رسول اصغري

مرتبه علمی: استاد
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه مهندسی تولید و ژنتیک گیاهی
شماره تماس: 09143541783
ایمیل: r-asghari@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1613-4455
AllSince 2019

مقالات انگلیسی

100 - M Khezri, R Asghari-Zakaria, N Zare,Plant Cell and Tissue Culture: Propagation, Improvement, and Conservation of Medicinal Plants,2024
99 - S Bourang, M Noruzpour, S Jahanbakhsh Godekahriz, HAC Ebrahimi, ...,Application of nanoparticles in breast cancer treatment: a systematic review,2024
98 - F Ahmadpoor, N Zare, R Asghari, P Sheikhzadeh-Mosadeg,The effect of plant growth regulators on the antioxidant enzyme activity and secondary metabolite production in the cell suspension cultures of Melia azedarach L.,2023
97 - MB Varjovi, RA Zakaria, S Rostamnia, B Gholipour,Biosynthesized Ag nanoparticles on urea-based periodic mesoporous organosilica enhance galegine content in Galega,2023
96 - M Nemati, N Zare, N Hedayat-Evrigh, R Asghari,Identification of Key Gene Network Modules and Hub Genes Associated with Wheat Response to Biotic Stress Using Combined Microarray Meta-analysis and WGCN Analysis,2023
95 - R Hazrati, N Zare, R Asghari-Zakaria, P Sheikhzadeh,Green synthesized Ag nanoparticles stimulate gene expression and paclitaxel production in Corylus avellana cells,2023
94 - S Minaei, R Asghari Zakaria, N Zare, M Khezri,Evaluation of the effect of nanoelicitors on cell growth and some biochemical properties in cell suspension culture of Galega officinalis L.,2023
93 - A Jahanbani, R Asghari Zakaria, V Ashrafi, M Ghasemi Kalkhoran, ...,Effect of foliar application of chitosan and humic acid on yield and yield components of bread wheat under end-season drought stress,2023
92 - M Nemati, N Zare, N Hedayat-Evrigh, R Asghari,Meta-analysis of common wheat physiological response to biotic stresses.,2022
91 - M Khezri, R Asghari-Zakaria, N Zare, M Johari-Ahar,Enhancement of galegine production in cell suspension culture of Galega officinalis through elicitation,2022
90 - M Khezri, R Asghari-Zakaria, N Zare, M Johari-Ahar,Tetraploidy induction increases galegine content in Galega officinalis L.,2022
89 - N Solat Petloo, R Asghari Zakaria, A Ebadi, P Sharifi Ziveh,Selection of cow cockle (Vaccaria hispanica) ecotypes based on agronomic traits under different irrigation regimes,2022
88 - P Ghanbari Namin, R Asghari Zakaria, N Zare, M Khezri,Effect of nano-elicitors on the production of some secondary metabolites in hairy roots of Galega (Galega officinalis L.),2022
87 - N Zare, V Madani, A Jamali, R Asghari,Factors affecting hairy roots induction efficiency via Agrobacterium rhizogenes and evaluation of Valerenic acid production in the hairy root culture of medicinal plant …,2022
86 - M Noruzpuor, N Zare, R Asghari Zakaria, P Sheikhzade,Effects of benomyl and cytokinin on in vitro contamination and growth of Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. node explants,2022
85 - F Ahmadpoor, N Zare, R Asghari, P Sheikhzadeh,Sterilization protocols and the effect of plant growth regulators on callus induction and secondary metabolites production in in vitro cultures Melia azedarach L.,2022
84 - R Hazrati, N Zare, R Asghari-Zakaria, P Sheikhzadeh, M Johari-Ahar,Factors affecting the growth, antioxidant potential, and secondary metabolites production in hazel callus cultures,2022
83 - M Khezri, R Asghari Zakaria, N Zare, M Johari-Ahar,Improving galegine production in transformed hairy roots of Galega officinalis L. via elicitation,2022
