Roghayyeh Afroundeh
Roghayyeh Afroundeh
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Department of Exercise Physiology
Phone: 04531505645
Email: ;
ORCID: 0000-0002-1592-7330
AllSince 2019

36 - 37. Alikhajeh Y, Afroundeh R, Mohammad Rahimi GR, Bayani B. The Effects of Aquatic Exercise Training on Functional and Hemodynamic Responses in Patients With Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Biol Res Nurs. 2024 Jun 21:10998004241263943. doi: 10.1177/10998004241263943.
35 - 38. Afroundeh, R., Rostami, N., Vahedi, S. The Relationship between Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Anthropometric Indices in Elementary School Children. International Journal of Pediatrics, 2024; 12(Issue 2): 18547-18554. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2024.77924.5427.
34 - 39. Ashkriz, N., Tartibian, B., Afroundeh, R. Cardiovascular and respiratory response to ascent of the Damavand summit by classic method in elite climbers. Sport Sciences and Health Research, 2023; 15(2): 159-169. doi: 10.22059/sshr.2024.368092.1109
33 - 36. Bahram M E, Afroundeh R, Pourvaghar M J, Seify Skishahr F, Katebi L, Isik O. The Effect of Combined Exercises and Consumption of Mulberry Leaf Extract on Serum Inflammatory Markers Levelin Elderly Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Men. IJDO 2023; 15 (3) :129-138.
32 - 32. Saleh V, Afroundeh R. Effects of 8-Week Anaerobic Gymnastics Training on Weight Loss and Related Growth Factors in Obese Children: A Clinical Trial. J. Pediatr. Rev 2022; 10 (3) :257-266
31 - 28. Alikhajeh, Y., Afroundeh, R., Mohammad Rahimi, G. et al. The effects of a 12-week aquatic training intervention on the quality of life of healthy elderly men: a randomized controlled trial. Sport Sci Health (2022).
30 - 25. Alijanpour N, Nobari H, Bolboli L, Afroundeh R, Garcia-Ramos A. Using Global Positioning System to Compare Training Monotony and Training Strain of Starters and Non-Starters across of Full-Season in Professional Soccer Players. Sustainability. 2022; 14(6):3560.
29 - 24. Afroundeh R, Hofmann P, Esmaeilzadeh S, Narimani M, Pesola AJ. Agreement between heart rate deflection point and maximal lactate steady state in young adults with different body masses. Physiol Int. 2021 Mar 20. doi: 10.1556/2060.2021.00004. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33764893.
28 - Afroundeh Roghayyeh | Irani Meysam | Moghaddami Parya | Bahram Mohammad Ebrahim. The Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching Exercises’ Order on Some Physical Fitness Factors in Elementary School Children. International Journal of Pediatrics Volume 9, Issue 9 , September 2021, , Pages 14435-14445
27 - 30. Vahid Saleh; Roghayyeh Afroundeh; Marefat Siahkouhian; Asadollah Asadi. Relationship between Resting Metabolic rate and Body Composition Factors in Obese and Normal Weight Gymnast Children. International Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 9, Issue 9 , September 2021, , Pages 14331-14340
26 - 31. Saleh, V., Afroundeh, R., Siahkohiyan, M., Asadi, A. Anaerobic Gymnastics Exercises Evoke Systemic Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Obese and Normal-Weight Children. International Journal of Pediatrics, 2020; 8(12): 12533-12544.
25 - 26. Saleh V, Afroundeh R, siahkohiyan M, Asadi A. Effect of anaerobic gymnastics exercise on vascular endothelial growth factor in obese boys. Paediatrica indonesiana. 12Oct.2020;60(6):293-02.
