Rezvan Shaddel
Rezvan Shaddel
Associate Professor
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Department of Food Science and Technology
Phone: 04531505401
AllSince 2019

I was born in Ardabil, Iran, in 1987. I received my B.Sc. degree from the Department of Food Science and Technology, Urmia University, Iran, in 2009, and M.Sc. from the Department of Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in 2011. Moreover, I received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Food Science and Technology, Tabriz University, Iran, in 2018. During my Ph.D. period, I joined for 8 months as a visiting scholar to Department of Food Science, Rutgers University at New Brunswick, USA, for accomplishment of my thesis. Finally, I joined Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili (UMA) as an Assistant Professor in 2019.




Fields of Interest

44 - B Fathi-Achachlouei, S Namvar, R Shaddel,The effect of different ratios of lecithin-cholesterol on the encapsulation stability of beta-carotene loaded nanoliposomes,2024
43 - S Toloei, B Fathi-Achachlouei, R Shaddel, J Borhanian,Effect of cold plasma and ultrasound pretreatments on the chemical compositions and antioxidant properties of the hydroalcoholic extract of Quince leaves,2024
42 - A Jami, B Fathi-Achachlouei, R Shaddel,Nanoliposome of black fig Anthocyanins and its application in kombucha,2024
41 - R Shaddel, S Rajabi-Moghaddam,Encapsulation of caffeine in chitosan-coated nanoliposomes and its application in drink formulation,2024
40 - S Rajabi Moghaddam, R Shaddel,Production and evaluation of chitosan-coated nanoliposomes for caffeine encapsulation,2023
39 - R Shaddel, S Rajabi Moghaddam,Production and evaluation of caffeine nanochitosome and instant drink powder enriched with it,2023
38 - R Shaddel, S Akbari-Alavijeh,Investigation of physical and mechanical properties of biodegradable opopanax gum film containing resin and nanoparticles of opopanax.,2022
37 - R Shaddel, Y Zahedi, M Salamatian,Production and evaluation of nanoliposomes loaded with capparis spinosa extract,2022
36 - R Shaddel, S Akbari-Alavijeh,Identification and evaluation of the prebiotic effect of water-soluble polysaccharides extracted from green almond hull,2022
35 - F Garavand, I Cacciotti, N Vahedikia, A Rehman, Ö Tarhan, ...,A comprehensive review on the nanocomposites loaded with chitosan nanoparticles for food packaging,2022
34 - T Comunian, A Babazadeh, A Rehman, R Shaddel, S Akbari-Alavijeh, ...,Protection and controlled release of vitamin C by different micro/nanocarriers,2022
33 - S Akhavan-Mahdavi, R Sadeghi, AF Esfanjani, S Hedayati, R Shaddel, ...,Nanodelivery systems for d-limonene; techniques and applications,2022
32 - SR Falsafi, H Rostamabadi, A Babazadeh, Ö Tarhan, A Rashidinejad, ...,Lycopene nanodelivery systems; recent advances,2022
31 - A Rashidinejad, O Tarhan, A Rezaei, E Capanoglu, S Boostani, ...,Addition of milk to coffee beverages; the effect on functional, nutritional, and sensorial properties,2022
30 - M Tomas, E Capanoglu, A Bahrami, H Hosseini, S Akbari‐Alavijeh, ...,The direct and indirect effects of bioactive compounds against coronavirus,2022
29 - M Salamatian, Y Zahedi, R Shaddel,Production and evaluation of nanoliposomes loaded with Capparis spinosa extract,2022
28 - M Khakbaz Heshmati, M Jafarzadeh‐Moghaddam, A Pezeshki, ...,The oxidative and thermal stability of optimal synergistic mixture of sesame and grapeseed oils as affected by frying process,2022
27 - R Shaddel, S Akbari-Alavijeh, I Cacciotti, S Yousefi, M Tomas, ...,Caffeine-loaded nano/micro-carriers: Techniques, bioavailability, and applications,2022
26 - S Akbari-Alavijeh, R Shaddel, SM Jafari,In vivo assessments for predicting the bioavailability of nanoencapsulated food bioactives and the safety of nanomaterials,2021
25 - A Rezaei, M Daeihamed, E Capanoglu, M Tomas, S Akbari-Alavijeh, ...,Possible health risks associated with nanostructures in food,2021
24 - M Jafarzadeh-Moghaddam, R Shaddel, SH Peighambardoust,Sugar beet pectin extracted by ultrasound or conventional heating: A comparison,2021
23 - K Samborska, S Boostani, M Geranpour, H Hosseini, C Dima, ...,Green biopolymers from by-products as wall materials for spray drying microencapsulation of phytochemicals,2021
22 - A Rashidinejad, S Boostani, A Babazadeh, A Rehman, A Rezaei, ...,Opportunities and challenges for the nanodelivery of green tea catechins in functional foods,2021
21 - R Shaddel, S Akbari-Alavijeh, SM Jafari,In vivo assays for predicting the safety of food-based nanomaterials,2021
20 - S Akbari-Alavijeh, R Shaddel, SM Jafari,Encapsulation of food bioactives and nutraceuticals by various chitosan-based nanocarriers,2020
19 - A Rajaei, D Salarbashi, N Asrari, BS Fazly Bazzaz, SM Aboutorabzade, ...,Antioxidant, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic activities of extracts from the seed and pulp of Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) grown in Iran,2020
18 - S Akbari-Alavijeh, R Shaddel, SM Jafari,In vivo assays for evaluating the release of nanoencapsulated food ingredients,2020
17 - S Akbari-Alavijeh, R Shaddel, SM Jafari,Nanostructures of chitosan for encapsulation of food ingredients,2019
16 - R Shaddel, S Akbari-Alavijeh, SM Jafari,Encapsulation of food ingredients by Pickering nanoemulsions,2019
15 - B Fathi-Achachlouei, S Azadmard-Damirchi, Y Zahedi, R Shaddel,Microwave pretreatment as a promising strategy for increment of nutraceutical content and extraction yield of oil from milk thistle seed,2019
14 - B Fathi-Achachlouei, S Azadmard-Damirchi, Y Zahedi, R Shaddel,Pretreatment of an Iranian Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum L.) Ecotype with Microwaves and its Effect on Extracted Oil Quality,2019
13 - B Fathi-Achachlouei, R Shaddel, J Hesari, S Azadmard-Damirchi, S Akbari-Alavijeh,A novel approach for encapsulation of black raspberry anthocyanins by complex coacervation method using gelatin and gum Arabic as wall materials,2018
12 - R Shaddel, J Hesari, S Azadmard-Damirchi, H Hamishehkar, ...,Double emulsion followed by complex coacervation as a promising method for protection of black raspberry anthocyanins,2018
11 - R Shaddel, J Hesari, S Azadmard-Damirchi, H Hamishehkar, ...,Use of gelatin and gum Arabic for encapsulation of black raspberry anthocyanins by complex coacervation,2018
10 - A Shakeri, J Akhtari, V Soheili, SF Taghizadeh, A Sahebkar, R Shaddel, ...,Identification and biological activity of the volatile compounds of Glycyrrhiza triphylla Fisch. & CA Mey,2017
9 - A Shakeri, F Khakdan, V Soheili, A Sahebkar, R Shaddel, J Asili,Volatile composition, antimicrobial, cytotoxic and antioxidant evaluation of the essential oil from Nepeta sintenisii Bornm.,2016
8 - MM Karimkhani, R Shaddel, MHH Khodaparast, M Vazirian, ...,Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) extract from four different cultivars,2016
7 - MM Karimkhani, MH Haddad-Khodaparast, R Shaddel, G Goli-Movahed, ...,Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of Iranian cultivars of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.),2015
6 - R Shaddel, MH Haddad-Khodaparast, A Maskooki, R Golmezerji,Optimization of polyphenolic compounds from bene hull using subcritical water by artificial neural network,2014
5 - R Shaddel, A Maskooki, MH Haddad-Khodaparast, S Azadmard-Damirchi, ...,Optimization of extraction process of bioactive compounds from Bene hull using subcritical water,2014
4 - R Shaddel, MH Haddad-Khodaparast, A Maskooki, A Sharif, ...,Optimization of bioactive compounds extraction process from bene hull (Pistacia atlantica) using subcritical water by response surface methodology,2013
3 - R Shaddel, MH Haddad-Khodaparast, A Maskooki, A Sharif, ...,Evaluation of bene hull extraction antioxidant activity by superheated water method,2012
2 - R Shaddel, A MASKOOKI, MH Haddad Khodaparast, DS Bashi,Optimization of Polyphenolic Compounds Extraction Process from Bene Hull (Pistacia atlantica var mutica) Based on Superheated Water Using Neural Network,2012
1 - R Shaddel, A Maskooki, MH Haddad Khodaparast, DS Bashi,Subcritical Water Extraction as a New Environmental Friendly Method for Bioactive Compounds Extraction Process from Bene Hull,2012