82 - R Hazrati, N Zare, R Asghari, P Sheikhzadeh, M Johari-Ahar,Biologically synthesized CuO nanoparticles induce physiological, metabolic, and molecular changes in the hazel cell cultures,2022
81 - A Amani, M Dustparast, M Noruzpour, RA Zakaria, HA Ebrahimi,Design and invitro characterization of green synthesized magnetic nanoparticles conjugated with multitargeted poly lactic acid copolymers for co-delivery of siRNA and paclitaxel,2021
80 - T Taherkhani, RA Zakaria, M Omidi, M Taherkhani,Expression of Genes Involved in the Biosynthesis of Crocin and Safranal in Cell Suspension Culture of Saffron (Crocus sativus),2021
79 - GS Ardabili, RA Zakaria, N Zare, LG Namazi,Induction of autotetraploidy in bride rose poppy (Papaver fugax Poir.) by colchicine treatment of seeds and seedlings,2021
78 - V Madani, N Zare, R Asgahri Zakaria,The effect of elicitors on the biochemical properties and expression of the genes involved in sesquiterpenes biosynthesis pathway in the hairy root cultures of medicinal plant …,2021
77 - R Asghari Zakaria, M Khezri, N Zare, S Minaei Minabad,The effect of different combinations of plant growth regulators in MS medium on callus induction and direct regeneration of Galega officinalis,2021
76 - F Ahmadpoor, N Zare, R Asghari-Zakaria, P Sheikhzadeh-Mosadeg,Extraction, Identification And Determination of Antiviral And Anticancer Flavonoids By HPLC-DAD In Cell Suspension Culture of Melia Azedarach L.,2021
75 - G Sotoudeh Ardabili, R Asghari Zakaria, N Zare, L Ghaffarzadeh Namazi,Effect of colchicine dose and treatment duration on morphophysiological characteristics of Bride Rose Poppy (Papaver Fugax Poir.) using different explants,2020
74 - F Darvishnia, MH Pahlevani, KZ Nezhad, K Azizi, S Bagherikia, ...,XML Graphical Analysis of Reaction of Bread Wheat Genotypes to Water Stress in Lorestan Province,2020
73 - M Alavi, N Zare, A Masumiasl, P Sheikhzadeh Mosadegh, ...,Embryo culture to overcome seed dormancy and produce seedling in Ferulago angulata (Schlecht.) Boiss.,2020
72 - F Afkhami, N Zare, R Asghari, M Mehdizadeh, B Firoozi,The effects of ultrasound, temperature, light, chitosan and plant growth regulators on callus induction in saffron (Crocus sativus L.),2020
71 - SM Alavi Mehryan, N Zare, A Masumiasl, P Sheikhzadeh, R Asghari,Effect of salicylic acid and yeast extract elicitors on the expression of HMGR and GPPS genes involved in biosynthesis of terpenes in medicinal plant Ferulago angulata under …,2020
70 - H Sardari, R Asghari Zakaria, N Zare, L Ghafarzadeh Namazi, ...,Evaluation of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) ecotypes under drought stress conditions at flowering stage,2020
69 - E Nozari, R Asghari Zakaria, N Zare,Effect of 17β-estradiol on seedling and callus growth of German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.),2020
68 - F Hassanzadeh, RA Zakaria, NH Azad,Polyploidy induction in Salvia officinalis L. and its effects on some morphological and physiological characteristics,2020
67 - B Yazdani, S Sanjari, R Asghari-Zakaria, F Ghanegolmohammadi, ...,Revision of the barley WRKY gene family phylogeny and expression analysis of the candidate genes in response to drought,2020
66 - NI Jeloudar, E Chamani, A Shokouhian, RA Zakaria,Induction and identification of polyploidy by colchicine treatment in Lilium regale,2019
65 - K Saeidi, N Zare, A Baghizadeh, R Asghari-Zakaria,Phaseolus vulgaris genome possesses CAMTA genes, and phavuCAMTA1 contributes to the drought tolerance,2019
64 - HMA Rahman, MF Rasool, I Imran,Pharmacological Studies Pertaining to Smooth Muscle Relaxant, Platelet Aggregation Inhibitory and Hypotensive Effects of Ailanthus altissima,2019