24 - 27. Afroundeh, R., Saleh, V., Siahkouhian, M., & Asadi, A. (2020). THE EFFECT OF AN 8-WEEK ANAEROBIC GYMNASTICS TRAINING ON BDNF, VEGF, AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN CHILDREN. Science of Gymnastics Journal, 12(3), 381–394.
23 - 22. Takahiro Yunoki, Ryouta Matsuura, Ryo Yamanaka, Roghayyeh Afroundeh, Chang-shun Lian, Kazuki Shirakawa, Yoshinori Ohtsuka, Tokuo Yano. Relationship between motor corticospinal excitability and ventilatory response during intense exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 116(6):1117-26, 2016
22 - 23. T. YANO, R. AFROUNDEH, K. SHIRAKAWA, C.-S. LIAN, K. SHIBATA, Z. XIAO,T. YUNOKI. Oscillation in Tissue Oxygen Index during Recovery From Exercise. Physiol. Res. 65: 259-269, 2016
21 - Kazuki Shirakawa, Takahiro Yunoki, Roghayyeh Afroundeh, Chang-Shun Lian, Ryouta Matsuura, Yoshinori Ohtsuka, Tokuo Yano, Voluntary breathing increases corticospinal excitability of lower limb muscle during isometric contraction, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Volume 217, 2015, Pages 40-45
20 - 21. T Yano, R Afroundeh, K Shirakawa, C-S Lian, K Shibata, Z Xiao, T Yunoki. Oscillation of tissue oxygen index in non-exercising muscle during exercise. Acta Physiol Hug.102: 274-281, 2015
19 - 5. Roghayyeh Afroundeh, Takuma Arimitsu, Ryo Yamanaka, Chang-shun Lian, Kazuki Shirakawa, Takahiro Yunoki, Tokuo Yano, Effect of work intensity on time delay in mediation of ventilation by arterial carbon dioxide during recovery from impulse exercise. Physiological Research . 63: 457-463, 2014
18 - 17. Yano T, Lian C-S, Afroundeh R, Shirakawa K, Yunoki T. Comparison of oscillations of skin blood flow and deoxygenation in vastus lateralis in light exercise. Biol Sport 31:15-20, 2014
17 - 18. Yano T, Afroundeh R, Yamanaka R, Arimitsu T, Lian C-S, Shirakawa K, Yunoki T. Response of end tidal CO2 pressure to impulse exercise. Acta Physiol Hug. In print, 2014
16 - 19. Yano T, Afroundeh R, Yamanaka R, Arimitsu T, Lian C-S, Shirakawa K, Yunoki T. Oscillation in O2 uptake in impulse exercise. Acta Physiol Hung accepted, 2014
15 - 15. Yano T, Lian CS, Arimitsu T, Yamanaka R, Afroundeh R, Shirakawa K, Yunoki T. Oscillation of oxygenation in skeletal muscle at rest and in light exercise. Acta Physiol Hug 100:312-320, 2013
14 - 16. Yano T, Lian CS, Arimitsu T, Yamanaka R, Afroundeh R, Shirakawa K, Yunoki T. Comparison of oscillation of oxygenation in skeletal muscle between early and late phases in prolonged exercise. Physiol Res 62: 297-304, 2013
13 - 4. Roghayyeh Afroundeh, Takuma Arimitsu, Ryo Yamanaka, Chang-shun Lian, Kazuki Shirakawa, Takahiro Yunoki, Tokuo Yano. Relationship between ventilation and predicted arterial CO2 pressure during recovery from an impulse-like exercise without metabolic acidosis. Physiol. Res. 62: 387-393, 2013
12 - 3. Roghayyeh Afroundeh; Takuma Arimitsu; Ryo Yamanaka; Chang-shun Lian; Takahiro Yunoki; Tokuo Yano. Effect of arterial carbon dioxide on ventilation during recovery from impulse exercises of various intensities. Acta physiologica hungarica 99: 251-260, 2012
11 - 8. Yamanaka R, Yunoki T, Arimitsu T, Lian CS, Afroundeh R, Matsyyra R, Yano T. Relationship between effort sense and ventilatory response to intensive exercise performed with reduced muscle glycogen. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112:2149-62, 2012
10 - 9. Yano T., Matsuura R., Arimistu T., Yamanaka R., Lian C., Afroundeh R., Kondou S., Yunoki T. Effects of blood lactate On oxygen uptake kinetics during recovery after sprint in humans. Biol. Sport 29:171-176, 2012
