رئوف سیدشریفی

مرتبه علمی: استاد
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه مهندسی تولید و ژنتیک گیاهی
شماره تماس: 09143556585
ایمیل: raouf_ssharifi@yahoo.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2567-7029‎
AllSince 2019

مقالات انگلیسی

100 - F Ahmadi-Nouraldinvand, RS Sharifi, SA Siadat, R Khalilzadeh,Reduction of salinity stress in wheat through seed bio-priming with mycorrhiza and growth-promoting bacteria and its effect on physiological traits and plant antioxidant …,2023
99 - Z Nazari, RS Sharifi, H Narimani,Effect of Mycorrhiza, vermicompost and nano silicon on agronomic and physiological traits of triticale under different intensities drought stress.,2022
98 - M Asadi Aghbolaghi, M Sedghi, RS Sharifi, B Dedicova,Germination and the biochemical response of pumpkin seeds to different concentrations of humic acid under cadmium stress,2022
97 - A Ghasemi, S Farzaneh, S Moharramnejad, RS Sharifi, AF Youesf, ...,Impact of 24-epibrassinolide, spermine, and silicon on plant growth, antioxidant defense systems, and osmolyte accumulation of maize under water stress,2022
96 - FA Nouraldinvand, RS Sharifi, SA Siadat, R Khalilzadeh,Effects of nano silicon concentrations and bio-fertilizer on yield and grain filling components of wheat in different irrigation regimes.,2021
95 - F Yaghini, RS Sharifi, H Narimani,Effects of supplemental irrigation and biofertilizers on yield, chlorophyll content, rate and period of grain filling of rainfed wheat.,2020
94 - F Aghaei, R Seyed Sharif, H Narimani,Evaluation of yield, chlorophyll content and grain filling components of wheat under salinity soil conditions and application of uniconazole and biofertilizers,2020
93 - H Narimani, R SHARIFI,Effect of foliar and soil application of zinc on photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence and grain yield of wheat under soil salinity,2020
92 - S Eliaspour, R Seyed Sharifi, A Shirkhani,Evaluation of interaction between Piriformospora indica, animal manure and NPK fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative yield and absorption of elements in …,2020
91 - R Seyed Sharifi, R Khalilzadeh, A Pirzad, S Anwar,Effects of biofertilizers and nano zinc-iron oxide on yield and physicochemical properties of wheat under water deficit conditions,2020
90 - S Eliaspour, R Seyed Sharifi, A Shirkhani, S Farzaneh,Effects of biofertilizers and iron nano‐oxide on maize yield and physiological properties under optimal irrigation and drought stress conditions,2020
89 - S Ahmad, S Munir, N Zeb, A Ullah, B Khan, J Ali, M Bilal, M Omer, ...,Green nanotechnology: A review on green synthesis of silver nanoparticles—An ecofriendly approach,2019
88 - M Sharifi, SM Robatjazi, M Sadri, JM Mosaabadi,Immobilization of organophosphorus hydrolase enzyme by covalent attachment on modified cellulose microfibers using different chemical activation strategies: Characterization …,2019
87 - R Seyed Sharif, R Seyed Sharifi,Effects of different irrigation levels and application of methanol and nano iron oxide on yield and grain filling components of sunflower,2019
86 - S Mokari-Firuzsalari, S Khomari, R Seyed-Sharifi, E Goli-Kalanpa, ...,The Combined Influence of Zinc and Epibrassinolide Increase Tolerance to Salt Stress in Brassica napus L.,2019
85 - Y Kheirizadeh Arough, R Sharifi, R Khalilzadeh,Alleviation of salt stress effects in triticale (× Triticosecale) by bio fertilizers and zinc application,2019
84 - S Dadashzadeh, RS Shariff, S Farzaneh,Physiological and biochemical responses of barley to application of bio-fertilizers and nano iron oxide under salinity stress in greenhouse,2018
83 - R Seyed Sharifi, R Khalilzadeh,Effects of cycocel on growth, some physiological traits and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under salt stress,2018
82 - R Seyed Sharifi, R Khalilzadeh,Cereal crops production,2018
81 - S Dadashzadeh, RS Sharifi, S Farzaneh,Effects of bio-fertilizer and nano iron oxide on yield, chlorophyll content and modeling of some components of grain filling period of barley (Hordeum vulgare L …,2018
80 - H Narimani, R Seyed Sharifi, R Khalilzadeh, G Aminzadeh,Effects of nano iron oxide on yield, chlorophyll fluorescence indices and some physiological traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under rain fed and supplementary irrigation …,2018
79 - M Mahlooji, R Seyed Sharifi, J Razmjoo, MR Sabzalian, M Sedghi,Effect of salt stress on photosynthesis and physiological parameters of three contrasting barley genotypes,2018
