrate accumulation in tubers as affected by four fertilization levels in three potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars.,2009
22 - M Hassanzadeh, A Ebadi, M Panahyan-e-Kivi, AG Eshghi,Evaluation of drought stress on relative water content and chlorophyll content of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genotypes at early flowering stage,2009
21 - MSRZM M. Hassanzadeh, A. Ebadi, M. Panahyan-e-Kivi, A.G. Eshghi, Sh. Jamaati ...,Evaluation of Drought Stress on Relative Water Content and Chlorophyll Content of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes at Early Flowering Stage,2009
20 - E Ali, SG Kamel,Effects of seed priming on growth and yield of chickpea under saline soil,2009
19 - M Hassanzadeh, A Ebadi, M Panahyan-e-Kivi, S Jamaati-e-Somarin, ...,Investigation of water stress on yield and yield components of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in Moghan region.,2009
18 - M Panahyan-e-Kivi, A Ebadi, A Tobeh, S Jamaati-e-Somarin,Evaluation of yield and yield components of lentil genotypes under drought stress.,2009
17 - SJ M. Salehpour, A Ebadi, M. Izadi,Evaluation of water stress and nitrogen fertilizer effects on relative water content, membrane stability index, chlorophyll and some other traits of lentils (Lens culinari …,2009
16 - ATSJ N. Bahavar, A. Ebadi,Effects of nitrogen application on growth of irrigated Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under drought stress in hydroponics condition,2009
15 - ATSJES Nayer Bahavar, Ali Ebadi,Effects of Mineral Nitrogen on Water Use Efficiency of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under Water Deficit Condition,2009
14 - M Jabbari, A Ebadi, A Tobeh, H Mostafaii,Effects of supplemental irrigation on yield and yield components of spring safflower genotypes,2009
13 - A Ebadi, M Davari, J Razmjoo,Nitrate and nitrite accumulation in tomato and potato in Ardabil province,2008
12 - L Vafadar, ALI EBADI, K Sajed,Effects of sowing date and plant density on yield and some traits of Sugar beet genotypes,2008
10 - A Ebadi, K Sajed, R Asgari,Effects of water deficit on dry matter remobilization and grain filling trend in three spring barley genotypes,2007
9 - M Alebrahim, N Sabaghnia, A Ebadi, M Mohebodini,Investigation the effect of salt and drought stress on seed germination of thyme medicinal plant,2004
8 - A Ebadi,A survey on Thelazia spp. in cattle in Tehran, Iran,1951
7 - M Hassanzadeh, A Ebadi,Panahyan-e-Kivi lM, Jarnaati-e-Somarin Sh, Saeidi M, Gholipouri A, 2009. Investigation ofWater Stress on Yield and Yield Components of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in Moghan Region
6 - M Hassanzadeh, A Ebadi,PANAHYAN-E-KIVI, M., ESHGHI, AG
5 - ,تاثير تنش كمبود آب در انباشت متابوليت‌ هاي سازگاري در ارقام مختلف يونجه‎
4 - SAM Ghasem Parmoon, Ali Ebadi, Soodabeh Jahanbakhsh, Masoud Hashemi,Assessing photosynthetic performance of fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare Mill) influenced by plant growth regulators and drought stress imposed at vegetative and reproductive stages
3 - M Salehpour, A Ebadi, M Izadi,Jamaati-e-Somarin Sh. 2009. Evaluation of water stress and nitrogen fertilizer effects on relative water content, membrane stability index, chlorophyll and some other traits of …
2 - N Bahavar, A Ebadi, A Tobeh,Effects of mineral nitrogen on water use efficiency of chickpea under water deficit condition
1 - N Bahavar, AT Ebadi,A and Sh Jamatti-e–somarin. 2009. Effect of nitrogen application on growth of irrigated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under drought stress in hydroponics condition

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برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

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