امین کانونی

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
دانشکده کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی
گروه مهندسی آب
شماره تماس: 09143530921
ایمیل: amin.kanooni@uma.ac.ir
ORCID: 0000-0002-3415-1937
AllSince 2019


دیپلم ریاضی فیزیک از دبیرستان مدرس اردبیل (صفوی سابق)

کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد مهندسی آب از دانشگاه ارومیه و شیراز

دکتری سازه های آبی از دانشگاه تربیت مدرس تهران 

گذراندن دوره مطالعاتی زیر نظر پروفسور Soncini Sessa در دپارتمان منابع آب دانشگاه پلی تکنیک میلان (ایتالیا)

از سال 1392 به عنوان هیات علمی گروه مهندسی آب  


عضویت در انجمن های علمی

عضو هیات مدیره انجمن آبیاری و زهکشی ایران

زمینه های تحقیقاتی

- تحلیل سیستمهای منابع آب
-بهینه سازی
-مدیریت شبکه های آبیاری و زهکشی

مقالات انگلیسی

42 - A Kanooni, MR Kohan,Determining the optimal number of collector layers in fog water harvesting system,2024
41 - P Kahkhamoghaddam, AN Ziaei, K Davary, A Kanooni, S Sadeghi,Optimal land allocation and irrigation scheduling to maximize the economic utility,2024
40 - AN Ziaei, A Kanooni, S Sadeghi,Optimal land allocation and irrigation scheduling to maximize the economic utility,2023
39 - N Ziae,Optimal allocation of water and land in Moghan irrigation network using crop model and genetic algorithm,2023
38 - A Kanooni, MR Kohan,Fog water harvesting potential and its use in supplementary irrigation of rainfed crops (winter wheat) in Abi-beyglu, Ardabil (Iran),2023
37 - F Arami Shamasbi, A Kanooni, S Rasinezami,The effect of different management scenarios on quantitative changes in water resources of Balekhlichai river watershed and Ardabil plain aquifer using MODSIM model,2022
36 - FA Shamasbi, A Kanooni, SR Nezami,The effect of different management scenarios on quantitative changes in water resources of Balekhlichai river watershed and Ardabil plain aquifer using MODSIM model,2022
35 - N Salimi, A Feizi, S Rasinezami, A Kanooni,Management and planning of water resources allocation at the scenario analysis using system dynamics model.,2021
34 - B Poorseifollahi, A Kanooni, M Nikpour, MJ Ramezani,Determination of Homogeneous Hydrological Regions for Estimating Runoff in Ungauged Catchments Using Cluster Analysis (Case Study: Ardabil Province),2021
33 - A Hooshmand, H Mohammadzadeh, A Kanooni, A Haghighi,Optimization of cultivation pattern based on risk management in the downstream irrigation network of Ardabil Yamchi Dam,2021
32 - N Salimi, A Feizi, S Rasinezami, A Kanooni,Management and planning of water resources allocation at the scenario analysis using system dynamics model: A case study on Yamchi dam basin, Iran,2021
31 - A Kanooni, Y Hasani, K Garaei, A Dindar,The effects of water market development on farmers' selective cultivation pattern in sabalan irrigation network, Ardabil,2020
30 - M Pahlevani Majdabady, A Rasoulzadeh, A Kanooni, G Ahmadzadeh,Estimation of groundwater recharge originating from agricultural irrigation and rainfall in Shyramyn plain, Iran,2020
29 - A Kanooni, S Urji,Application of Seasonal Time Series Models for Prediction of Monthly Inflow to Yamchi and Sabalan Reservoirs in Qarasu Catchment, Ardabil,2020
28 - Y Ataie, MR Nikpour, A Kanooni, Y Hoseini,Application of Three Intelligent Models in Estimation of Watersheds Suspended Load (Case Study: Dareh-Roud Watershed, Ardabil Province),2020
27 - SMHSSA Kanooni, A.,Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Grounwater for Optimal Water Allocation From Reservoir Under Water Shortage (Case Study: Yamchi Reservoir Dam, Ardabil),2019
26 - A Kanooni, M Pouryamanesh, M Nikpour, A Feizi,Evaluation of hydraulic performance and operation of Neyrpic Modules in the main distribution canal (Case study: Yamchi irrigation network, Ardabil),2019
25 - B Pourseifollahi Anzabi, A Kanooni, MR Nikpour, ...,Runoff estimation in ungauged catchments using climatic and physiographic parameters (Case Study: Ardabil Province),2019
24 - M Dekamin, M Barmaki, A Kanooni, R Mosavi,Environmental impact assessment of Soybean cultivation in Ardabil farms,2019
23 - M Dekamin, M Barmaki, A Kanooni, SRM Meshkini,Study of the environmental impacts of oil seed crops production in by using the life cycle assessment in Ardabil province.,2018
22 - M Dekamin, M Barmaki, A Kanooni,Selecting the best environmental friendly oilseed crop by using Life Cycle Assessment, water footprint and analytic hierarchy process methods,2018
21 - M Dekamin, M Barmaki, A Kanooni, SRM Meshkini,Cradle to farm gate life cycle assessment of oilseed crops production in Iran,2018
20 - A Kanooni, A Abedi,Evaluation of Spatio-Temporal Performance and Water Delivery Management of Yamchi Irrigation Network in Nam, WH, Hong, EM and Choi, JY 2016. Assessment of water delivery …,2018
19 - A Kanooni,Spatio-temporal performance evaluation of Yamch irrigation network using remote sensing technique,2018
18 - ,Optimization of water allocation between different products under water stress conditions in Yamchi irrigation network, Ardebil,2018
17 - S Uroji, A Kanooni, MR Nikpour, J Azizi Mobaser,Reservoir inflow forecasting using time series analysis and intelligence methods (case study: Yamchi Dam Reservoir).,2018
16 - ,Investigate the flow trend in the Balikhilchai River before and after the Yamchi dam construction,2018
15 - Z Eghbali Lord, A Rasoulzadeh, A Kanooni, A Abedi, J Azizi Mobaser,Identification of Suitable Areas for Artificial Groundwater Recharge of Ardabil plain using the AHP Fuzzy method,2017
14 - N Salimi, A Feizi, S Rasi Nezami, A Kanooni,Management and planning of water resources allocation at the basin with scenario analysis and use of system dynamics model,2017
13 - A Kanoonia,Optimization of Water Allocation and Evaluation of Water Use Efficiency in Moghan Irrigation Network,2017
12 - A Kanooni,Evaluation of Water use efficiency for major crops in Yamchi irrigation network during the operating period of 2011-2015,2017
11 - SM Hashemy Shahdany, S Sadeghi, A Kanooni,Fairly Water Delivery in a Centralized Automatic Control System of Main Irrigation Canal Using Water Level Difference Error strategy,2016
10 - S Khayyat Rostami, A Safarzadeh, A Kanooni,Comparison of Hydrailics of Trapezoidal Piano Key and Labyrinth Weir,2016
9 - A Kanooni, MJ Monem,Allocation and water delivery scheduling optimization in irrigation networks,2016
8 - M Pahlevani Majdabady, A Rasoulzadeh, A Kanooni, G Ahmadzadeh,Estimation of groundwater recharge using water surface fluctuation (case study: Shyramyn area),2016
7 - F Forghanparast, A Safarzadeh, A Kanooni,Numerical Simulation of 3D Flow Structure at Confluence of Curved Rivers,2015
6 - A Kanooni, MJ Monem,Integrated stepwise approach for optimal water allocation in irrigation canals,2014
5 - A Yaghoubi, A Rasoulzadeh, A Kanooni, S Asghari,Investigation of cattle manure effect on soil hydraulic properties by inverse method,2010
4 - A Rasoulzadeh, S Asghari, A Yaghoubi, A Kanooni,Effect of cow manure on infiltration and some soil physical properties on a sandy clay loam soil of Ardabil, Iran.,2009
3 - J Baghani, GH Sadr, A Kanooni,The effect of planting pattern and water levels on the yield of potatoes under drip irrigation.,2008
2 - A Kanooni,Evaluation of furrow irrigation efficiency under different management in Moghan region.,2007
1 - AR Sepaskhah, A Kanooni, MM Ghasemi,Estimating water table contributions to corn and sorghum water use,2003

