ابوالفضل بضاعت پور

مرتبه علمی: استاد
دانشکده علوم
گروه  شیمی
شماره تماس: 04531505206
ایمیل: a_bezaatpour@yahoo.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5258-7796
AllSince 2019

دکتر ابوالفضل بضاعت پور متولد اردبیل،  بعد از گذراندن دوره متوسطه در دبيرستانهاي مدرس و شهيد بهشتي در سال 1375 در مقطع كارشناسي شيمي محض در دانشگاه سيستان و بلوچستان پذيرفته شد و در سال 1380 موفق شد درمقطع كارشناسي ارشد شيمي معدني در دانشگاه صنعتي شريف پذيرفته شود ایشان در سال 1382 ضمن دفاع از پروژه خود در زمینه بررسی فعالیتهای کاتالیزوری شیف بازهای وانادیوم در فرایند اپوکسایش اولفینها، در رشته شيمي معدني، در دوره دكتري تخصصي دانشگاه صنعتي شريف پذيرفته شد و از سال 1383 بعنوان بورسيه دكتري با دانشگاه محقق اردبيلي همكاري کرد  و در سال 1386 موفق به اخذ درجه دکتری  با درجه عالي در زمینه سنتز و بررسی رفتارهای حلال رنگی، کاتالیزوری و بیولوژیکی کمپلکسهای شیف باز وانادیوم  شد و از سال 1386 به عضویت هیات علمی دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی بصورت تمام وقت در آمد و در حال حاضر به عنوان استاد تمام شيمی معدنی در دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی مشغول به کار می باشد. انتشار دو کتاب و نزدیک به 100 مقاله تخصصی در مجلات بین المللی، راهنمایی بیش از 40 دانشجوی تحصیلات تکمیلی و انجام طرحهای پژوهشی متعدد از جمله فعالیتهای علمی و پژوهشی ایشان محسوب میشود  


  • فارغ التحصيل ممتاز در دوره دكتري
  • استاد نمونه دانشكده علوم در سال1388
  • مدير پژوهشی برتر استانی در سال 1391

  • عضویت در انجمن های علمی

    زمینه های تحقیقاتی

    دست نوشته یادگاری پروفسور رولد هافمن برنده جایزه نوبل شیمی در سال 1981 برای اینجانب

    Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction


      Solvatochromisand Biological investigation 


    مقالات انگلیسی

    98 - Decoration of MnFe2O4@ cys with Pd as a highly efficient nanocatalyst in CC coupling reaction at ambient temperature
    97 - E Askarizadeh, A Bezaatpour, A Masjedi, N Bouzari,Decoration of MnFe2O4@ cys with Pd as a highly efficient nanocatalyst in CC coupling reaction at ambient temperature,2024
    96 - M Amiri, M Fallahi, A Bezaatpour, R Jijie, M Nozari-Asbemarz, M Rouhi, ...,Solution Processable Cu(II)macrocycle for the Formation of Cu2O Thin Film on Indium Tin Oxide and Its Application for Water Oxidation (vol 122, pg 16510, 2018),2024
    95 - L Hosseinoghli, A Bezaatpour, A Nuri, M Amiri,Adenine based Bio UiO‐66 with Pd (II) as a novel catalyst for green Suzuki cross‐coupling in aqueous media,2024
    94 - F Golamirad, S Zahri, A Abdolmaleki, A Bezaatpour, SM Razavi,Vanadium oxide 3-methoxy salen, a synthetic biologically active complex against HeLa and McCoy cell lines,2023
    93 - F Ghahramani, Y Mansoori, A Bezaatpour, D Esquivel, MA Navarro,Bis (Oxime Palladacycle) Supported on Magnetized SBA-15 as an Efficient and Retriveble Catalyst for the Mizoroki–Heck Reaction,2023
    92 - M Amiri, A Afruz, M Nozari-Asbemarz, A Bezaatpour, H Vocke, DH Taffa, ...,Overall Water Splitting by Bio-Modification of Fe3O4 with Co–Ni Complexes,2023
    91 - A Bezaatpour, M Amiri, H Vocke, P Bottke, MF Zastrau, M Weers, M Wark,Low-pressure CO2 fixation with epoxides via a new modified nano crystalline NH2-MIL-101 (Cr) in Solvent-free and cocatalyst free condition,2023
    90 - M Amiri, A Bezaatpour, M Ghiasi, H Vocke, S Szunerits, A Khodayari, ...,Functional Role of Metal Center and Doping on Tuning the Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Activity of BioMIL-1: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches,2023
    89 - S Nooriyan, A Bezaatpour, A Nuri, M Amiri, S Nouhi,Novel binary composite of manganese ferrite/tungsten disulfide as a superior photocatalyst and ultra-reusability in reduction of nitroarenes,2023
    88 - S Fekri, Y Mansoori, A Bezaatpour,Bis (NHC)-Pd (II) and Pd (0) complexes supported on magnetic SBA-15 for the selective aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohols to benzaldehydes and reduction of nitroarenes,2023
    87 - S Sprengel, M Amiri, A Bezaatpour, S Nouhi, S Baues, G Wittstock, ...,One-Pot Synthesis of Ni-MOF/Co-MOF Hybrid as Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction,2022
    86 - MF Sarabi, A Bezaatpour, A Mahmoudi, FSN Karan,New terpyridine W (VI) complex on magnetite as a recoverable catalyst in epoxidation of olefins,2022
    85 - A Nuri, A Bezaatpour, M Amiri, N Vucetic, JP Mikkola, DY Murzin,Pd Nanoparticles Stabilized on the Cross-Linked Melamine-Based SBA-15 as a Catalyst for the Mizoroki–Heck Reaction,2022
    84 - V Fuladi, A Bezaatpour, Y Azizian-Kalandaragh, M Amiri, A Nuri, S Nouhi, ...,Photocatalytic aspect of rGO/MnFe2O4 as an efficient magnetically retrievable catalyst for reduction of nitroaromatic compounds under visible-light irradiation,2022
    83 - H Afshary, M Amiri, A Bezaatpour, M Wark,Electrochemiluminescence sensor based on N-doped carbon quantum dots for determination of ceftazidime in real samples,2022
    82 - M Nozari-Asbemarz, M Amiri, H Imanzadeh, A Bezaatpour, S Nouhi, ...,Mixed metal oxides as efficient electrocatalysts for water oxidation,2022
    81 - N Bouzari, A Bezaatpour, B Babaei, M Amiri, R Boukherroub, S Szunerits,Modification of MnFe2O4 surface by Mo (VI) pyridylimine complex as an efficient nanocatalyst for (ep) oxidation of alkenes and sulfides,2021
    80 - S Azimi, M Amiri, H Imanzadeh, A Bezaatpour,Fe3O4@ SiO2-NH2/CoSB modified carbon paste electrode for simultaneous detection of acetaminophen and chlorpheniramine,2021
