عبداله برهانی فر

مرتبه علمی: استاد
دانشکده علوم
گروه ریاضیات و کاربردها
شماره تماس: 09143548213
ایمیل: borhani@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: 0000-0002-1782-9160
AllSince 2019

اینجانب عبداله برهانی فر با مرتبه استاد تمام عضو هیات علمی رسمی قطعی گروه ریاضیات و کاربردها دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی میباشم. 


لیسانس ریاضی از دانشگاه تبریز در سال 1370 و فوق لیسانس ریاضی کاربردی ازدانشگاه تبریز در تاریخ 1370 را اخذ نمودم.در سال 1383دکتری ریاضی کاربردی را از دانشگاه دولتی مسکو اخذ نمودم. 


کتاب های منتشر شده:

1- معادلات دیفرانسیل  معمولی و کاربر دها
2-  ریاضیات مهندسی پیشرفته
3-  نرم افزار Maple

پژوهشگر نمونه دانشگاه

عضویت در انجمن های علمی

زمینه های تحقیقاتی

 معادلات دیفرانسیل و فیزیک ریاضی

• تحلیل عددی

• کاربردهای مهندسی روش های ریاضی

• روش تقریب

مقالات انگلیسی

42 - Abdollah Borhanifar Sadaghat Shahmorad, Elham Feizi, Solving 2D-integro-differential problems with nonlocal boundary conditions via a matrix formulated approach, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matcom.2023.06.011
41 - Sohrab VALIZADEH and Abdollah BORHANIFAR, Numerical Solution for Riesz Fractional Diffusion Equation via Fractional Centered Difference Scheme, Walailak J Sci & Tech 2021; 18(7): 9246.
39 - Amin Ghannadiasl, Ali Zamiri, Abdollah Borhanifar, Free vibrations of non uniform beams on a non uniform Winkler foundation using the Laguerre collocation method, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2020) 42:242
38 - S. Valizadeh , A. Borhanifar, M. R. Abdollahpour , Optimal Feedback Control of Fractional Semilinear Integro-differential Equations in The Banach Spaces, Int. J. Industrial Mathematics Vol. 12, No. 4, 2020
37 - Ali Zamiri, Abdollah Borhanifar, Amin Ghannadiasl, Laguerre collocation method for solving Lane-Emden type equations, Computational Methods for Differential Equations, DOI:10.22034/cmde.2020.35895.1621
36 - Fazel Saadati-Sharafeh, Abdollah Borhanifar, Alexey P. Porfirev,Pari Amiri, Ehsan A. Akhlaghi, Svetlana N. Khonina, Yashar Azizian-Kalandaragh, The Superposition of the Bessel and Mirrored Bessel Beams and Investigation of Their Self-Healing haracteristic,Optik(2019), : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2019.164057.
35 - Sohrab Valizadeh, Alaeddin Malek and Abdollah Borhanifar, Compact ADI method for two-dimensional Riesz space fractional diffusion equation, Numerical Analysis (math.NA),2018,https://doi.org/10.48550
34 - A. Borhanifar, S. Shahmorad & E. Feizi, A matrix formulated algorithm for solving parabolic equations with nonlocal boundary conditions, Numerical Algorithms74 (2017) 1203-1221
33 - Abdollah Borhanifar, Khadijeh Sadri, A generalized operational method for solving integro–partial differential equations based on Jacobi polynomials, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 45 (2) (2016), 311 – 335.
32 - Mohammad Bagher Moghimi, Abdollah Borhanifar, Solving a Class of Nonlinear Delay Integro–differential Equations by Using Differential Transformation Method, Applied and Computational Mathematics 2016; 5(3).
31 - A. Borhanifar, Kh. Sadri, A new operational approach for numerical solution of generalized functional integro-differential equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 279 (2015) 80-96.
30 - A. Borhanifar, Kh. Sadri, Numerical Study of the Variational Iteration Method for Special Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology 3 (2014), 9-14.
29 - A. Borhanifar, Kh. Sadri, Numerical solution for systems of two dimensional integral equations by using Jacobi operational collocation method, Sohag Journal of Mathematics 1 (2014), 15-26.
28 - A. Borhanifar, A. Zamiri, The (G'/G)-expansion Method for Solving Fifth Order Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon (CDG) Equation, World Applied Sciences Journal 22 (2013) 1745-1750.
27 - A. Borhanifar, S. Valizadeh, A Fractional Finite Difference Method for Solving the Fractional Poisson Equation Based on the Shifted Grunwald Estimate, Walailak J Sci & Tech 10(5) (2013) 427-435.
26 - S. Shahmorad, A. Borhanifar and B. Soltanalizadeh, A An Approximation Method Based on Matrix Formulated Algorithm for the Heat Equation with Nonlocal Boundary Conditions, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 11 (2012) 3-19.
25 - A. Borhanifar, R. Abazari, General Solution of Two Generalized Form of Burgers Equation by Using the (G'/G)-Expansion Method, Applied Mathematics 3 (2012), 158-168.
24 - A. Borhanifar, R. Abazari, General Solution of Two Generalized Form of Burgers Equation by Using the (G'/G)-Expansion Method, Applied Mathematics 3 (2012), 158-168.
