Younes Zahedi Dizaj-yekan
Younes Zahedi Dizaj-yekan
Associate Professor
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Department of Food Science and Technology




Fields of Interest

23 - Nazanin Yousefi, Younes Zahedi, Alireza Yousefi, Ghader Hosseinzadeh & Mario Jekle. Development of carboxymethyl cellulose-based nanocomposite incorporated with zinc nanoparticles synthesized by cress seed mucilage as green surfactant. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 265: 130849
22 - Younes Zahedi, Rezvan Shaddel, Masoumeh Salamatian, Antoni Szumny. Nanoliposomal encapsulation of Capparis spinosa extract and its application in jelly formulation. Molecules. 29(12): 2804
21 - Rezvan Shaddel, Younes Zahedi & Masoumeh Salamatian. Production and evaluation of nanoliposomes loaded with capparis spinosa extract. Journal of International Scientific Publications. 10: 119-124.
20 - Bahram Fathi-Achachlouei, Nima Babolanimogadam & Younes Zahedi. Influence of anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) essential oil on the microbial, chemical, and sensory properties of chicken fillets wrapped with gelatin film. Food Science and Technology International. 27(2):123-134.
19 - Asghar Torabi, Mohebbat Mohebbi, Farideh Tabatabaei-Yazdi, Fakhri Shahidi, Mohammad Khalilian-Movahhed & Younes Zahedi. Application of different carbohydrates to produce squash puree based edible sheet. Journal of Food Science and Technology.57: 673-682.
18 - Ali Reza Yousefi, Bahareh Savadkoohi, Younes Zahedi, Mohammad Hatami & Teko E Ako. Fabrication and characterization of hybrid sodium montmorillonite/TiO2 reinforced cross-linked wheat starch-based nanocomposites. International journal of biological macromolecules. 131:253-263.
17 - Bahram Fathi-Achachlouei, Sodeif Azadmard-Damirchi, Younes Zahedi & Rezvan Shaddel. Microwave pretreatment as a promising strategy for increment of nutraceutical content and extraction yield of oil from milk thistle seed. Industrial Crops and Products. 128:527-533.
16 - Younes Zahedi, Bahram Fathi Achachlouei & Ali Reza Yousefi. Physical and mechanical properties of hybrid montmorillonite/zinc oxide reinforced carboxymethyl cellulose nanocomposites. International journal of biological macromolecules. 108:863-873.
15 - Bahram Fathi Achachlouei & Younes Zahedi. Fabrication and characterization of CMC-based nanocomposites reinforced with sodium montmorillonite and TiO2 nanomaterials. Carbohydrate Polymers. 199:415-425.
14 - Ali Reza Yousefi, Younes Zahedi, Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi & Naser Ghasemian. Influence of sage seed gum on some physicochemical and rheological properties of wheat starch. Starch‐Stärke. 69(11-12):1600356.
13 - Younes Zahedi, Hadi Mahdavian Mehr & Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi. Optimization of mucilage extraction conditions from Plantago major L. seed using response surface methodology. Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal. 13(3):1-13.
12 - Younes Zahedi, Mohammad-Javad Varidi & Mehdi Varidi. Proteome changes in Biceps femoris muscle of Iranian one-humped camel and their effect on meat quality traits. Food technology and biotechnology. 54(3):324-334.
11 - Seyed Amir Oleyaei, Younes Zahedi*, Babak Ghanbarzadeh & Ali Akbar Moayedi. Modification of physicochemical and thermal properties of starch films by incorporation of TiO2 nanoparticles. International journal of biological macromolecules. 89:256-264.
10 - Samira Seyedi, Arash Koocheki, Mohebbat Mohebbi & Younes Zahedi. Improving the physical and moisture barrier properties of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum biodegradable film with stearic and palmitic acids. International journal of biological macromolecules. 77:151-158.
9 - Samira Seyedi, Arash Koocheki, Mohebbat Mohebbi & Younes Zahedi. Improving the physical and moisture barrier properties of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum biodegradable film with stearic and palmitic acids. International journal of biological macromolecules. 77:151-158.
8 - Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi, Asad Mohammad Amini & Younes Zahedi. Characterisation of a new biodegradable edible film based on sage seed gum: Influence of plasticiser type and concentration. Food Hydrocolloids. 43:290-298.
7 - Asad Mohammad Amini, Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi & Younes Zahedi. The influence of different plasticisers and fatty acids on functional properties of basil seed gum edible film. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 50(5):1137-1143.
6 - Samira Seyedi, Arash Koocheki, Mohebbat Mohebbi & Younes Zahedi. Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum: A new source of carbohydrate to make a biodegradable film. Carbohydrate polymers. 101:349-35.
5 - Naser Sedaghat & Younes Zahedi. Application of edible coating and acidic washing for extending the storage life of mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus). Food Science and Technology International. 18(6):523-530
4 - Younes Zahedi & Mostafa Mazaheri Tehrani. Development of spreadable Halva fortified with soy flour and optimization of formulation using mixture design. Journal of Food Quality. 35(6):390-400.
3 - Younes Zahedi, Naser Sedaghat & Babak Ghanbarzadeh. Effect of physical state of fatty acids on the physical properties of PGP-based emulsified edible film. International Journal of Nuts and Related Sciences. 2(2):9-16.
2 - Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi, Bahareh Emadzadeh & Younes Zahedi. Direct and indirect methods to evaluate the yield stress of selected food hydrocolloids. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry (EJEAFChe). 10(11):3132-3142.
1 - Younes Zahedi, Babak Ghanbarzadeh & Naser Sedaghat. Physical properties of edible emulsified films based on pistachio globulin protein and fatty acids. Journal of Food Engineering. 100(1):102-108.