9 - 6. Roghayyeh Afroundeh, Takuma Arimitsu, Ryo Yamanaka, Chang-shun Lian, Takahiro Yunoki, Tokuo Yano, Kazuki Shirakawa. Arterial CO2 pressure drives ventilation with time delay during recovery from an impulse-like exercise without metabolic acidosis. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Paris, Issue 71: 1144 -1147, 2012
8 - 13. Yunoki T, Matsuura R, Arimitsu T, Ogata H, Lian CS, Afroundeh R, Yano T. Oscillation induced by dissipative structure in inactive leg muscle is detected in high-intensity arm exercise by near-infrared spectroscopy. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Lucerne, Issue 70: 863-868, 2012
7 - 14. Yano T, Matsuura R, Arimitsu T, Ogata H, Lian CS, Afroundeh R, Yunoki T. Oscillation of oxygenation in inactive arm muscle in ramp leg exercise. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Lucerne, Issue 70: 863-868, 2012
6 - 7. Yunoki T, Arimitsu T, Yamanaka R, Lian CS, Afroundeh R, Matsuura R, Yano T. Ventilatory response to moderate incremental exercise performed 24 h after resistance exercise with concentric and eccentric contractions. Eur J Appl Physiol.111:1769-1775, 2011
5 - 10. Yano T, Matsuura R, Arimitsu T, Yamanaka R, Lian CS, Yunoki T, Afroundeh R. Ventilation and blood lactate levels after recovery from single and multiple sprint exercise. Biol Sport 28: 233-237, 2011
4 - 2. Roghayyeh Afroundeh; Takuma Arimitsu; Ryo Yamanaka; Chang-shun Lian; Takahiro Yunoki; Tokuo Yano. Effects of humoral factors on ventilation kinetics during recovery after impulse-like exercise. Acta physiologica hungarica 99: 185-193, 2011
3 - 12. Arimitsu T, Matsuura R, Yunoki T, Yamanaka R, Kimura T, Lian CS, Afroundeh R, Yano T. Relationship between oxygen uptake and oxygen supply system during incremental-load supine exercise. Biol Sport 28: 83-88, 2011
2 - 1. R.Afroundeh, M.Siahkouhian, A.Khalili. 2010. The effect of post-exercise carbohydrate ingestion on inflammatory responses to short time, high-force eccentric exercise. J SPORTS MED PHYS FITNESS. 50:182-8.
1 - 11. Arimitsu T, Matsuura R, Yunoki T, Yamanaka R, Kimura T, Lian CS, Afroundeh R, Yano T. Relationship between oxygen uptake and oxygen supply system during constant-load supine exercise. Biol Sport 27: 151-156, 2010

برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه

5 - Determining the effect of eight weeks of specific gymnastics training on vascular endothelial growth factor and nerve growth factor in 8-12 year old obese and normal weight children of Ardabil city, Vahid Saheh, 2020

4 - Investigating the effect of six weeks of intense interval training on some cardiorespiratory and blood parameters in smoking and non-smoking men who are sedentary., Habib Abdi, 2021

3 - The effect of long-term strength training on the response of serum levels of anabolic hormones and some functional tests in diabetic men with sarcopenia, MirAbdolah Tahramouzi, 2023

2 - The effect of combined exercises (aerobics and resistance) with supplementation of mulberry leaf extract on serum levels of new cardiovascular biomarkers Salosin alpha and beta, galactin 3 and lipocalin 2 in elderly men with type 2 diabetes, Mohammad Ebrahim Bahram, 2023

1 - The Effects of Aquatic Exercise Training on Functional and Hemodynamic and Hormonic Responses in Patients With Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Yaser Alikhajeh, 2024


1 - Effect of 8 weeks of circuit resistance training and saffron supplement on serum levels of visfatin, leptin, interleukin-6 and fasting glucose in overweight men, Parya Maghouli, 2023