63 - T Taherkhani, R Asghari Zakaria, M Omidi, N Zare,Effect of ultrasonic waves on crocin and safranal content and expression of their controlling genes in suspension culture of saffron (Crocus sativus L.),2019
62 - M MOGHADDASZADEH, ZR ASGHARI, D HASSANPANAH, N ZARE,Non-parametric stability analysis of tuber yield in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes,2019
61 - SM Alavi, A Masoumiasl, N Zare, RA Zakaria, PS Mosaddegh,The role of ecotype, explant and plant growth regulators on cell suspension culture of Ferulago angulata (Schlecht.) Boiss.,2019
60 - M Fathi, HN Badi, A Ghanbari, R Asghari-Zakaria,Pomological and phytochemical diversity in Iranian populations of Caucasian whortleberry (Vaccinum arctostaphylos L.),2019
59 - M Noruzpour, N Zare, R Asghari-Zakaria, P Sheikhzade-Mosadegh,Vaccinium arctostaphylos L.,2019
58 - M Noruzpour, N Zare, P Sheikhzadeh-Mosadegh, R Asghari-Zakaria,The effect of auxin and signaling compounds on growth and production of secondary metabolites in vitro cultures of Whortleberry (Vaccinium arctostaphylos L.),2019
57 - E Nozari, R Asghari-Zakaria, S Jahanbakhsh, N Zare,The effect of steroidal testosterone hormone on seedling growth, antioxidant enzymes activity and callus induction in German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.),2018
56 - D Hassanpanah, R Asghari Zakaria,Evaluation of radiated potato genotypes with gamma rays in water deficit stress,2018
55 - R Ahmadpour, N Zare, R Asghari-Zakarta, P Sheikhzadeh,Efficient in vitro somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from mature and immature embryos of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),2018
54 - T Taherkhani, ZR ASGHARI, M Omidi, N Zare,Effect of Abscisic Acid (ABA) on Crocin and Safranal Contents and Expression of Controlling Genes in Saffron (Crocus sativus L.),2018
53 - A Amani, N Zare, A Asadi, RA ZAKARIA,Ultrasound-enhanced gene delivery to alfalfa cells by hPAMAM dendrimer nanoparticles,2018
52 - S Nasirvand, RA Zakaria, N Zare, B Esmaeilpoor,Polyploidy induction in parsley (Petroselinum crispum L.) by colchicine treatment,2018
51 - L Honarmand, N Zare, R Asghari-Zakaria, P Sheikhzade Mosadegh, ...,The Effects of Ultrasound on Multiple Shoot Regeneration from Sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa) Shoot Apex,2017
50 - N Zare, S Mohebzadeh, R Asghari Zakaria,Production of chymosin using recombinant DNA technology,2017
49 - A Habibi, R Asghari Zakaria, N Zare, L Ghaffarzadeh,Assessment of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) genotypes for salinity stress tolerance,2017
48 - L Honarmand, N Zare, R Asghari Zakaria, P Shekhzade-Mosadegh,In vitro regeneration of sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa) via shoot apex explant,2016
47 - S Zishan, RA Zakaria, N Zare,Polyploidy induction in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) by colchicine treatment on seeds.,2016
46 - B Yazdani, R Asghari-Zakaria, ZS Shobbar,Identification and classification of the WRKY transcription factors family in barley,2015
45 - T Taherkhanı, RA Zakarıa, M Taherkhanı,Mutagenic and Anti-mutagenic properties of the essential oil of Jurinea leptoloba DC by Ames Test,2015
44 - B Ahmadi, ME Shariatpanahi, R Asghari-Zakaria, N Zare, P Azadi,Efficient microspore embryogenesis induction in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) using shed microspore culture,2015
43 - R Ahmadpour, N Zare, R Asghari-Zakaria, P Sheikhzadeh,Enhancement of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency in immature embryo of Triticum aestivum, cv. Arya,2015