    79 - AO Moghanlou, MH Sadr, A Bezaatpour, F Salimi, M Yosefi,RGO/Cu2O-CuO nanocomposite as a visible-light assisted photocatalyst for reduction of organic nitro groups to amines,2021
    78 - AO Moghanlou, A Bezaatpour, MH Sadr, M Yosefi, F Salimi,Cu2O/rGO as an efficient photocatalyst for transferring of nitro group to amine group under visible light irradiation,2021
    77 - M Nozari-Asbemarz, M Amiri, A Khodayari, A Bezaatpour, S Nouhi, ...,In-situ synthesis of Co3O4/CoFe2O4 Derived from a Metal-Organic Framework on Nickel Foam: High-performance Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation,2021
    76 - SN Ghalebin, A Bezaatpour, MH Sadr, MS Sadjadi, MK Moghaddam, ...,[1+ 1] Copper (II) macrocyclic Schiff base complex on rGO as a photocatalyst for reduction of nitroaromatics compounds under visible-light irradiation*,2021
    75 - YAK Leila Masti, Abolfazl Bezaatpour*, Narges Bouzari,Photocatalytic reduction of nitro aromatic compounds to their corresponding amino aromatic compounds by rGO/ZnFe2O4 under visible light,2021
    74 - M Nozari-asbmarz, M Amiri, A Bezaatpour, S Arshi,The effect of nickel salt source and anion of electrolyte on electro-driven water oxidation activity using nickel hydroxide thin film,2021
    73 - M Fadaei Sarabi, A Bezaatpour, A Mahmoudi,Anchoring of a terpyridine-based Mo (VI) complex on manganese ferrite as a recoverable catalyst for epoxidation of olefins under solvent-free conditions,2021
    72 - L Masti, A Bezaatpour, N Bozari, Y Azizian-Kalandaragh,Photocatalytic reduction of nitro aromatic compounds to their corresponding amino aromatic compounds by rGO/ZnFe2O4 under visible light irradiation,2021
    71 - M Alizadeh, M Amiri, A Bezaatpour,Indirect Determination of Amikacin by Gold Nanoparticles as Redox Probe,2021
    70 - M Amiri, Z Tofighi, A Khodayari, A Bezaatpour, S Sohrabnezhad, ...,Copper‐based metal–organic framework decorated by CuO hair‐like nanostructures: Electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction,2020
    69 - B Babaei, A Bezaatpour, H Basharnavaz,Robust and fast oxidation of sulfides by immobilized Mo (VI) complex on magnetic nanoparticles in solvent-free condition,2020
    68 - P Fakhimi, A Bezaatpour, M Amiri, S Szunerits, R Boukherroub, ...,Manganese Ferrite Nanoparticles Modified by Mo (VI) Complex: Highly Efficient Catalyst for Sulfides and Olefins Oxidation Under Solvent‐less Condition,2019
    67 - R Azad, A Bezaatpour, M Amiri, H Eskandari, S Nouhi, DH Taffa, M Wark, ...,Excellent photocatalytic reduction of nitroarenes to aminoarenes by BiVO4 nanoparticles grafted on reduced graphene oxide (rGO/BiVO4),2019
    66 - A Nuri, Y Mansoori, A Bezaatpour, A Shchukarev, JP Mikkola,Magnetic Mesoporous SBA‐15 Functionalized with a NHC Pd (II) Complex: An Efficient and Recoverable Nanocatalyst for Hiyama Reaction,2019
    65 - A Nuri, Y Mansoori, A Bezaatpour,N‐heterocyclic carbene–palladium (II) complex supported on magnetic mesoporous silica for Heck cross‐coupling reaction,2019
    64 - SK Abolfazl Bezaatpour , Narges Bozari,Green oxidation of sulfides by dioxide Molybdenum(VI) Schiff base anchored on Fe3O4 nanoparticles in solvent-free condition,2019
    63 - A Rahmaninia, Y Mansoori, F Nasiri, A Bezaatpour, B Babaei,Surface decorated magnetite nanoparticles with birhodanine and MoO2Cl2(dmf)2 as a new magnetic catalyst for epoxidation of olefins,2019
    62 - M Amiri, M Fallahi, A Bezaatpour, R Jijie, M Nozari-Asbmarz, M Rouhi, ...,Solution Processable Cu(II)macrocycle for the Formation of Cu2O Thin Film on Indium Tin Oxide and Its Application for Water Oxidation,2018
    61 - F Payami, A Bezaatpour, H Eskandari,Excellent alkene epoxidation catalytic activity of macrocyclic‐based complex of dioxo‐Mo (VI) on supermagnetic separable nanocatalyst,2018