23 - Abdollah Borhanifar, Reza Abazari, General Solution of Two Generalized Form of Burgers Equation by Using the (G’/G)-Expansion Method, Applied Mathematics, 2012, 3, 158-168.
22 - A. Borhanifar, S. Valizadeh, Numerical Solution for Fractional Partial Differential Equations Using Crank-Nicolson Method with Shifted Grunwald Estimate, Walailak J Sci & Tech 9(4) (2012) 433-444.
21 - M.M. Kabir, A. Borhanifar and R. Abazari, Application of (G'/G )−expansion method to Regularized Long Wave (RLW)equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 61 (8)(2011), 2044-2047.
20 - A. Borhanifar, A. zamiri, Application of (G'/G )−expansion method for the Zhiber -Shabat equation and other related equations, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54 (2011) 2109-2116.
19 - A. Borhanifar, A. zamiri, M. M. Kabir, Exact travelling wave solutions for the generalized shallow water wave (GSWW) equation, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 10 (4) (2011), 466-471.
18 - A. Borhanifar, M. M. Kabir, R. Abazari, Application of (G'/G )−expansion method to regularized (RLW) equation, Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 61 (2011) 2044-2047.
17 - A. Borhanifar, R. Abazari, General solution of generalized (2+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation by using the (G'/G )−expansion method, Journal of Computer Mathematics., 1 (2011) 219-225.
16 - A. Borhanifar, R. Abazari, A. Borhanifar, R. Abazari, Exact solutions for nonlinear Schrodinger equations by differential transformation method, Applied Mathematics and Computing, 35 (2011) 37-51., Applied Mathematics and Computing, 35 (2011) 37-51.
15 - A. Borhanifar, Ali. Zamiri and M.M. Kabir , Exact Travelling Wave Solutions for the Generalized Shallow Water Wave (GSWW) Equation, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 10 (4): 466-471, 2011.
14 - T. Allahviranloo, A. Borhanifar, S. Hajihosseinlou, Y.Nejatbakhsh, Quadrature Rules for Fuzzy Integrals, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Islamic Azad University of Lahijan 1(28)(2011) 9-22.
13 - A. Borhanifar, M. M. Kabir, Soliton and periodic solutions for (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equations by exp-function method, Application and Applied Mathemahics, 5 (2010) 59-69.
12 - A. Borhanifar, R. Abazari, Numerical study of nonlinear Schrodinger and coupled transformation method, Optic. Comm.283 (2010) 2026-2031.
11 - A. Borhanifar, H. Jafari, S. A. Karimi, New solitary wave solutions for generalized and regularized long-wave equation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87 (3) (2010) 509-514.
10 - A. Borhanifar, R. Abazari, Numerical study of nonlinear Schrodinger and coupled Schrodinger equations by differential transformation method, Optics Communications 283 (2010), 2026-2031.
9 - R. Abazari, A. Borhanifar, Numerical study of the solution of the Burgers and coupled Burgers equations by a differentialtransformation method, Computers and Mathematics withApplications 59 (2010), 2711-2722.
8 - A. Borhanifar, H. Jafari, S. A. Karimi, New solitary wave solutions for the bad boussinesq and good boussinesq equations, Numerical Methods for partial Differential Equations, 25 (2009) 1231-1237.
7 - A. Borhanifar, M. M. Kabir, New periodic and soliton solutions by application of application of exp-function method for nonlinear evolution equation, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 229 (2009) 158-167.
6 - A. Borhanifar, M. M. Kabir, L. Maryam Vahdat, New periodic and soliton wave solutions for the generalized zakharovsystem and (2+1)-dimensional nizhnik-novikov-veselov system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 42 (2009) 1646-1654.
5 - D. Rezaei Ochbelagh1, A. Borhanifar, A. Asadi, Thermal Effects of Mobile Phone on Tissue, Asian J. Exp. Sci 23(2009), 351-356.
4 - A. Borhanifar, H. Jafari, S. A. Karimi, New solitons and periodic solutions for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 4 (2008) 224-229.
3 - A. Borhanifar, H. Jafari, S. A. Karimi, New soliton and periodic solutions for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations, J.Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 4 (2008), 224-229.
2 - A. Borhanifar, R. Abazari, Numerical Solution of Second-Order Matrix Differential Models Using Cubic Matrix Splines, Applied Mathematical Sciences 59 (2007), 2927-2937.
1 - A. Borhanifar, A. G. Volkov, and V. A. Trofimov, Difference Scheme for Three-Frequency Interaction of Femtosecond Pulses in the Presence of Nonlinear Response Dispersion, Computational Mathematics and Modeling, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2005.