مقالات فارسی

مدیر گروه مهندسی آب

مدیر ارتباط با جامعه و کارآفرینی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی

برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه
کارشناسی ارشد

6 - برآورد رواناب در حوضه­ های آبریز فاقد آمار با استفاده از عوامل هواشناسی و فیزیوگرافی حوضه ­ها (مطالعه موردی: استان اردبیل) , بتول پورسیف اللهی,

5 - برنامه ­ریزی تخصیص آب حوضه آبریز بالخلی­چای در شرایط کم آبی با استفاده از مدل MODSIM, فرشته آرامی,

4 - پیش ­بینی جریان ورودی به مخزن سد با استفاده از تحلیل سری­های زمانی و روشهای هوشمند (مطالعه موردی: سد مخزنی یامچی), سهیلا اورجی,

3 - ارزيابي کيفيت آب زيرزميني جهت مصارف کشاورزي با استفاده از سیستم استنتاج فازي (مطالعه موردی: دشت آذرشهر), ,

2 - بررسي اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر نیاز آبی و عملكرد محصولات عمده دشت اردبیل, شهرام جعفرپور,

1 - ارزیابی عملکرد هیدرولیکی و بهره­برداری کانال اصلی توزیع آب در شبکه آبیاری سد اردبیل, منوچهر پوریامنش,