    60 - M Amiri, A Bezaatpour, H Jafari, R Boukherroub, S Szunerits,Electrochemical methodologies for the detection of pathogens,2018
    59 - B Babaei, A Bezaatpour, M Amiri, S Szunerits, R Boukherroub,Magnetically Reusable MnFe2O4 Nanoparticles Modified with Oxo‐Peroxo Mo (VI) Schiff‐Base Complexes: A High Efficiency Catalyst for Olefin Epoxidation under …,2018
    58 - A Bezaatpour, F Payami, H Eskandari,Green, inexpensive, and fast conversion of sulfides to sulfoxides by multiusable Mo (VI) macrocyclic Schiff base complex supported on Fe3O4 nanoparticles in solvent-free conditions,2017
    57 - H Eskandari, A Bezaatpour, F Eslami,Naked magnetite nanoparticles for both clean-up and solid-phase extraction-trace determination of mercury,2017
    56 - A Azary, A Bezaatpour, S Zahri, M Amiri,Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure, electrochemical, solvatochromic and biological investigation of novel N4 and N3 type Cu (II) Schiff base complexes,2017
    55 - A Azari Segherloo, A Bezaatpour, S Zahri,Synthesis, Characterization, Crystal Structure and Solvatochromism, Biological Studies of New Tetradentate N4 type Cu (II) Schiff base Complexes based on meso Stilbendiamine,2017
    54 - S Akbarpour, A Bezaatpour, E Askarizadeh, M Amiri,Synthesis, Characterization and Epoxidation Activity of Recyclable Nanomagnetic Catalyst Based on Calixpyrrole Schiff base of Dioxo-Molybdenum (VI),2017
    53 - A Bezaatpour, E Askarizadeh, S Akbarpour, M Amiria, B Babaei,Green oxidation of sulfides in solvent-free condition by reusable novel Mo (VI) complex anchored on magnetite as a high-efficiency nanocatalyst with eco-friendly aqueous H2O2,2017
    52 - S Akbarpour, A Bezaatpour, E Askarizadeh, M Amiri,Covalent supporting of novel dioxo‐molybdenum tetradentate pyrrole‐imine complex on Fe3O4 as high‐efficiency nanocatalyst for selective epoxidation of olefins,2017
    51 - A Bezaatpour, S Khatami, K Nejati,Cis-dioxo-Mo(VI) salophen complex supported on Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles as an efficient magnetically separable and reusable nanocatalyst for selective …,2017
    50 - A Bezaatpour, S Khatami, M Amiri,Development of the catalytic reactivity of an oxo–peroxo Mo (VI) Schiff base complex supported on supermagnetic nanoparticles as a reusable green nanocatalyst for selective …,2016
    49 - D Seifzadeh, V Valizadeh-Pashabeigh, A Bezaatpour,5-CM-salophen Schiff base as an effective inhibitor for corrosion of mild steel in 0.5 M HCl,2016
    48 - ,اپوکسایش آلکنها با استفاده از کمپلکس شیف باز وانادیل تثبیت شده روی مونتموریلونیت بعنوان یک کاتالیزور تجدید شونده موثر با ترشیو-بوتیل هیدروژن پراکساید‎,2016
    47 - A Bezaatpour, HF SHEIKH,Epoxidation of alkenes using immobilized vanadyl Schiff base complex on montmorillonite as an efficient recyclable heterogeneous catalyst with tert-butyl hydroperoxide,2016
    46 - D Seifzadeh, A Bezaatpour, R Asadpour Joghani,Shot noise analysis to investigate the corrosion inhibition of AZ91D magnesium alloy in sulfuric acid solution,2016
    45 - D Seifzadeh, A Bezaatpour, AN Shamkhali, H Basharnavaz,Experimental and theoretical studies to examine the inhibition effect of a Schiff base against magnesium corrosion,2016
    44 - S Azimi, M Amiri, A Bezaatpour,Simultaneous determination of acetaminophen & chloropheniramine by using carbon paste electrode modified with immobilized Schiff base complex on magnetite nanoparticles,2015
    43 - M Habibi Esmaeli Kandi, Y Azizian-Kalandaragh, M Amiri, A Bezaatpour,Preparation of Copper oxide thin films and investigation of their optical, electrochemical and wetting properties,2015
    42 - V Valizadeh-Pashabeigh, D Seifzadeh, A Bezaatpour,Corrosion inhibition of steel in hydrochloric acid media by some Salophen Schiff base compounds,2015
