Raoof Mostafazadeh

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه مرتع و آبخیزداری
شماره تماس: 09144815743
ایمیل: raoofmostafazadeh@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0401-0260
AllSince 2019

رئوف مصطفی‌زاده هیات علمی گروه منابع طبیعی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی و دارای تجربیاتی در زمینه هیدرولوژی آبخیز، روش‌های شبیهسازی آبخیز، تغییر کاربری/پوشش اراضی، اکولوژی سیمای سرزمین و مدل‌سازی مکانی در علوم زمین است. 



بالاترین امتیاز ارزشیابی تدریس در دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی در سال 1399

پژوهش‌گر برتر درون دانشگاهی در گروه کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی در سال 1398

پژوهش‌گر برتر استانی در گروه کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی در سال 1399

سرآمد پژوهشی دانشگاهی در گروه کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی در سال 1402

عضویت در انجمن های علمی

§        عضو انجمن بین المللی علوم هیدرولوژی International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)

§        عضو انجمن آبخيزداري ايران

§        عضو انجمن علمی سیستم‌های سطوح آبگیر باران ایران

زمینه های تحقیقاتی

هیدرولوژی آبخیز

مدیریت یکپارچه آب/آبخیز

مدل‌سازی رواناب و رسوب

بصری‌سازی داده‌های زمانی و مکانی در علوم زمین

وقایع حدی هیدرو-اقلیمی (سیل و خشکسالی)