78 - H Gholami, MJ Saharkhiz, FR Fard, A Ghani, F Nadaf,Humic acid and vermicompost increased bioactive components, antioxidant activity and herb yield of Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.),2018
77 - S Khomari, S Golshan-Doust, R Seyed-Sharifi, M Davari,Improvement of soybean seedling growth under salinity stress by biopriming of high-vigour seeds with salt-tolerant isolate of Trichoderma harzianum,2018
76 - NG Allam, R Kinany, E El-Refai, WY Ali,Potential use of beneficial salt tolerant bacteria for improving wheat productivity grown in salinized soil,2018
75 - R Khalilzadeh, R Seyed Sharifi, J Jalilian,Growth, physiological status, and yield of salt-stressed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants affected by biofertilizer and cycocel applications,2018
74 - RS Sharifi, A Namvar, RS Sharifi,Grain filling and fatty acid composition of safflower fertilized with integrated nitrogen fertilizer and biofertilizers,2017
73 - K Babaei, R Seyed Sharifi, A Pirzad, R Khalilzadeh,Effects of bio fertilizer and nano Zn-Fe oxide on physiological traits, antioxidant enzymes activity and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under salinity stress,2017
72 - H Jamaati, A Sharifi, MS Mirenayat, M Mirsadraee, K Amoli, ...,What do we know about anthracofibrosis? A literature review,2017
71 - R Seyed Sharifi, R Khalilzadeh, J Jalilian,Effects of biofertilizers and cycocel on some physiological and biochemical traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under salinity stress,2017
70 - S Sangtam, T Gohain, N Kikon,Assessment of nitrogen doses and planting densities for optimizing growth and yield performance of rainfed maize (Zea mays L.),2017
69 - S Hokmalipour, R S Sharifi,Effect of seed inoculation with plant growth promoting rhizobactria on dry matter remobilization of spring barley at different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers,2016
68 - RS Sharifi, A Namvar,Plant density and intra-row spacing effects on phenology, dry matter accumulation and leaf area index of maize in second cropping,2016
67 - H Hadi, R Seyed Sharifi, A Namvar,Phytoprotectants and abiotic stresses,2016
66 - SR SEYED, S Khoramdel,Effects of nano-zinc oxide and seed inoculation by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (pgpr) on yield, yield components and grain filling period of soybean (Glycine max l.),2016
65 - Y Kheirizadeh Arough, R Seyed Sharifi, R Seyed Sharifi,Bio fertilizers and zinc effects on some physiological parameters of triticale under water-limitation condition,2016
64 - R Khalilzadeh, R Seyed Sharifi, J Jalilian,Antioxidant status and physiological responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to cycocel application and bio fertilizers under water limitation condition,2016
63 - YK AROUGH, RS SHARIFI, M Sedghi, M Barmaki,Effect of zinc and bio fertilizers on antioxidant enzymes activity, chlorophyll content, soluble sugars and proline in triticale under salinity condition,2016
62 - RS Sharifi, A Namvar,Effects of time and rate of nitrogen application on phenology and some agronomical traits of maize (Zea mays L.),2016
61 - R Seyed Sharifi,Application of biofertilizers and zinc increases yield, nodulation and unsaturated fatty acids of soybean.,2016
60 - R Seyed Sharifi, A Namvar,Bio fertilizers in Agronomy,2015
59 - SH Salih, SAM Hamd, YMI Dagash,The effects of Rhizobium, Mycorrhizal inoculations and diammonium phosphate (DAP) on nodulation, growth and yield of soybean,2015
58 - SR Khatami, M Sedghi, RS Sharifi,Influence of priming on the physiological traits of corn seed germination under drought stress,2015
57 - R Sharifi, MS Syiahkholaki,Effects of biofertilizers on growth indices and contribution of dry matter remobilization in wheat grain yield,2015
56 - S Hokmalipour, SR SEYED,Effect of seed inoculation with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) affected by different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on the yield and some …,2015
55 - M Mahlooji, SR SEYED, M Sedghi, MR Sabzaliyan, MR Kamali,Effect of water salinity and nano and chelated zinc foliar application on photosynthesis parameters of barley genotypes,2015
54 - SM Azimi, NM Kor, M Ahmadi, M Shaaban, ZR Motlagh, M Shamsizadeh,Investigation of growth analysis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars under drought stress.,2015
53 - E Kheirizadeh Arogh, R Sharifi, M Sedghi, M Barmaki,Effects of biofertilizers and nano zinc oxide on remobilization and some growth indices of triticale under water limitation conditions,2015
52 - SM Abtahi, R Seyed Sharifi, F Qaderi,Influence of nitrogen fertilizer rates and seed inoculation with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on yield, fertilizer use efficiency, rate and effective grain …,2014