    41 - M Amiri, S Azimi, A Bezaatpour,Determination of acetaminophen by using carbon paste electrode modified with immobilized Schiff base complex on magnetite nanoparticles,2015
    40 - A Bezaatpour,Mandana Amiri, Elham Ghasempour &,2014
    39 - M Amiri, E Ghasempour, A Bezaatpour,Alizarin-modified sulfonate carbon nanoparticles in vanadium sensing,2014
    38 - D Seifzadeh, A Bezaatpour, RA Joghani,Corrosion inhibition effect of N, N'-bis (2-pyridylmethylidene)-1, 2-diiminoethane on AZ91D magnesium alloy in acidic media,2014
    37 - O Taheri, M Behzad, A Ghaffari, M Kubicki, G Dutkiewicz, A Bezaatpour, ...,Synthesis, crystal structures and antibacterial studies of oxidovanadium (IV) complexes of salen-type Schiff base ligands derived from meso-1, 2-diphenyl-1, 2-ethylenediamine,2014
    36 - M Amiri, F Rezapour, A Bezaatpour,Hydrophilic carbon nanoparticulates at the surface of carbon paste electrode improve determination of paracetamol, phenylephrine and dextromethorphan,2014
    35 - A Bezaatpour,Immobilization of an oxovanadium (iv) tetradentate schiff base complex on clay as a recyclable heterogeneous catalyst for the epoxidation of olefins,2014
    34 - S Zahri, A Bezaatpour, A Abdolmaleki,Teratogenic and cytotoxic effects of Salen, A current ligand in vanadium complexes,2014
    33 - D SEIFZADEH, A BEZAATPOUR, R ASADPOUR,酸性介质中 N, N′-双 (2-亚甲基吡啶)-1, 2-亚氨基乙烷对 AZ91D 镁合金的腐蚀抑制作用 (英文),2014
    32 - R Elhami-Kalvanagh, H Shekaari, A Bezaatpour,Application of scaled particle theory to the partial molar volumes of some tetradentate N2O2 type Schiff bases in ionic liquid+ DMF solutions,2013
    31 - H Shekaari, R Elhami-Kalvanagh, A Bezaatpour,Effect of ionic liquid on the solvation behavior of nonaqueous N, N′-salicylidenephenylediamine Schiff base (Salophen) solutions at 298.15 K,2013
    30 - A Abdolmaleki, S Zahri, A Bezaatpour,Teratogenic and cytotoxic effects of VOsalen complex on chicken embryos, hepatic and fibroblastic-cell cultures.,2013
    29 - D Seifzadeh, H Basharnavaz, A Bezaatpour,A Schiff base compound as effective corrosion inhibitor for magnesium in acidic media,2013
    25 - H Shekaari, A Bezaatpour, R Elhami,Volumetric and Viscometric Studies of N, N′-Bis (salicylaldehyde)-1, 3-diaminopropane Schiff Base (Salpr) in Ionic Liquid+ DMF solutions,2012
    24 - M Amiri, K Nekoiean, A Bezaatpour,Nanomolar determination of penicillamine by using a novel cobalt/polyaniline/carbon paste nanocomposite electrode,2012
    23 - H Shekaari, A Bezaatpour, R Elhami-Kalvanagh,Thermodynamic Properties of Salophen Schiff Base + Ionic Liquid ([CnmIm][Br]) + Dimethylformamide Ternary Mixtures at 298.15 K,2012
    22 - H Shekaari, A Bezaatpour, R Elhami-Kalvanagh,Effect of an ionic liquid on the volumetric behavior of tetradentate N2O2 type Schiff bases in DMF at T=(308.15 to 328.15) K,2012
    21 - H Shekaari, A Bezaatpour, M Khoshalhan,Thermophysical properties of ionic liquid, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolum bromide+ NN′ bis (2-pyridylmethylidene)-1, 2-diiminoethane (BPIE) Schiff base+ N, N-dimethylformamide …,2012
    20 - A Bezaatpour, M Behzad, V Jahed, M Amiri, Y Mansoori, Z Rajabalizadeh, ...,Cu (II) Schiff base complexes on montmorillonite as nano-reactor heterogeneous catalysts for the epoxidation of cyclooctene: synthesis, characterization and immobilization,2012
    19 - M Amiri, M Alimoradi, K Nekoueian, A Bezaatpour,Cobalt flower-like nanostructure as modifier for electrocatalytic determination of chloropheniramine,2012
    18 - M Amiri, A Bezaatpour, Z Pakdel, K Nekoueian,Simultaneous voltammetric determination of uric acid and ascorbic acid using carbon paste/cobalt Schiff base composite electrode,2012