بوم شناسی سیمای سرزمین و تغییر کاربری/پوشش اراضی

تحلیل رژیم جریان رودخانه

مقالات انگلیسی

81 - S Hussain, M Mubeen, W Nasim, F Mumtaz, HG Abdo, R Mostafazadeh, ...,Assessment of future prediction of urban growth and climate change in district Multan, Pakistan using CA-Markov method,2024
80 - R Mostafazadeh, R Asiabi-hir, SS Nabavi,Determining the variations of monthly wet and dry regimes using Angot index in Ardabil Province,2023
79 - E Azizi, MR Nikoo, R Mostafazadeh, Z Hazbavi,Flood vulnerability analysis using different aggregation frameworks across watersheds of Ardabil province, northwestern Iran,2023
78 - K Haji, A Esmali-Ouri, R Mostafazadeh, H Nazarnejad,Assessment of land cover/land use changes using object-oriented processing of satellite imageries (1985-2015) in the Rozechai Watershed of Urmia,2022
77 - H Talebi Khiavi, R Mostafazadeh,The spatiotemporal dependencies of terrain indices with soil characteristics in a steep hillslope mountainous area,2022
76 - SS Khanghah, M Moameri, A Ghorbani, R Mostafazadeh, A Biswas,Modeling potential habitats and predicting habitat connectivity for Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. in northwestern rangelands of Iran,2022
75 - N Alaei, R Mostafazadeh, A Esmali Ouri, Z Hazbavi, M Sharari, G Huang,Spatial Comparative Analysis of Landscape Fragmentation Metrics in a Watershed with Diverse Land Uses in Iran,2022
74 - H Talebi Khiavi, R Mostafazadeh, MA Asaadi, SK Asbaghian Namini,Temporal land use change and its economic values under competing driving forces in a diverse land use configuration,2022
73 - HK Nehzak, M Aghaei, R Mostafazadeh, H Rabiei-Dastjerdi,Evaluation of land use change predictions using CA-Markov model and management scenarios,2022
72 - A Ghorbani, Z Hazbavi, R Mostafazadeh, N Alaei,Analysis the relationship between landscape metrics and soil erosion of KoozehTopraghi Watershed, Ardabil Province,2021
71 - A Ghorbani, Z Hazbavi, R Mostafazadeh, N Alaei,Analysis the relationship between landscape metrics and soil erosion of Koozehtopraghi Watershed, Ardabil Province,2021
70 - F Esfandiyari Darabad, M Hamzeei, N Alaei, R Mostafazadeh,Spatial variations of landscape metrics in riparian area vegetation of Gharesou River reaches under the effect of different land uses, Ardabil Province,2021
69 - F Dadjou, A Ghorbani, M Moameri, R Mostafazadeh, Z Hazbavi,Modeling Production and Canopy Cover Parameters to identify the Most Effective Environmental Factors in Baghrou Semi-Steppe Rangelands of Ardabil Province, Iran,2021
68 - F Esfandiary Darabad, S Layeghi, R Mostafazadeh, K Haji,The zoning of flood risk potential in the Ghotorchay watershed with ANP and WLC multi-criteria decision making methods,2021
67 - R Mostafazadeh, E Asgari,Performance assessment of GR4J rainfall-runoff model in daily flow simulation of Nirchai Watershed, Ardabil province,2021
66 - Z Hazbavi, R Mostfazadeh, N Alaei, E Azizi,Spatial and temporal analysis of the COVID-19 incidence pattern in Iran,2021
65 - H Talebi Khiavi, R Mostafazadeh,Land use change dynamics assessment in the Khiavchai region, the hillside of Sabalan mountainous area,2021
64 - N Alaei, R Mostafazadeh, A Esmaliouri, M Sharari, Z Hazbavi,Assessment and Comparison of Landscape Connectivity in KoozehTopraghi Watershed, Ardabil Province,2020
63 - S Ghafari, A Ghorbani, M Moameri, R Mostafazadeh, M Bidarlord, ...,Floristic Diversity and Distribution Patterns Along an Elevational Gradient in the Northern Part of the Ardabil Province Rangelands, Iran,2020
62 - M Aghaei, H Khavarian, R Mostafazadeh,Prediction of Land Use Changes Using the CA-Markov and LCM Models in the Kozehtopraghi Watershed in the Province of Ardabil,2020
61 - Z Abdolalizadeh, A Ghorbani, R Mostafazadeh, M Moameri,Rangeland canopy cover estimation using Landsat OLI data and vegetation indices in Sabalan rangelands, Iran,2020
60 - A Ghorbani, S Samadi Khangah, M Moameri, J Esfanjani,Predicting the distribution of Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. using logistic regression in Fandoghlou rangelands of Ardabil province, Iran,2020
59 - R MOSTAFAZADEH, OA ESMALI, O Ghafarzadeh, M GOLSHAN,Alteration of hydrologic flow indicators in Ardabil Balikhlouchai River under combined effects of change in climatic variables and Yamchi Dam construction using range of …,2020
58 - R MOSTAFAZADEH, OA ESMALI, O Ghafarzadeh, M GOLSHAN,Alteration of hydrologic flow indicators in Ardabil Balikhlouchai River under combined effects of change in climatic variables and Yamchi Dam construction using range of …,2020
57 - Z Hazbavi, E Azizi, Z Sharifi, N Alaei, R Mostafazadeh, M Behzadfar, ...,Comprehensive estimation of erosion and sediment components using IntErO model in the KoozehTopraghi Watershed, Ardabil Province,2020