51 - H Pasandideh, RS Sharifi, A Hamidi, S Mobasser, M Sedghi,Relationship of seed germination and vigour indices of commercial soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars with seedling emergence in field.,2014
50 - KS SHAKER, S Nasrollahzadeh,Evaluation of yield and advantage indices of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and mungbean (Vigna radiate L.) intercropping systems,2014
49 - RS Sharifi, Y Raei, W Weisany,Study of physiological growth indices in maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids under different plant densities.,2014
48 - A Abbasi, D Jafari, RS Sharifi,Nitrogen rates effects and seed inoculation with Rhizobium legominosarum and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on yield and total dry matter of chickpea (Cicer …,2013
47 - RS Sharifi, H Nazarly,Effects of seed priming with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on grain yield, fertilizer use efficiency and dry matter remobilization of sunflower (Helianthus annus …,2013
46 - A Namvar, R SHARIFI, T Khandan, M MOGHADAM,Organic and inorganic nitrogen fertilization effects on some physiological and agronomical traits of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in irrigated condition,2013
45 - B Mirshekari, S Hokmalipour, RS Sharifi, F Farahvash, ...,Effect of seed biopriming with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on yield and dry matter accumulation of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) at various …,2012
44 - M Sedghi, R Seyed Sharifi, AR Pirzad, B Amanpour-Balaneji,Phytohormonal regulation of antioxidant systems in petals of drought stressed pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.),2012
43 - TK Bejandi, RS Sharifii, M Sedghi, A Namvar,Effects of plant density, Rhizobium inoculation and microelements on nodulation, chlorophyll content and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.),2012
42 - AR Nemati, RS Sharifi,Effects of rates and nitrogen application timing on yield, agronomic characteristics and nitrogen use efficiency in corn.,2012
41 - RS Sharifi,Sulphur fertilizer effects on grain yield and the sum of physiological indices of canola (Brassica napus L.).,2012
40 - E Yasari, MR Noori, MH Haddadi,Comparison of seed corn single crosses SC 704 and SC 770 response to different plant densities and nitrogen levels,2012
39 - RS Sharifi,Study of nitrogen rates effects and seed biopriming with PGPR on quantitative and qualitative yield of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.).,2012
38 - RS Sharifi,Study of yield, yield attribute and dry matter accumulation of canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars in relation to sulfur fertilizer.,2012
37 - R Seyed Sharif, MN Seyyedi, M Zaefizadeh,Influence of various levels of nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in canola cultivars,2012
36 - RS Sharifi,Study of grain yield and some of physiological growth indices in maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids under seed biopriming with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR),2011
35 - RS Sharifi, HB Hamlabad, J Azimi,Plant population influence on the physiological indices of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars,2011
34 - RS Sharifi, A Pirzad,Study of physiological growth indices in maize (Zea mays, L.) hybrids under different plant densities application,2011
33 - SR SEYED, K KHAVAZI,Effect of seed inoculation with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on germination components and seedling growth of corn (Zea mays L.),2011
32 - R Taghizadeh, RS Sharifi,Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on yield attributes and nitrogen use efficiency in corn cultivars,2011
31 - A Pirzad, MR Shakiba, S Zehtab-Salmasi, SA Mohammadi, RS Sharifi, ...,Effects of Irrigation Regime and Plant Density on Essential Oil Composition of German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla),2011
30 - RS Sharifi, Y Raei,Evaluation of yield and the some of physiological indices of barley (Hordeum vulgari L.) genotypes in relation to different plant population levels.,2011
29 - RS Sharifi,Grain yield and physiological growth indices in maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids under seed biopriming with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR),2011
28 - A Namvar, RS Sharifi, T Khandan,Growth analysis and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in relation to organic and inorganic nitrogen fertilization,2011