    17 - M Amiri, S Ghaffari, A Bezaatpour, F Marken,Carbon nanoparticle–chitosan composite electrode with anion, cation, and neutral binding sites: Dihydroxybenzene selectivity,2012
    16 - H Shekaari, A Bezaatpour, A Soltanpour,Thermodynamic properties of vanadyl (N, N′-salicylideneethylendiamine) Schiff base complex in ionic liquid+ N, N-dimethylacetamide solutions,2012
    15 - A Bezaatpour, A Adeli, Y Mansoori, S Zahri, M Amiri,Synthesis, characterization and biological studies complexes of Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Cd (II) with 5-(2-pyridyl)-2-(3, 5-dinitro benzen)-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole ligand on …,2011
    14 - A Bezaatpour, M Amiri, V Jahed,Synthesis, characterization, and immobilization of nickel (II) tetradentate Schiff-base complexes on clay as heterogeneous catalysts for the oxidation of cyclooctene,2011
    13 - M Amiri, Z Pakdel, A Bezaatpour, S Shahrokhian,Electrocatalytic determination of sumatriptan on the surface of carbon-paste electrode modified with a composite of cobalt/Schiff-base complex and carbon nanotube,2011
    12 - J Rahchamani, M Behzad, A Bezaatpour, V Jahed, G Dutkiewicz, ...,Oxidovanadium complexes with tetradentate Schiff bases: synthesis, structural, electrochemical and catalytic studies,2011
    11 - H Shekaari, A Bezaatpour, M Khoshalhan,Effect of N,N′-Bis(2-pyridylmethylidene)-1,2-diiminoethane (BPIE) Schiff Base on the Thermophysical Properties of Ionic Liquids in N,N-Dimethylformamide …,2011
    10 - H Shekaari, A Bezaatpour, A Soltanpour,Partial Molar Volumes of N,N′-1,2-Ethyl-bis(salicyladimine) Schiff Base (Salen) in Organic Solvents at T = (283.15 to 318.15) K,2010
    9 - A Bezaatpour, M Behzad, DM Boghaei,Synthesis, characterization and studies of mechanochemical, electrochemical, and thermal behavior of electronegative oxovanadium (IV) Schiff-base complexes,2009
    8 - A Bezaatpour,Synthesis, characterization and investigation of solvatechromic behavior of novel oxovanadium (IV) complexes derived from Schiff base ligands,2009
    7 - S Shahrokhian, Z Kamalzadeh, A Bezaatpour, DM Boghaei,Differential pulse voltammetric determination of N-acetylcysteine by the electrocatalytic oxidation at the surface of carbon nanotube-paste electrode modified with cobalt …,2008
    6 - DM Boghaei, E Askarizadeh, A Bezaatpour,Synthesis, characterization, spectroscopic and thermodynamic studies of charge transfer interaction of a new water-soluble cobalt (II) Schiff base complex with imidazole …,2008
    5 - DM Boghaei, A Bezaatpour, M Behzad,Synthesis, characterization, electrochemical and solvatochromic investigations of novel monomeric and polymeric vanadyl Schiff-base complexes,2007
    4 - DM Boghaei, A Bezaatpour, M Behzad,Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of novel monomeric and polymeric vanadyl Schiff base complexes,2006
    3 - F Yang, R Wang, R Trivedi, SK De, RA Gibbs, DM Boghaei, A Bezaatpour, ...,Chao-shan Da, Ming Ni, Zhi-jian Han,2006
    2 - A Bezaatpour, G Wang, L Feng, RL Luck, DG Evans, Z Wang, X Duan,Davar M. Boghaei, Mahdi Behzad,2005
    1 - DM Boghaei, M Behzad, A Bezaatpour,Synthesis, characterization, electrochemical studies and catecholase-like activity of a series of mononuclear Cu (II), homodinuclear Cu (II) Cu (II) and heterodinuclear Cu (II …,2005

    مقالات فارسی

    • معاون پژوهشی و فناوری دانشگاه ( از خرداد 1397 تا دیماه 1399)
    • مسئول راه اندازی و رییس آزمایشگاه مرکزی دانشگاه (از آبان 93 تا دیماه 1394)
    • معاون پژوهشي و دانشجويي و فرهنگي دانشكده علوم(از مرداد 88 تا مهر 89)
    • مشاور انجمن علمی گروه شيمی بمدت يک سال
    • معاون پژوهشي و تحصيلات تکميلی دانشکده علوم (از مهر 89 تا تیرماه 93)
    • عضو کميته حمايت و نظارت بر انجمن های علمی دانشجويی دانشگاه

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