56 - S Zareie, Z Hazbavi, R Mostafazadeh, A Esmaliouri,Vulnerability Comparison of Samian Sub-watersheds based on Climate Change Components,2020
55 - H Nazar Neghad, M Hosseine, R Mostafazadeh,Assessment of Changes in Landuse Connectivity and Pattern using Landscape Metrics in the Zolachai Watershed, Salmas,2020
54 - H Khavarian, M Aghaie, R Mostafazadeh,Predicting the effects of land use changes on the monthly flow using hydrological model and Remote Sensing in the Kouzetopraghi watershed, Ardabil,2020
53 - FE Darabad, R Mostafazadeh, R Shahmoradi, AN Khiavi,The Effect of Dam Construction on flood and low flow Indices in South of Lake Urmia,2020
52 - N Aghabeigi, A Esmali Ouri, R Mostafazade, M Golshan,The Effects of Climate Change on Runoff Using IHACRES Hydrologic Model in Some of Watersheds, Ardabil Province,2019
51 - F Esfandiari, R Ghorbani Filabadi, A Nasiri Khiavi, R Mostafazadeh,Assessing the accuracy of algebraic and geostatistical techniques to determine the spatial variations of groundwater quality in Boroojen Plain,2019
50 - A Nasiri Khiavi, R Mostafazadeh, A Esmali, O Ghafarzadeh, M Golshan,Changes in environmental flow components under the effect of Sabalan dam in the Qarehsou River of Ardebil Province,2019
49 - H Nazarnejad, M Hosseine, R Mostafazadeh,Analysis of land use change in Balanjchai Watershed (Urmia) using landscape metrics,2019
48 - F Esfandyari Darabad, R Mostafazadeh, R Shahmoradi, A Nasiri Khiavi,The Analysis of the changes of the hydrological flow indices affected by dam construction in Zarrinehrood and Saruqchai rivers of West Azerbaijan Province,2019
47 - F Esfandyari Darabad, R Mostafazadeh, R Shahmoradi, A Nasiri Khiavi,The Analysis of the changes of the hydrological flow indices affected by dam construction in Zarrinehrood and Saruqchai rivers of West Azerbaijan Province,2019
46 - E Asgari, R Mostafazadeh, K Haji,Change point analysis of discharge time series in some hydrometric stations in Golestan Province,2019
45 - Z Abdolalizadeh, A Ebrahimi, R Mostafazadeh,Landscape pattern change in Marakan protected area, Iran,2019
44 - H Amini, A Esmali-Ouri, R Mostafazadeh, M Sharari, M Zabihi,Hydrological drought response of regulated river flow under the influence of dam reservoir in Ardabil Province,2019
43 - S Ghafari, A Ghorbani, M Moameri, R Mostafazadeh, M Bidarlord,Composition and structure of species along altitude gradient in Moghan-Sabalan rangelands, Iran,2018
42 - R Asiabi Hir, R Mostafazadeh, M Raoof, A Esmali Ouri,Multi-criteria evaluation of water poverty index spatial variations in some watersheds of Ardabil Province,2018
41 - F Aghajanlou, A Ghorbani, R MOSTAFAZADEH, MA ZARE CHAHOUKI, ...,The impact of environmental factors on distribution of Ferula ovina (Boiss.) Boiss. in Northwest Iran.,2018
40 - R Mostafazadeh, S Mirzaei, P Nadiri,Curve number determination using rainfall and runoff data and its variations with rainfall components in a forested watershed.,2018
39 - R Mostafazadeh, A Jafari, BF KEIVAN,Comparing the rangelands structure and degradation of landscape connectivity in Iril sub-watersheds, Ardabil province,2018
38 - R Mostafazadeh, S Mehri,Trends in Variability of Flood Coefficient in River Gauge Stations of Ardabil Province, Iran,2018
37 - P Momenian, H Nazarnejhad, MH Miryaghoubzadeh, R Mostafazadeh,Assessment and Prioritizing of Subwatersheds Based on Watershed Health Scores (Case Study: Ghotorchay, Khoy, West Azerbaijan),2018
36 - R Mostafazadeh, S Mehri,Determination of the precipitation regime and the seasonality index variations in the central part of the Ardabil Province,2018
35 - R Mostafazadeh, S Mirzaei, K Haji,Determining the optimal input subset and response of hydrologic model of Nash to variations of input model parameter ranges in Jafarabad mountainous watershed,2018
34 - E Asgari, R MOSTAFAZADEH, GH AHMADZADEH,Spatial variations of runoff, sediment and runoff threshold of Gharehshiran watershed in Ardabil Province,2018
33 - F Aghajanlou, A Ghorbani, MA Zare Chahoki, R Mostafazadeh, ...,Ecological survey of the presence and absence of Ferula ovina (Boiss.) Boiss and Ferula persica willd. in north-western rangelands of Iran (case dtudy: Zanjan province),2018
32 - S Mirzaei, A Esmali Ouri, R Mostafazadeh, A Ghorbani, S Mirzaei,Flood hydrograph simulation and analysis of its components with landscape metrics in Amoughin watershed, Ardabil province,2018
31 - R Mostafazadeh, S Mirzaei, A Esmali, M Zabihi,Sensitivity analysis of the flow hydrograph components due to changes in Clark's time-area model in Mohammad-Abad watershed, Gloestan Province,2018