    • Director of Scientific and International Affairs of University of Mohaghegh Ardabili Since 2022
    • Director of University Lanquage Academy of University of Mohaghegh Ardabili Since 2022
    • Scientific Advisor of the Scientific Association of Food Sciences and Technology of University of Mohaghegh Ardabili from 2018 to 2022

برنامه هفتگی استاد در ترم جاری

نام درس مقطع زمان و مکان ارائه

7 - Nanoencapsulation of polyphenolic compounds by nanoliposome for enrichment of pastilles, Zohreh Ganjeh Soltan Abadi, 19 Feb 2024

6 - Production of enriched gummy candy using nanoliposome of polyphenol compounds, Maryam Bagheri Tochaei, 07 Oct 2023

5 - The effect of cold plasma, microwave and ultrasound methods on the chemical composition and antioxidant properties of "Quince" leaf hydroalcoholic extract, Simin Toloei, 18 Sep 2023

4 - Investigating on enrichment of mint beverage with rice bran extract and its effect on the physicochemical, rheological and sensory characteristics, Seyed Ali Mirsafaye Moghaddam, 18 June 2023

3 - Production of instant drinking powder with caffeine and its comparison with drinking powder produced with caffeine nanoliposomes, Shadi Rajabi Moghaddam, 1 Feb 2023

2 - Improving the stability of beta-carotene by liposomal nanoparticles in pastilles, Sahar Namvar, 12 Sep 2022

1 - Production of jelly powder using caper (capparis spinosa) and its comparison with jelly powder produced from caper nanoliposome, Masoumeh Salamatian, 19 Feb 2022