Director of Food Science and Technology Department since January 2020 until 15 may 2024

برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه

1 - A study on the effect of different organic acids on the physicochemical, textural and sensory properties of camel meat, Mahsan Irajifar, 2017


7 - Investigation into the effects of using active paperboard packaging containing ethylene scavenger with carboxymethyl cellulose-zinc oxide nanocomposite window on the guality and shelf-life of eggplant for export, ّFatemeh Fatemi ,

6 - Encapsulation of Polyphenolic Compounds with Nanoniosome for fortification gummi candy, Zohreh Ganjeh-Soltanabadi, 2024

5 - Fabrication of carboxymethyl cellulose and zinc oxide nanocomposites in the presence of cress seed gum as natural surfactant, Nazanin Yousefi, 2023

4 - The effect of potato waste consumption on quality and physicochemical characteristics of broilers meat, Arezoo Nosrati-Aminjan, 2023

3 - The effect of eugenol and butyric acid glycerides incorporation into the broilers diet on the meats' physicochemical, qualitative and sensory properties, Sorena Vahedipoor-Dahraie, 2022

2 - Preparation and evaluation of the properties of biodegradable nanocomposites of basil seed gum and carboxymethyl cellulose reinforced with nanoclay, Marzieh Qomi-Marzdashti, 2023

1 - Production of jelly powder using caper (capparis spinosa) and its comparison with jelly powder produced from caper nanoliposome., Masoumeh Salamatian, 2022

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria and Science & Education Foundation. Burgas, Bulgaria. 16-19 August 2022

Rezvan Shaddel, Younes Zahedi, Masoumeh Salamatian. Production and evaluation of nanoliposomes loaded with Capparis spinosa extract. 10th Annual International Conference on Agriculture and Food. .

موسسه آموزش عالي بينالود مشهد و مرکز مطالعات و تحقيقات علوم و فنون بنيادين در جامعه (مرکز راهکارهای دستیابی به توسعه پایدار). تهران. 17 تيرماه 1399.

رضوان شاددل، یونس زاهدی، صفورا اکبری علویجه. استفاده از نانوکیتوزان برای ریزپوشانی مواد زیست فعال و غذا-دارو دهمین همایش سراسری کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی پایدار

موسسه آموزش عالي بينالود مشهد و مرکز مطالعات و تحقيقات علوم و فنون بنيادين در جامعه (مرکز راهکارهای دستیابی به توسعه پایدار). تهران. 17 تيرماه 1399.

رضوان شاددل، یونس زاهدی، صفورا اکبری علویجه. کاربرد بیوپلیمرهای سبز بدست آمده از محصولات جانبی کارخانجات به عنوان مواد دیواره در ریزپوشانی به روش خشک کردن پاششي. دهمین همایش سراسری کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی پایدار

موسسه آموزش عالي بينالود مشهد و مرکز مطالعات و تحقيقات علوم و فنون بنيادين در جامعه (مرکز راهکارهای دستیابی به توسعه پایدار). تهران. 17 تيرماه 1399.

یونس زاهدی، رضوان شاددل. مروري بر ويژگيها، توزيع جغرافيايي و بيماريزايي سم قارچي اکراتوکسین A. دهمین همایش سراسری کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی پایدار