30 - R Mostafazadeh, K Haji, A Esmali-Ouri, H Nazarnejad,Prioritization the critical sub-watersheds based on soil erosion and sediment using watershed erosion response model (WERM) and morphometric analysis (case study: Rozechai …,2017
29 - S Khorooshi, R Mostafazadeh, A Esmali Ouri, M Raoof,‏Spatiotemporal assessment of the hydrologic river health index variations in Ardabil Province Watersheds,2017
28 - M ZABIHI, R MOSTAFAZADEH, M SHARARI,Analysis of wet and dry spells intensity and duration using precipitation-based and evapotranspiration influenced indices,2017
27 - H Talebikhiavi, M Zabihi, R Mostafazadeh,Effects of land-use management scenarios on soil erosion rate using GIS and USLE model in Yamchi dam watershed, Ardabil,2017
26 - S Mehri, R Mostafazadeh, OA ESMALI, A Ghorbani,Spatial and temporal variations of Base Flow Index (BFI) for the Ardabil province river, Iran,2017
25 - R Mostafazadeh, A Sadoddin, A Bahremand, VB Sheikh, AZ Garizi,Scenario analysis of flood control structures using a multi-criteria decision-making technique in Northeast Iran,2017
24 - SHR Sadeghi, R Mostafazadeh,Triple diagram models for changeability evaluation of precipitation and flow discharge for suspended sediment load in different time scales,2016
23 - R Mostafazadeh, M Zabihi,Comparison of SPI and SPEI indices to meteorological drought assessment using R programming (Case study: Kurdistan Province),2016
22 - S Khorooshi, R Mostafazadeh, A Esmaliouri, M Raoof,River health, importance and applications,2016
21 - A Abdollahzadeh, M Ownegh, A Sadoddin, R Mostafazadeh,Constraints to residential land use development arising from flood and runoff coefficient in a land use planning framework, case study: Ziarat Watershed, Golestan Province,2016
19 - A Abdollahzadeh, M Ownegh, A Sadoddin, R Mostafazadeh,Comparison of two landslide-prone area determination methods in Ziarat Watershed, Golestan Province,2016
18 - A Abdollahzadeh, M Ownegh, A Sadoddin, R Mostafazadeh,Comparison of two landslide-prone area determination methods in Ziarat Watershed, Golestan Province,2016
17 - S Khoroshi, R Mostafa Zadeh, A Esmaili Ouri, M Rauf,Estimation of Temporal and Spatial Variations of Hydrologic Index of River in Watersheds of Ardabil Province,2016
15 - SH Sadeghi, R Mostafazadeh, A Sadoddin,Response of sedimentgraphs and sediment rating loops to land use type and spatial pattern,2015
14 - SHR Sadeghi, R Mostafazadeh, A Sadoddin,Changeability of simulated hydrograph from a steep watershed resulted from applying Clark’s IUH and different time–area histograms,2015
13 - D Ghaffari, R Mostafazadeh,An investigation on sources, consequences and solutions of dust storm phenomenon in Iran,2015
12 - R Mostafazadeh, SH Sadeghi, A Sadoddin,Analysis of Storm-wise Sedimentgraphs and Rating Loops in Galazchai Watershed, West-Azarbaijan, Iran,2014
11 - A Abdolahzadeh, M Ownegh, R Mostafazadeh,Hazard and risk analysis of soil liquefaction,2014
10 - HR Pourghasemi, HR Moradi, M Mohammdi, R Mostafazadeh, ...,Landslide hazard zoning using bayesian theory,2013
9 - H Kheirfam, R Mostafazadeh, SHR Sadeghi,Daily discharge prediction using IHACRES model in some watersheds of Golestan Province,2013
8 - R Mostafazadeh, VB Sheikh,Rain-gauge density assessment in Golestan province using spatial correlation technique,2012
7 - HR Pourghasemi, HR Moradi, M Mohammadi, B Pradhan, ...,Landslide hazard assessment using remote sensing data, GIS and weights-of-evidence model (South of Golestan Province, Iran),2012
6 - R Mostafazadeh, A Sadoddin, A Bahremand, V Sheikh, H Nazarnejad,Assessing hydrological effects of Jafar-Abad watershed management‎ project in Golestan province using HEC-HMS model,2010
5 - AA SAD, V Sheykh, R Mostafazadeh, MG Halili,Analysis of vegetation-based management scenarios using MCDM in the Ramian watershed, Golestan, Iran,2010
4 - HR Moradi, M Mohammady, HR Pourghasemi, R MOSTAFAZADEH,Landslide hazard analysis in golestan province using dempster-shafer theory,2010
3 - AR Bahremand, R Mostafazadeh,Comparison of different methods for parameter estimation of nash’s instantaneous unit hydrograph in jafarAbad watershed,2010
2 - R Mostafazadeh, A Bahremand, A Sadaddin,Simulating the direct runoff hydrograph using Clark instantaneous unit hydrograph (case study: Jafar-Abad Watershed, Golestan Province),2009
1 - A Sadoddin, V Sheikh, R Mostafazade, MG Halili,Multiple-criteria decision making for integrated watershed management in the Ramian watershed, Golestan, Iran,2008

مقالات فارسی

کتاب انگلیسی

کتاب فارسی

برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه
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