42 - GS Ardabili, RA Zakaria, N Zare,In vitro induction of polyploidy in Sorghum bicolor L.,2015
41 - N Zare, R Farjaminezhad, R Asghari-Zakaria, M Farjaminezhad,Enhanced thebaine production in Papaver bracteatum cell suspension culture by combination of elicitation and precursor feeding,2014
40 - V Bivadi, RA Zakaria, N Zare, B Yazdani,Effects of different tissue culture conditions in Hairy roots induction in Hypericum perforatum L.,2014
39 - L Koohi, N Zare, ZR ASGHARI, MP SHEIKHZADEH,The effect of plant growth regulators and different explants on the response of tissue culture and cell suspension cultures of german chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.),2014
38 - F Ahmadpoor, R Asghari-Zakaria, B Firoozi, H Shahbazi,Investigation of diversity in Aegilops biuncialis and Aegilops umbellulata by A-PAGE,2014
37 - Z Taghipour, RA Zakaria, N Zare, PS Zadeh,Evaluation of drought stress tolerance in several populations of Aegilops triuncialis based on some physiological characteristics.,2014
36 - GS Ardabili, RA Zakaria, N Zare,Polyploidy induction and its effects on some morpho-physiologic characteristics in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor cv. KFS2).,2014
35 - M Bayat, R Darvishzadeh, F Soleimani, SR Alavi,Sequential path analysis for determining interrelationships between yield and related traits in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) under normal and abiotic stress conditions,2014
34 - Z Taghipour, ZR ASGHARI, N Zare, ZMP SHAIKH,The application of stress tolerance indices for evaluation of Aegilops triuncialis ecotypes to terminal drought tolerance,2014
33 - M Soufbaf Sarjami, G Nouri Ghanbalani, H Goldansaz, R Asghari-Zakaria,Calling behavior of the female carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) under cycling and constant temperatures in laboratory,2013
32 - RA Zakaria, N Zare,Karyotypic analysis on Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl from northwest of Iran.,2013
31 - T KHABIRI, R ASGHARI-ZAKARIA, Z Nasser, O SOFALIAN,Assessing genetic diversity based on gliadin proteins in Aegilops cylindrica populations from northwest of Iran,2013
30 - SS Barghi, H Mostafaii, F Peighami, RA Zakaria, RF Nejhad,Response of in vitro pollen germination and cell membrane thermostabilty of lentil genotypes to high temperature,2013
29 - AJAM Baranduzı, O Sofalıan, RA Zakarıa, A Asgharı, M Shokrpour,Assessment of genetic diversity in Aegilops species in North-West of Iran using ISSR marker,2013
28 - R Farjaminezhad, N Zare, RA ZAKARIA, M Farjaminezhad,Establishment and optimization of cell growth in suspension culture of Papaver bracteatum: a biotechnology approach for thebaine production,2013
27 - SS Barghi, H Mostafaii, F Peighami, RA Zakaria,Path analysis of yield and its components in lentil under end season heat condition.,2012
26 - E Chamani, SK Tahami, Z Nasser, R Asghari-Zakaria, M Mohebodini, ...,Effect of Different Cellulase and Pectinase Enzyme Treatments on Protoplast Isolation and Viability in Lilium ledebeourii Bioss.,2012
25 - MFH Munis, A Bano, MA Chowdhry, A Ahmad, HJ Chaudhary, ...,Inheritance pattern of vital post-emergence morphometric and meristic traits of spring wheat,2012
24 - RF Nezhad, RA Zakaria, N Zare, MF Nezhad,Study of karyological characteristics in several accessions of Papaver bracteatum Lindl.,2012
23 - M Haghighat Hour, R Asghari Zakaria, N Zare,Callus production and regeneration of medicinal plant Papaver pseudo-orientale under in vitro conditions,2012