مقالات فارسی

کتاب انگلیسی

کتاب فارسی

رییس دانشکده علوم پایه - رییس استعداد های درخشان دانشگاه - معاون دانشجویی و فرهنگی دانشگاه - مدیر نظارت و ارزیابی دانشگاه - مدیر تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه - عضو هیات اجرایی جذب هیات علمی دانشگاه

برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه

5 - روش تاو برای حل معادلات با مشتقات خطی و غیر خطی با شرایط مرزی غیر محلی انتگرال, الهام فیضی, 1397

4 - استفاده از چند جمله ای های ژاکوبی برای حل معادلات دیفرانسیل با مشتقات نسبی, خدیجه صدری, 1394

3 - حل عددی معادلات دیفرانسیل با مشتقات جزئی کسری با استفاده از تقریب ریشه مربع, سهراب ولیزاده, 1398

2 - بررسی ویژگی‌های تکانه زاویه‌ای مداری کسری با ساختار نور، 2020., فاضل سعادتی, 1399

1 - روش طیفی لاگر برای حل معادلات دیفرانسیل با معادلات مشتق نسبی و انتگرال, علی ضمیر, 1397

کارشناسی ارشد

5 - مقایسه تفاوت محدود و روش چبیشف برای KdV, پرویز باقری,

4 - حل عددی معادله انتشار کسری, مهناز آبروان,

3 - تقریب تفاضل محدود ضمنی برای معادلات انتشار زمان کسری, الناز فری هود,

2 - روش‌های تفاضل محدود میانگین وزنی برای معادلات انتشار کسری, المیرا محمدی, 1391

1 - حل معادلات سهموی و هذلولی به روش تفاضل محدود عمومی, اعظم عبدی, 1391

The 8 th Seminar on Linear Algebra and its Applications 13-14th May 2015, University of Kurdistan, Iran.


41st Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference 12-15 September 2010, University of Urmia,Iran.

December, 1999 Applications of harmonic morphisms to gravity

The Second International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics” September 10-12, 2008, Baku, Azerbaijan.


International Conference on Nonlinear Modeling and Optimization,2012

December, 1997 Solving constrained nonlinear optimization problems with generalized Kahn-Tucker conditions

Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference,27-30 August 2012 University of Tabriz.

August, 2012 General solution of Fisher equations by matrix differential transformation method