27 - A Namvar, RS Sharifi,Phenological and morphological response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to symbiotic and mineral nitrogen fertilization.,2011
26 - A Namvar, RS Sharifi, M Sedghi, RA Zakaria, T Khandan, B Eskandarpour,Study on the Effects of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield, Yield Components, and Nodulation State of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.),2011
25 - RS Sharifi, K Khavazi,Effects of seed priming with Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on yield and yield attributes of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids.,2011
24 - RS Sharifi, K Khavazi, A Gholipouri,Effect of seed priming with plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on dry matter accumulation and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids,2011
23 - E Mamnoei, R Seyed Sharifi,Study the effects of water deficit on chlorophyll fluorescence indices and the amount of proline in six barley genotypes and its relation with canopy temperature and yield,2010
22 - R Sheykhbaglou, M Sedghi, MT Shishevan, RS Sharifi,Effects of nano-iron oxide particles on agronomic traits of soybean,2010
21 - MS DALIRIE, RS Sharifi, S Farzaneh,Evaluation of yield, dry matter accumulation and leaf area index in wheat genotypes as affected by terminal drought stress,2010
20 - R Seyed Sharifi, S HokmAlipour,Forage crops,2010
19 - BT KHANDAN, SR SEYED, M Sedghi, ZR ASGHARI, A Namvar, ...,Effect of plant density, rhizobia and microelements on yield and some of morph physiological characteristics of pea,2010
18 - S Hokmalipour, R Seyedsharifi, SH Jamaati-e-Somarin, M Hassanzadeh, ...,Evaluation of plant density and nitrogen fertilizer on yield, yield components and growth of maize,2010
17 - R Sheykhbaglou, M Sedghi, MT Shishevan, RS Sharifi,Effects of nano-iron oxide particles on agronomic traits of soybean. Not Sci Biol 2: 112–113,2010
16 - R Seyed-Sharifi, R Seyedsharifi, ARF Kheir,Selection for lactation curve and determination of the lactation curve function in Iranian Holstein cows by empirical mathematical models.,2009
15 - A Namvar, R Seyed Sharifi, T Khandan, P Molaei,Influence of extracts of Chenopodium album and NaCl salinity on germination and seedling growth of soybean,2009
14 - RS Sharifi, MZ Zadeh, MN Seiedi,Evaluation of Yield and Growth Indices of Canola (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars in Different Nitrogen Fertililization Levels,2009
13 - R Seyed Sharifi,Industrial plants,2009
12 - RS Sharifi, M Sedghi, A Gholipouri,Effect of population density on yield and yield attributes of maize hybrids,2009
11 - A Nemati, M Sedghi, RS Sharifi, MN Seiedi,Investigation of correlation between traits and path analysis of corn (Zea mays L.) grain yield at the climate of Ardabil region (Northwest Iran),2009
10 - RS Sharifi, R Taghizadeh,Response of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars to different levels of nitrogen fertilizer.,2009
9 - TK Bejandi, M Sedghi, RS Sharifi, A Namvar, P Molaei,Seed priming and sulfur effects on soybean cell membrane stability and yield in saline soil,2009
8 - A Gholipouri, M Sedghi, RS Sharifi, NM Nazari,Evaluation of drought tolerance indices and their relationship whit grain yield in wheat cultivars,2009
7 - M Sedghi, R Seyed Sharifi, A Namvar, T Khandan-e-Bejandi, P Molaei,Responses of sunflower yield and grain filing period to plant density and weed interference,2008
6 - M SEDGHI, A Gholipouri, RS Sharifi,Gama-Tocopherol accumulation and floral differentiation of medicinal pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) in response to plant growth regulators,2008
5 - Y Raei, M Sedghi, R Seied Sharifi,Effects of rhizobial inoculation, urea application and weed on growth and seed filling rate in soybean,2008
4 - Y Raei, N Demaghsi, SR SEYED,Effect of different levels of irrigation and plant density on grain yield and its components in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Deci type cv. Kaka,2008
3 - M Sedghi, RS Sharifi, A Ghalipouri,Practical methods for increasing light interception efficiency and root growth in soybean,2008
2 - SR SEYED, S FARZANEH, SR SEYED,Comparison of chemical control and allelopathic effect of weeds in chickpea under rainfed conditions,2008
1 - SR SEYED, SR SEYED,Evaluation the effects of Polyethylene glycol on germination and growth seedling Carthamus cultivars,2008

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برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

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