22 - T Khabiri, R Asghari-Zakaria, N Zareh, O Sofalian,Analysis of genetic diversity based on HMW and LMW glutenin subunits in Aegilops cylindrica from Nourthwest of Iran,2012
21 - R Mohammadi, H Dehghani, H Zeinali,Interrelationships among flower yield and related characters in chamomile populations (Matricaria chamomilla L.),2012
20 - R Asghari-Zakaria, S Razmi, R Madadi, M Fathi,Karyological study of the medicinal plant Papaver rhoeas from northwest of Iran,2011
19 - RA Zakaria, MH Hour, Z Zare,Callus production and regeneration of the medicinal plant Papaver orientale,2011
18 - A Namvar, RS Sharifi, M Sedghi, RA Zakaria, T Khandan, B Eskandarpour,Study on the Effects of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield, Yield Components, and Nodulation State of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.),2011
17 - S Iranipour, N Vaez, G Nouri Ghanbalani, R Asghari Zakaria, ...,Effect of host change on demographic fitness of the parasitoid, Trichogramma brassicae,2010
16 - BT KHANDAN, SR SEYED, M Sedghi, ZR ASGHARI, A Namvar, ...,Effect of plant density, rhizobia and microelements on yield and some of morph physiological characteristics of pea,2010
15 - HM Hamid, S Habibollah, AZ Rasool, M Nasrin, FS Esmaeil,A comparative study of chromosome morphology among some accessions of Aegilops crassa,2010
14 - MS Sarjami, GN Ghanbalani, H Goldansaz, RA Zakaria,Calling behaviour of the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae (zeller)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), laboratory and field experiments,2009
13 - R Asghari-Zakaria, B Maleki-Zanjani, E Sedghi,Effect of in vitro chitosan application on growth and minituber yield of Solanum tuberosum L,2009
12 - R Madadi, R Asgharizakaria, M Fathi,Karyotype study in several populations of Papaver dubium from North West of Iran,2009
11 - M Fathi, ZR ASGHARI, M Valizadeh, ZADS AHARI, PD HASAN,Evaluation of High Performance Potato Clones obtained from True Seeds,2009
10 - L Gaffarzadeh-Namazi, M Badrzadeh, R Asghari-Zakaria,Karyotype of several Vicia species from Iran.,2008
9 - R Asghari-Zakaria, AR Panahi, M Sadeghizadeh,Comparative study of chromosome morphology in Silybum marianum,2008
8 - L Gaffarzadeh-Namazi, R Asghari-Zakaria, N Babaeian, K Kazemi-Tabar,Comparative study of chromosome morphology and C-banding patterns in several genotypes of Lens culinaris.,2007
7 - M Soofbaf, G Nouri, SH Goldansaz, R Asghari-Zakaria,Effects of age and temperature on calling behavior of carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae, zell.(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) under laboratory conditions.,2007
6 - R Asghari-Zakaria,Karyotype and C-banding patterns of mitotic chromosomes in Heteranthelium piliferum.,2007
5 - JM SHIRI, A TOUBEH, ZR ASGHARI, GGH NOURI, MLOUB DEHDAR,The effects of different levels of drip irrigation and cultivation pattern on yield and yield components of the Agria potato,2007
4 - R Asghari-Zakaria, M Fathi, D Hasan-Panah,Sequential path analysis of yield components in potato,2006
3 - R Asghari-Zakaria, H Kazemi, YM Aghayev, M Valizadeh, M Moghaddam,Karyotype and C-banding patterns of mitotic chromosomes in Henrardia persica,2002
2 - A GHolizadeh, H Dehghani, A Amini, O Akbarpour,Identification of salinity tolerant genotypes and study on relationships between yield and its components in bread wheat,1970
1 - RA Zakaria, MFN Zare,Distribution of Papaver Species from the Macrantha Section in Ardabil Province of Iran

مقالات فارسی

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